Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

Originally Posted by alex553
I will try this, but just need some clarification. What am I trying to do while stimulating the prostate? Just continuous stimulation, or do I rub it and stop whenever I get a spasm? How long should I do it for, and how many days a week?

Hey Alex, you are basically just trying to get comfortable with “pressure” on your prostate. I use “” because pressure could mean stimulation, butt clenches, whatever. I would recommend just lubing up and getting in there and feeling around. Try and pay attention to what spots cause what reactions. The goal of this exercise is to RELAX. You are acclimating your body to prostate stimulation without the involuntary PC spasm. Do it as often as you want but remember its important to RELAX and NOT orgasm. This is another sort of edging in itself. Build up to the point of no return, take a break, repeat. As for how long, do it until you feel like you are definitely going to orgasm and then just stop. I recommend laying on your back with your knees to your chest. Remember to practice your deep, slow breathing so that you aren’t overly tense. Hope this helps, but if it isn’t exactly what you are looking for let me know specifically what you are looking for.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Guru5311, Overcoming premature ejaculation like that is a great achievement. I am trying to achieve the same thing. Your post is very helpful. I do have a few questions:

1) When you were overriding your trigger points, did you do any reverse kegeling in order to relax the PC muscle? The underside of my penis is extremely sensitive and even the lightest touch invokes a PC muscle spasm. Were you this sensitive as well?

2) If you wanted to, would you still be able to ejaculate within 10 seconds, or is this path to ejaculation completely overridden?


Originally Posted by swahelian
Guru5311, Overcoming premature ejaculation like that is a great achievement. I am trying to achieve the same thing. Your post is very helpful. I do have a few questions:

1) When you were overriding your trigger points, did you do any reverse kegeling in order to relax the PC muscle? The underside of my penis is extremely sensitive and even the lightest touch invokes a PC muscle spasm. Were you this sensitive as well?

2) If you wanted to, would you still be able to ejaculate within 10 seconds, or is this path to ejaculation completely overridden?


Hey dude, thanks for the the kind words.

1) Yes reverse kegeling is helpful when trying to override trigger points, but not at first. I think its too much at first because any sensation in that area at all could cause you to lose control. I would recommend stimulating yourself until you feel like you are about to lose control and then just stopping. Once you regain control try again until you feel like there is no way you can control it any longer and then stop for the session. Remember NOT to ejaculate or that will basically cancel out all of your hard work. I remember at one point when I had very little control over my ejaculation I would edge until I was about to ejaculate and if I even touched the tip of my penis at all (even just slightly) that would be too much. So to answer your question, yes I was EXTREMELY sensitive on the underside of my penis. I had a big breakthrough when I would just relax when I was on the edge and just very very lightly stimulate the underside of my penis for as long as I could. I continued this and each session lasted longer and longer until I shut off the trigger.

2) To answer this question, no I could not ejaculate in 10 seconds. If I am masturbating I think the quickest I could ejaculate is probably 10-15 minutes. If I am having sex probably 3-5 minutes. The real cool thing about my current state of control though is that I do not want to cum fast and I certainly don’t feel the need to. This comes from edging without ejaculating at all. I suggest only allowing yourself to ejaculate 2-3 times a week until you gain control.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

I seem to lose all sense of control when I start to thrust. I have tried thrusting while masturbating and the same happens. Any ideas on why this might be?

Originally Posted by Cruxx
I seem to lose all sense of control when I start to thrust. I have tried thrusting while masturbating and the same happens. Any ideas on why this might be?

Hey Cruxx, I know exactly what you mean. This could be a couple of different things. Could be the clenching the butt thing that squeezes your prostate. This would make sense if you notice the urge to ejaculate more when thrusting that when masturbating because you are not actively clenching your butt as much when masturbating. Also it could just be a trigger point of some sort. It could be that your trigger point is being stimulated from a different angle or that thrusting simply creates a different sensation on that point than masturbating. A weak PC muscle could also be the cause because when you thrust you naturally tend to squeeze your PC muscle even if you don’t mean to. Try the kegel routine in my original post for a few weeks and see if that helps. Lastly, it could simply be mental. Knowing that you are thrusting into a woman is definitely a psychological trigger that you will need to address. Edging can help this by simply gaining some confidence in your ejaculation control. Hope this helps, if not post back and ask away. Good luck.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

This is a nice thread with plenty of good info.

I had a bit of an issue premature ejaculation as a teen when I first became sexually active. At times I could go for long sessions but other times I couldn’t last two minutes. Looking back, I blame anxiety for causing most of my issues. When conditions were “ideal” without worry of being loud or getting caught, sex always lasted longer. A relaxed state of mind definitely goes a long way in keeping in control.

