I’m on day 5 now. Now depending on if you considered my porn video as a violation or not (considering that I did not touch myself while watching it; it is probably something like day 22), I have definitely noticed getting erect easier now just to thoughts in my head, or even a little bit of handling of my junk. Before it was it almost equivalent to whipping my dick into the wall to get it excited enough to become erect, so now it is becoming easier to obtain.
I also feel “healthier” in state of mind. This could be a placebo effect though. I kind of feel like I can do more now and my perspective on life has changed a little bit. My drive to meet women has definitely increased as well. I think my mind is starting to recognize that “I’ve lost my mates (porn), so I need to start finding new ones”, which in turn is resulting in myself becoming more open to women in the real world. I’m doing things now that would cause me to hesitate and have second thoughts before.
Honestly, I’m finding this all entirely fascinating to me from a scientific approach (after all I’m in college to be a Physicist). It is almost weird to use your own body as a test subject, but exciting at the same time. Just seeing women on tv commercials trying to push those exercising equipment get me so turned on. On that note there is a funny story about that. I just recently bought a swiss ball to help my weight loss progress and while I was in the store looking at all the equipment, there were a ton of product covers involving women in tight sports bras and spandex shorts. That got me going even with not seeing any nudity. Well, suffice to say, when I got back home, I took my hand pump that came with my swiss ball, and I can tell you that I pumped that thing up damn FAST. (the pumping action is remarkably similar to jacking off). It really helped me wear off that sexual frustration I had.
Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!