Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation

That’s a pretty good question. I try to keep myself sexually stimulated during my edging sessions. You’re trying to get control over those specific stimulations and sensations, so you need to figure out how your brain and those sensations are working together, and how to control them when they trigger. If you’re constantly getting close to the PONR, pay attention to what your body is doing. Your PC/BC muscles for example… are you relaxing them? Try different positions… laying on your back, facing the bed, sitting down, standing up. It has helped me a lot to continue edging when I feel the PONR coming, I move my body, or kegel normal or reverse and stop it in it’s tracks. It’s a little harder when you’re actually having sex, but it eventually becomes second nature. Once you’re self confidence kicks in, you’ll have no problems at all.

Sorry you’re having trouble getting over your issue… I had horrible premature ejaculation issues, and edging is the only thing that naturally worked for me. I stand behind it 100%, but sometimes, it requires more than just laying back and masturbating to pinpoint your problem.

Good luck, and I hope you figure it out soon enough!!

Start: November 2010 (BPEL: 7.5" -- EG (Midshaft): 5.6" -- EG (Base): 6.1")

I noticed that when I get stressed i can reach the PONR in about 30 seconds! compared to normal conditions when it would be around ten minutes. Since i am always nervous when about to have sex, this will lead to the same outcome as when stressed. I need to overcome my nerves, but the more i try to do that the more nervous i become, its a vicious circle.

For me it’s a matter of knowing your own body. I’ve edged for so long that it’s second nature to me. I’ll always be thinking of something/watching something, & like you after a few minutes I’ll be very close to the PONR. But from experience I just know just what pace/grip/stroke type etc to use to keep me right on the edge indefinitely without going over the top. Just practice

So I had the rare case of my girlfriend becoming spontaneously horny on Wednesday night… I had just masturbated on Tuesday night, because I’m used to sex only happening during the weekend. We had just finished working out at the gym and were getting ready to make spaghetti that evening when her mood kicked in for sex.

I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes, I can’t just instantly be ready for sex. I need some foreplay, and the taste of pussy especially gets me horny. She really didn’t want me to go down on her because she had worked all day and just ran 5 miles on the treadmill. To be honest, my mouth was watering for it. She’s the kind of girl that can go all day and her pussy pretty much stays clean. Anyways, she kinda screamed at me since I was trying to go down on her, which made the semi I had already been working on for 5 minutes draw up into a two-three inch nub.

I told her to go down on me, and it was of course taking longer than usual to get hard, so I eventually talked her into letting me go down on her. It’s funny, because within 20 seconds, my dick went from a scared baby turtle to a throbbing king tortoise. She was like “WOW!!; it’s amazing how big your dick gets when it’s hard” and she was asking if all guys were like that. She’s only been with 5 guys, and except for maybe one, I think I’m the biggest she’s had. I honestly don’t ask questions about the exes, so I don’t know for sure, and don’t really want to.

After she screamed at me, I was planning to give her a nice little brutal fucking, and I did. She was super wet because I ate her pussy like Thanksgiving dinner, but I fucked her with all the force I could muster, and kegeled my dick as much as I could to fatten it even more. I wreaked havoc on her tight little pussy. She was screaming that I was hurting her, but not to stop. She was telling me how great my cock felt in her, and she was grabbing my ass and pulling me inside her even harder.

Well, to get to my point, I absolutely couldn’t handle her spouting out these comments without wanting to cum. We were only a couple minutes into sex and she was already cumming, squeaking and squealing. Between the facial expressions and the verbal responses, I could not control my orgasm. I was glad to get her off before I started feeling the urges to cum, but I had to stop what I was doing and put on a condom in order to continue. We ended up fucking for about 10-15 minutes, but the excitement of the ordeal was more than I could handle and not cum without the condom.

Any of you guys ever get like that? I just worry that every time the sex is at such a great level like that, I’m going to have to deal with the pre-ejac issues. I just want to be able to sling dick and not worry about it. Granted, I’m handling it much better than I did last year, so maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.

Start: November 2010 (BPEL: 7.5" -- EG (Midshaft): 5.6" -- EG (Base): 6.1")

Last edited by BigDanny : 05-13-2011 at .

10-15 minutes is nothing to sneeze at BigD. In fact, from what she was saying to you I’m sure it was just enough time. Good work.

2/11/11: 7.75" BPEL, 6" BSEG, 5.5" MSEG

6/4/11: 8.4" BPEL, 6.375" BSEG, 5.8" MSEG

Just started again, another new measurement coming soon; I'm pretty close to that June '11 though.