Curiously, I found that sex at night would always last longer than in the morning. Being well nourished increases my stamina so I’d try to eat before any anticipated sex -perhaps those last two relate. Of course, staying active and fit and exercising regularly will probably help with performance.

Chemical solutions included alcohol or at times Benadryl. It was a fun night when my allergies led me to have hours of continuous unhindered sex. But those aren’t at all good solutions to the problem, more like duct tape bandages.

Yea mspert, I definitely agree about how staying active and fit helps with performance. I think more control you have over your physical stamina the more you can relax and concentrate on controlling your ejaculation.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

I’m trying to increase control myself, so I appreciate this thread. It’s preventing me from even trying to get laid etc, so hopefully I can keep some sort of training regime going, without falling back into the fast porn wanks that probably do nothing but reinforce the problem.

I have a couple of questions about pc muscle behavior. Like others here, I too have that instant contraction whenever I touch or squeeze the glands (and I mean always, I don’t have to be excited or anything like that), but I wouldn’t call it “spasms”, it’s more of a simple, “mild” contraction. The powerful contractions and “jumping” will only happen when I’m already really excited and close to the PONR. I’ve thought of this as sort of a symptom of PE, and something I should try to get rid of, but not long ago someone on here wrote that this is supposed to happen and that when urologists check for nerve damage they will squeeze the head and check for a reaction from the pc, leading me to think that trying to get totally rid of this response is pointless. Is it basically a matter of just reducing it? When you squeeze your glands now is there still a contraction?

Another thing is, now that I’m more “tuned into” what my pc muscle and what’s up to, I’ve started noticing that it will tense up and contract a lot during just normal actity (like say, sitting on the subway). I find it easier to notice the muscle suddenly letting go than to notice it actually contracting, so I usually notice it “after the fact”. This has recently led me to often consciously or semi-consciously try to relax the pc, just to learn the body to be as relaxed down there as possible. But I’m not sure if this is related to my PE problems, or if it’s simply that the pc in involved in the body’s movements and functions to a greater degree than I think, so that again these random contractions are not something to worry about. Any opinions on this?

Originally Posted by Norsey
I’m trying to increase control myself, so I appreciate this thread. It’s preventing me from even trying to get laid etc, so hopefully I can keep some sort of training regime going, without falling back into the fast porn wanks that probably do nothing but reinforce the problem.

I have a couple of questions about pc muscle behavior. Like others here, I too have that instant contraction whenever I touch or squeeze the glands (and I mean always, I don’t have to be excited or anything like that), but I wouldn’t call it “spasms”, it’s more of a simple, “mild” contraction. The powerful contractions and “jumping” will only happen when I’m already really excited and close to the PONR. I’ve thought of this as sort of a symptom of PE, and something I should try to get rid of, but not long ago someone on here wrote that this is supposed to happen and that when urologists check for nerve damage they will squeeze the head and check for a reaction from the pc, leading me to think that trying to get totally rid of this response is pointless. Is it basically a matter of just reducing it? When you squeeze your glands now is there still a contraction?

Another thing is, now that I’m more “tuned into” what my pc muscle and what’s up to, I’ve started noticing that it will tense up and contract a lot during just normal actity (like say, sitting on the subway). I find it easier to notice the muscle suddenly letting go than to notice it actually contracting, so I usually notice it “after the fact”. This has recently led me to often consciously or semi-consciously try to relax the pc, just to learn the body to be as relaxed down there as possible. But I’m not sure if this is related to my PE problems, or if it’s simply that the pc in involved in the body’s movements and functions to a greater degree than I think, so that again these random contractions are not something to worry about. Any opinions on this?

Hey Norsey, I think the PC muscle contraction you are talking about is basically a spasm as you have almost no control over it (for now). I noticed that you feel you have control over the PC until you get close to the PONR, but I think that you might find differently if you keep up with your training. I never used to notice the PC squeeze until the PONR and it took me a while to realize that I was gently keeping my PC tense whenever I was stimulating my glands area.

I have never heard of the urologist checking that, but I guess maybe it makes sense. I think I wasn’t accurate in my initial description of the glands trigger. We are trying to minimize the squeeze, but more importantly we are trying to remove the sensation the body’s link between a light squeeze of the PC and the PONR.

I know what you mean about noticing your PC muscle during random activities. I used to have a very strong muscle contraction when I stepped in the shower and the warm water ran down my glands. It is VERY good that you are trying to consciously relax the muscle when you noticed it is tensed up. That was a big turning point in my training when I felt that I could consciously relax the muscle during any activity.

