Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Kegel - the secret revealed

1st post!
It’s fortunate that I found such place where guys openly discuss “manly” issues.

Onto topic, I find it’s easier to just clench the whole crotch area for half a second each clench just for the feels of them. Once the muscles are a bit tired, you’ll notice the difference between the muscle surround ur anus (PC) and the muscle surround the inner base of the shaft (IC or whatever it’s called). Once they are tired and you keep clenching, they won’t be “synced” with each other anymore, one of them will contract first and the second one follows in a birsk moment. At this point, it’s much easier to isolate the desired muscle.

Okay…I’m not that imaginative… how do you concentrate on the dorsal surface of your penis while doing kegels?

BPEL Start: 5 15/16". BPEL Current: 7 1/4". Short Term BPEL Goal: 7 1/2". Long Term BPEL 8"

BEELIT Start: 6", BPELIT Current: 6.1/4"

EG Start: 5". EG Current: 5 1/8". Short Term EG Goal: 5.25". Long Term EG: 6

I found that initially clenching the muscles all around is a good starting point. You will slowly be able to sense different muscles and you will be able to seperate them after a while. You will then be able to use no anus muscle. If I am doing it correctly, I sense the muscle around the testicles and base of my penis, no anal muscle pull. Stand in front of the mirror and watch as your penis lifts. It did take me a short time to notice I could seperate the muscles.

But wait…you should only flexing the top side of your penis, If you are doing that you should feel anything by your testicals and balls right?

By the way I remembered something interesting, I had a desk job at one point and I remember I would basically hold a huge long kegal for like 5-10 minutes. and eventually my abs would start kicking in and twitching.

and I read something about how it is good to flex your lower abs to have control over this.

It could be a good idea in order to locate the different muscles, you could just hold a kegal for as long as you can and longer until your other muscles start to separate themselves.

Originally Posted by Burrgle
But wait…you should only flexing the top side of your penis, If you are doing that you should feel anything by your testicals and balls right?

Basicly right. But the movement is kind of a towards the topside.
If you look at anatomical pictures from the IC it wraps kind of from below towards the top.

Everything down there is kind of interconnected. The moving of the ball sack upwards is a by product of engaging the IC muscle.

Because from my perspective….I thought I was only supposed to be flexing the part of my penis that is by lower stomach…and JUST the top part. I was mistaken though. You should still feel the balls move up but without the tightening of the anus right?

Originally Posted by Burrgle
Because from my perspective….I thought I was only supposed to be flexing the part of my penis that is by lower stomach…and JUST the top part. I was mistaken though. You should still feel the balls move up but without the tightening of the anus right?

I would say the description of concentrating on the top part, stems from the situation, that most can only relate to engaging the bc and pc muscle, which is clearly happening on the “underside”.
The IC is going from inside/backside, specificly -> from the ischial tuberosity, in a two legged V shape meeting on top of the penis(pubic bone) right behind where it exits the body.
() <- for reference.

Basicly in a inverted V shape(seeing it from your point of view from top) from the sides to the top.
The top of inverted V is pulled up and the legs of the V are pulled towards each other. Its constricting through this action the veins to prevent them from esscaping blood from the penis.

The BC and IC muscle are working together in maintaining an erection.
The V shape of the IC muscle with each leg going along the sides of the penis(up to the pubic bone) also helps in stabilizing the penis going straight up and out.

regarding the moving of the balls:
For me its more of a visual thing. I dont feel nor concentrate on the balls. And to be precise its more the scrotum or ballsack that moves then the balls.
Its possibly attached to the IC muscle on its sides.

The anus isnt tightening/closing. If IC engagement is done to hard Im about to shit myself.
I would love to engage the IC muscle and “close/lock” my anus to avoid that.
I guess thats happening cause there is probably a connection between the IC and levator ani muscle.

Last edited by dickerschwanz : 04-01-2014 at .

In this animation/picture:
http://www.anat … tail/5320/1821/
the pelvic floor is shown from back/underside.
you can see clearly that it originates on the downside, at the height of the anus, but is moving left and right from the BC muscle to the topside.

