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Hair on shaft 'n balls, best way to remove it

Hair on shaft 'n balls, best way to remove it

Plain and simple: what is the best way to remove hair from shaft and balls. Shaft mainly actually.

Last edited by darenwilder : 12-29-2006 at . Reason: left out shaft

I use tweezers for the ones up the shaft and a razor for the rest. If I had the patience, I would tweeze them all.


You have to be joking. Might as well just get out the old lawn mower and have let that have a go at it too!

Just take a scissor and cut off the hair you don’t need. I think it will be a best way. Bcos if you remove them from the bottom, you have to cut off them in everyday. Bcos when they grown up, it will hurt you when they hit in your skin :)

This is only my idea. I don’t know weather they are correct well.

Originally Posted by penflex

I use tweezers for the ones up the shaft and a razor for the rest. If I had the patience, I would tweeze them all.

Yeah, that’s true. If you don’t have a patience, you will cut off your shaft also.. :D

Always keep a good head

Whats the best strecthing grip, I always want to keep away from squeezing a hold of the head since that is what we are trying to eventually get more full of know.should I use and a-OK grip right below the head? Thanks

Hey darenwilder, welcome to Thunder’s Place. It’s confusing to title a thread about one subject then change the subject when the thread gets going. Can we keep this one about shaft hair? You could ask your question about stretching grips in another thread, or better still, use our SEARCH feature. The link button it at the top right of every page. For the shaft hair question I used the “Advanced Search” link that appears in the drop down menu when you click on the search button. On the advanced search page I entered “shaft hair” as the search term and selected “Search Titles Only” from the menu directly below the “key words” entry box (top left of the page). Look what I found:

Permanent Hair Removal on Shaft of Penis
PE and hair growing up shaft
Hair climbing shaft
Shaft hair
Problem w/ hair on penis shaft
hair up the sides of penis shaft?
Uncirc and hair on shaft?
pubic hair on the shaft
Creeping Pubes
Electrolysis to remove shaft hair

Your stretching question can also be answered by using the search button. Use “stretch grip” as the search term.

Check out the Beaver Shaver link in this thread by J Meister: Ultimate Pubic Hair Grooming Routine

The Seiko razor they feature works great for daily upkeep of your "shaft ‘n balls".

Gillette Mach 3

gprent, ditto for me!

Bick lighter.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


Ditto on the mach the best

I’d have to go with the Mach as well. I’ve looked into getting the Body Bare w/ free trimmer, but I haven’t fully decided yet. It’s only $54 I believe with a lifetime blade warranty. I wrote a section in review about it, but no one has tried it I assume. Nothing is better than being bare downstairs; a lot more can be accomplished :mwink: .

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