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Ingrown Hair On Shaft..........DEFEATED!

Ingrown Hair On Shaft..........DEFEATED!

OK, here goes. I shaved my scrotum and shaft the other day, and I thought that everything was as fine as my silky smooth shaft. I was soon corrected when last night I found a small red bump near the base of my shaft. I knew immediately that it was the beginning of an ingrown; determined not to let this one get out of hand, I wrestled with the skin for about 10 minutes, finally finding a way to put pressure on it so that the hair would just barely poke out of the skin. I grabbed my tweezers and pulled the hair swiftly and voila, the ingrown hair was removed, and I no longer had to worry about any PE downtime.

Neosporin, eh? I’ll have to try that. Thing is, I don’t have any Neosporin on hand.

It is probably available at any pharmacy/drug store: Neosporin ointment

Thanks WestLA, I knew that though, I was just saying I had to go get some :)

I swear my grandmother thinks that Neosporin can cure anything: cuts, cancer, tuna casserole, you name it. It’s definitely a must have in the ‘ol medicine cabinet. :up:

I love neosporin but I didn’t know it helped with ingrown hairs.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

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