Originally Posted by zeye
How should your mindset be while edging? Because when i try to empty my mind and think of nothing or nothing sexually related i don’t reach the PONR, but if I think of fucking a girl I reach the PONR within 1-2 min. So my question is; should i just get used to have en empty mind and just try to enjoy the physical sensations, or should think of something sexuall and get used to not giving in to my mind and body when reaching the PONR? I’ve been edging every day for 30-45 min for 3-4 months now, and I dont seem to be getting anywhere

Yo brotha,

I think your situation falls under the section about buddist philosophy. I imagine that when you are trying to too hard to NOT think about sex which is actually reinforcing you to think about sex.
Imagine you randomly think of having sex with a man and then you tell yourself NOT to think about having sex with a man. This accomplishes nothing and you usually just keep thinking about it and it might even be more intense than before.

I suggest before you start your edging session to just try and get in a good mental state. Take some deep breaths and think “this is going to be pleasant and enjoyable. I just want to feel good. I am doing something completely natural by pleasuring myself. Man this will be awesome!” Any time you catch yourself trying to stop thinking about sex just take a break and go through that routine again.

Also, if you are using porn I would recommend against it until you are able to improve your mentality. Perhaps read some erotic literature instead or just think sexual thoughts with no porn.

Hope this helps, if not get back to me and we will take it from there.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by BigDanny
That’s a pretty good question. I try to keep myself sexually stimulated during my edging sessions. You’re trying to get control over those specific stimulations and sensations, so you need to figure out how your brain and those sensations are working together, and how to control them when they trigger. If you’re constantly getting close to the PONR, pay attention to what your body is doing. Your PC/BC muscles for example… are you relaxing them? Try different positions… laying on your back, facing the bed, sitting down, standing up. It has helped me a lot to continue edging when I feel the PONR coming, I move my body, or kegel normal or reverse and stop it in it’s tracks. It’s a little harder when you’re actually having sex, but it eventually becomes second nature. Once you’re self confidence kicks in, you’ll have no problems at all.

Sorry you’re having trouble getting over your issue… I had horrible premature ejaculation issues, and edging is the only thing that naturally worked for me. I stand behind it 100%, but sometimes, it requires more than just laying back and masturbating to pinpoint your problem.

Good luck, and I hope you figure it out soon enough!!

… dude knows what hes talkin’ bout. ;)

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by Cruxx
I noticed that when I get stressed i can reach the PONR in about 30 seconds! compared to normal conditions when it would be around ten minutes. Since i am always nervous when about to have sex, this will lead to the same outcome as when stressed. I need to overcome my nerves, but the more i try to do that the more nervous i become, its a vicious circle.

I imagine lots and lots and lots of deep, slow breathing would help you. This is scientifically proven to lower your heart rate. Before edging or sex give yourself a few minutes to just relax and take some deep breaths.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Originally Posted by BigDanny
So I had the rare case of my girlfriend becoming spontaneously horny on Wednesday night… I had just masturbated on Tuesday night, because I’m used to sex only happening during the weekend. We had just finished working out at the gym and were getting ready to make spaghetti that evening when her mood kicked in for sex.

I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes, I can’t just instantly be ready for sex. I need some foreplay, and the taste of pussy especially gets me horny. She really didn’t want me to go down on her because she had worked all day and just ran 5 miles on the treadmill. To be honest, my mouth was watering for it. She’s the kind of girl that can go all day and her pussy pretty much stays clean. Anyways, she kinda screamed at me since I was trying to go down on her, which made the semi I had already been working on for 5 minutes draw up into a two-three inch nub.

I told her to go down on me, and it was of course taking longer than usual to get hard, so I eventually talked her into letting me go down on her. It’s funny, because within 20 seconds, my dick went from a scared baby turtle to a throbbing king tortoise. She was like “WOW!!; it’s amazing how big your dick gets when it’s hard” and she was asking if all guys were like that. She’s only been with 5 guys, and except for maybe one, I think I’m the biggest she’s had. I honestly don’t ask questions about the exes, so I don’t know for sure, and don’t really want to.

After she screamed at me, I was planning to give her a nice little brutal fucking, and I did. She was super wet because I ate her pussy like Thanksgiving dinner, but I fucked her with all the force I could muster, and kegeled my dick as much as I could to fatten it even more. I wreaked havoc on her tight little pussy. She was screaming that I was hurting her, but not to stop. She was telling me how great my cock felt in her, and she was grabbing my ass and pulling me inside her even harder.