On the topside you can with concentration "pull it upwards" which also pushes boths sides/"legs" towars each other.

This then also kind of pushes the BC muscle outwards.

You can try to engage the IC muscle and hold it and then engage the BC muscle. For me this enables me to fill my flaccid dick with some blood through the BC while holding it with the IC kind of.
I hope to reach a point where I can inflate my dick just by engaging these muscles.
Maybe up to the point to get an errection without any other stimulus. Not sure if possible though…

Its basicly the similar to the technique of ballooning without having to use your hands.

here it reads:
"In the rigid-erection phase, the ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscles forcefully compress the spongiosum and penile veins, which results in further engorgement and increased pressure in the glans and spongiosum."

Concious engagement of the IC muscle helps me to get a really full errection where the head seems to fill out completely.
I dont know why but without that concious involvment its hard for me to achieve this "101%" errection.

well, much to try and learn. open for any suggestions and ideas.

These contractions are what I have been searching for. Only played around with them today but I think this is a key part that has been missing from my PE. I have a curve to the right which I believed to be an imbalance of muscles somewhere leading the right CC to not inflate as much as the left causing a curve. IC contractions have 90% remedied this. Fantastic.

Originally Posted by Ramrod360
These contractions are what I have been searching for. Only played around with them today but I think this is a key part that has been missing from my PE. I have a curve to the right which I believed to be an imbalance of muscles somewhere leading the right CC to not inflate as much as the left causing a curve. IC contractions have 90% remedied this. Fantastic.

Good thing!
The IC seems to have two sides. So a weakness in one can lead to an imbalance.

How did you do the contractions. Just flaccid?

Pulling to the left and engaging the right side IC might make sense in your case.

I don’t get this topic at all. Does this mean that if I want a better erection I must train my IC muscles? But how? When I try to do something like kegel exercises it is difficult to differentiate between ones and anothers. In my case all the muscles seem to tense.

I observed that when I push between the anus an the start of the penis the glans grow and always I wonder how can I reach that naturally without pushing there.

Originally Posted by Chaval34
I don’t get this topic at all. Does this mean that if I want a better erection I must train my IC muscles? But how? When I try to do something like kegel exercises it is difficult to differentiate between ones and anothers. In my case all the muscles seem to tense.

I observed that when I push between the anus an the start of the penis the glans grow and always I wonder how can I reach that naturally without pushing there.

It simply takes time. First you imagine it. Then you start to do it. Muscle brain connection.
You might find it and then the next day not cause it is now fatigued.

Wasnt able too. Now I can even differentiate left and right IC.
Takes days maybe weeks.

I can now push/pump blood into my dick with the BC muscle and then close it off/hold it with the IC muscle. This results in a balooned erection.

I trained only my kegel for years and got imbalanced resulting in weak errections.
Worst is the advice to train kegels in the car, school, work, bus etc.
Aim is to get a balanced pelvic floor with focused work.

When I tense that zone and touch the two sides where are supposed to be the IC muscles they move. Does that mean that I’m making it right? I must do that with flaccid penis or erect? My erections are weak these days and I’m concerned. Having an erection without touching the penis is almost impossible to me.

Originally Posted by Chaval34
When I tense that zone and touch the two sides where are supposed to be the IC muscles they move. Does that mean that I’m making it right? I must do that with flaccid penis or erect? My erections are weak these days and I’m concerned. Having an erection without touching the penis is almost impossible to me.

Yep sounds like a good start. Keep doing it until you get a better awareness.
Both flaccid and erect. overdoing it might lead to loosing awareness(then frustration)

Also the so called reverse kegel is influencing/engaging the IC muscle(its kind of a side effect, espacially on its top side towards the penis.).
Reverse kegel is basicly pushing the BC muscle out( in opposite to contracting it “in”) thus relaxing it. Many people with EQ problems have a disbalanced pelvic floor. Most the times the BC muscle is tense(without knowing).
Also just watch or think sexy stuff without touching. Takes also time to retrain. Do that in different positions(standing sitting)

So try to isolate IC muscle. Engage it.(might take time)
Do reverse kegels(pushing out).
Getting aware of the muscles and tensions.(concentration / focus).


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