So basically I recommend trying to get control of your glands - pc trigger. That was the biggest step I took towards control, but it sounds like my reaction was infinitely more sensitive than yours. Sorry if this answer isn’t sufficient, let me know if you have any other questions.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by guru5311
Hey Norsey, I think the PC muscle contraction you are talking about is basically a spasm as you have almost no control over it (for now). I noticed that you feel you have control over the PC until you get close to the PONR, but I think that you might find differently if you keep up with your training. I never used to notice the PC squeeze until the PONR and it took me a while to realize that I was gently keeping my PC tense whenever I was stimulating my glands area.

Thanks, Guru. I wouldn’t say I feel I have control over the pc until I get close to the PONR, it’s probably just more of a language thing, because to me “spasms” sounds so “violent”. It’s probably just a connotation I have with the word that maybe other people don’t have. Actually, I’m already aware of the fact that my pc will tense up etc. once I start any kinds of stimulation, but there’s a difference between this and the strong “close to PONR” squeezes that seem to try and propel the body into ejaculation. When “plateauing” (something I can often do pretty well, at least when there’s no visual stimulation), I think I can feel my pc sometimes “giving up” (letting go), and then just tense up again. Which is a good thing, I think, it shows that it’s possible for the pc to relax during stimulation, even if it’s only for 2 seconds. I have no actual control over these contractions (in the sense that I can consciously relax them etc), it’s more a matter of the contractions being weak enough for me to handle them without reaching the PONR.

Originally Posted by guru5311
I have never heard of the urologist checking that, but I guess maybe it makes sense. I think I wasn’t accurate in my initial description of the glands trigger. We are trying to minimize the squeeze, but more importantly we are trying to remove the sensation the body’s link between a light squeeze of the PC and the PONR.

I know what you mean about noticing your PC muscle during random activities. I used to have a very strong muscle contraction when I stepped in the shower and the warm water ran down my glands. It is VERY good that you are trying to consciously relax the muscle when you noticed it is tensed up. That was a big turning point in my training when I felt that I could consciously relax the muscle during any activity.

So basically I recommend trying to get control of your glands - pc trigger. That was the biggest step I took towards control, but it sounds like my reaction was infinitely more sensitive than yours. Sorry if this answer isn’t sufficient, let me know if you have any other questions.

I’ll continue to consciously relax then. Hopefully it will become an unconscious behavior after a while. :) Thanks, again!

The only thing new to me is the butt fingering, and I don’t put my finger in the A hole it stinks.

My problem are the balls, several light touches and it is done, I hate that don’t know how to stop it.

All the talk about relaxing is useless, when one is in, he is IN, body and soul.

I am thinking about trying hypnosis, one command “stop ejaculating” that would be nice

Awesome thread!

Gonna grow a dick so big, it's gonna need wings to reach full mast.

Current Stats as of 29/01/10: BNP EL=7.20" - MEG=5.2"

Originally Posted by Lone Firecracke
The only thing new to me is the butt fingering, and I don’t put my finger in the A hole it stinks.

My problem are the balls, several light touches and it is done, I hate that don’t know how to stop it.

All the talk about relaxing is useless, when one is in, he is IN, body and soul.

I am thinking about trying hypnosis, one command “stop ejaculating” that would be nice

Hey dude I hear ya about the butt thing. It is most certainly weird and i would absolutely wash my hands before I do anything else. :)

As for your balls being your trigger spot, the same logic applies. Just like the head of my penis was my trigger spot, your balls are yours. I would recommend treating the area the same way and try some edging.

> ” All the talk about relaxing is useless, when one is in, he is IN, body and soul. “

This is the sort of thinking that you need to overcome. Trust me man, I remember when the urge to ejaculate would overcome my mind, body, and soul and now things are COMPLETELY different. All it takes is re-framing your mind set and practice.

LOL about the hypnosis. I am pretty sure I tried similar strategies with no luck. Maybe I didn’t stick with them long enough…

Good luck dude

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

A bit weird maybe but here goes.. Rarely if I’ve not masturbated in a loong time i will get wet dreams. weird thing is tho that I have premature ejaculation in these dreams. Not sure what to make of this or if to make anything of it. Im thinking it means that it is all pyschological but then again surely in a dream state i would be more relaxed and hence psychological issues shouldn’t be a problem.

Anyway not managed to have sex since last posts so I am unable to see if my lasting time has improved. Iv just been edging and trying to remove my triggers. I’ll keep at it and hopefully I will see some improvement next time i see some action :)

Hey Cruxx,

I know what you mean about the PreE in dreams. I used to get that too. As in a few thrusts and blow it. I don’t know if this is common as I have not talked to anyone else about it. I can, however, say that since curing my PreE I last longer in my dreams. This is kind of crazy now that I think about it, but really shows how powerful the mind-body connection is. Hope all is well.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"


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