Well, to get to my point, I absolutely couldn’t handle her spouting out these comments without wanting to cum. We were only a couple minutes into sex and she was already cumming, squeaking and squealing. Between the facial expressions and the verbal responses, I could not control my orgasm. I was glad to get her off before I started feeling the urges to cum, but I had to stop what I was doing and put on a condom in order to continue. We ended up fucking for about 10-15 minutes, but the excitement of the ordeal was more than I could handle and not cum without the condom.

Any of you guys ever get like that? I just worry that every time the sex is at such a great level like that, I’m going to have to deal with the pre-ejac issues. I just want to be able to sling dick and not worry about it. Granted, I’m handling it much better than I did last year, so maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.

Yo brotha sounds like you were givin it to her like a champ. ;) On sessions like this I see no reason not to allow yourself a quicky. Gotta have the occasional quicky and enjoy it. I have found that as long as you stay with your edging routine quickies here and there don’t affect your control. Keep up the good work.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Wanted to post another simple but MASSIVELY effective tip. It is so simply that it almost seems stupid to mention, but IT WORKS!

Anyway, the other night I was with a new girl and I was extremely turned on. For some reason I got a bit nervous and was concerned I might not be able to control myself as normal. I know that if I could make it past the 1-3 minute mark though I would be fine. So when we were both naked and I was getting ready to enter her, I said “go slow” smiled at her, and kind of pinned her body down with mine in a take charge sort of way.

I think this had several positive effects. First, it is a very alpha move to just tell a girl what to do in a manly way. The verbal command and me pinning her down really turned her on because she smiled at me and moaned. I went slow for a few minutes and once I got my confidence back began to increase pace. All good from there out.

I guess what I am trying to say is that its OK to tell her to go slow at first. Make sure you do this BEFORE you enter her so you know you are in control. I think this is good for all of the guys that don’t want to alert her to your lack of control, so by saying go slow you actually appear to be in in charge of the situation.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Hey guys,

I’m just about to start this tonight, fingers crossed.

For those of you struggling with the (not thinking about sex, which then makes you think about sex phenomenon) you may find Eckhart Tolle’s teaching of some help to you in your quest.

It’s all about being in the moment and I think it could be really beneficial here too. Check out The Power of Now and A New Earth, really cool.

Guru, amazing thread and appreciate the effort put in, will report back soon.

Guru, it seeme your constance has improved a way on yourself, I may ask you, how long took you to watch the first little changes? When did you started to use porn? Or girls?

I have had two months with no porn edging, and they worked till 40 minutes or even an hour, but when I use porn I just feel to cum in 2 minutes or less, I have three months totally, what should I expect?

Hey rostomel!

I don’t remember exactly how long it took to improve. I would say that it most likely took longer than you are describing. If you are still being overstimulated by porn try edging to just pictures first. Try soft core pictures like girls in bikinis or girls in underwear and then work your way up to gradually more stimulating pictures and videos. It would be pretty tough to go from edging with NO porn to edging with porn without some bumps in the road. Hope this helps, good luck.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

I really don’t see how you guys are able to edge for longer than 10 minutes. In the beginning of a session for me it might take me 2-3 minutes to peak and then every subsequent time I peak the time it takes gets shorter and shorter. Also I often dribble a bit of pre-cum every time I peak. Today I tried (but I had watched porn, so that might be my problem), and I got to peak around seven times, I thought to myself I would go for ten. The next time I almost peaked instantaneously, so I thought if I was going to reach 10 I would have to just give my dick a bit of rest. After giving it around 30 seconds I tried again, it was half-way between flaccid and erect, so I tried to get It beck to erect, but trying to go there I got overwhelmed by how fast I reached my peak, even before I was near fully erect.

Am I doing it wrong counting peaks?

A peak by the way is when I almost reach the PONR and stop for between 5-15 seconds. I also have some idea that I have to go almost past the PONR which often ends in me cumming, thereby ruining the session.

It takes time and patience John the Anon. Only lasting 3 minutes? Go for 3 minutes and 10 seconds next time. ALWAYS make progress. It might take you months, but it’ll be worth it.

Starting stats: NBPEL:6.5 | MSEG:5.25 (around 3/1/2010)

Current stats: NBPEL:6.5 | MSEG:5.25 (around 3/1/2010)

Short-term goals NBPEL:7.25| MSEG: 5.65


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