Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My story..Premature Ejaculation

My story..Premature Ejaculation

I started Penis enlargement routine about two and half years ago. I didnt know thunders existed then. I read some stuff off a website and started with jelqs. In about 6 months I had great gains. I got greedy and tortured my dick to the extent that it started to spew out blood. I took rest for a month and resumed for another 3 months untill the capillary explosion occured again. It was only after I joined thunders I could fine tune my PE endeavour. By then i guess most of the damage was done.

I wont say I had a PE induced ED but my erections were no longer hard. Blame that on a long smoking problem I’ve had. I would only get 9 ‘o’ clock erections. I had to kegel hard to force more blood into my veins. Couple that with some shit i read in a book called “multi orgasmic male” written by a female which had all the complicated details to do simple BC muscle squeeze. (I have nothing against women but i just wonder how women can train a man to be Multiorgasmic. Funny!) Well i bought the story in the book and kegeled all day long as prescribed in the book 20x3 sets morning, 50x2 sets evening and all that blah blah . A worn out dick and numerous kegel throughout the day somehow made me reach an orgasm faster. I became a quick trigger in a couple of months. I remember an incident when i went out with this hot chick and ended up cumming as soon as i wore the condom. On the second go, I managed to get inside and blew inside her within a few seconds. This went on throughout the night till I couldnt get any more erections. It is the most humiliating experience any man can have. I had it and i needed to change it. I would wake up with nightmares(almost). I was frustrated, Lost, Humiliated and dejected. I stopped dating women because I knew it would eventually lead to more frustration.

To cut the long story short this is what i did to help myself.. I went off smoking, stopped My PE routine and started a healthy diet. I would crush 8-10 Black Indian pepper, some ginger and 2 wild gooseberry(the richest source of Vitamin C) and consume it twice daily. Within no time my hardons were noticeably stronger and harder. I attribute much of the success to these supplements and No-smoking. I no longer had to kegel to force more blood into my penis. My hardons were great by the end of the second month. But i still had to deal with premature ejaculation.
I have tried various methods discussed on this forum to curtail premature ejaculation including edging, SKF, SSRIs, Kegels, reverse kegels, etc . Clomipramine was of help but i didnt really want to get hooked to some chemical thing so i didnt use it for long.

A few months ago, i was browsing through Dr. Lin’s website just out of curiosity and stumbled on his technique to stop premature ejaculation. The mere mention of Dr.lin on Thunders is enough to raise a few brows but please read on. I started practising his Anal breathing exercises and within a week I noticed that i was lasting much longer. Those of you who do not know what this method is, let me expain in simple words… Stroke yourself gently building up the tempo till you are close to an orgasm. Just when you are close enough inhale through your nose filling and expanding your belly outward. At the same time squeeze your tailbone muscle gently. Hold for 2-5 seconds and then relax the muscle and exhale at the same time. Repeat another time and im sure by this time your urge to cum would have reduced to a great extent. If you do not know how to squeeze your tailbone muscle then follow this step.. Put your finger tip to the bottom of your spine i.e to ur coxyx bone just above the asshole towards the end of the spine. The muscles immediately around it are called the tailbone muscles. These are different from your anal muscles. Once you know where the muscle is, concentrate on squeezing it. It may take sometime to contract it. Forget breathing along for the time being till you get a hang of squeezing the muscle. Once you have mastered this art then kick in the breathing pattern i have mentioned above.

Dr. Lin may sound like a quack who is looking to push his products but his method sure did help me. Ive been doing this for the past 2 months or so and Im happy that finally i have managed to get rid of my premature ejaculation problem. The proof of this is the fact that i made love with this chick for almost 2 hours without blowing my load even once. She lost count of her orgasms that night. It was the biggest “high” i’ve had in the recent past. Nothing compared to the feeling of making a woman moan and groan. It made me feel like a man again. Guys who have Pre ejac should try this for sometime. Im sure this will help. Also the Anal breathing method doesnt put any strain on the prostate like kegels do.

PS: I met this ayurvedic doctor who sells me a mixture of herbs. Ive been on it for a forthnight now. It is great for libido and premature ejac conditions. The doctor wont tell me what it contains as he feels that I may steal his formula. Its a mixture of local Indian herbs, lots of ground roots and stuff like that. It is working great for me. Any one want to try>?? Lol

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Any of you guys ever tried Anal breathing advocated by Dr.Lin? I wonder why its called “Anal breathing”. Any guesses?

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Still can’t figure out how to flex my tailbone.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

You dont to flex your tailbone. Its the tailbone muscle i was talking about .

Walk slowly but never backwards.

This is very interesting. Could you please tell how was your progress from ejaculating while wearing the condom to controlling yourself for 2 hours?

How ofthen did you practice the technique in that 2 months? What level were you at after 1st, 2nd, 3rd… weeks?

Thank you very much.

Originally Posted by cheatah
This is very interesting. Could you please tell how was your progress from ejaculating while wearing the condom to controlling yourself for 2 hours?
How ofthen did you practice the technique in that 2 months? What level were you at after 1st, 2nd, 3rd… weeks?
Thank you very much.

Like i’ve mentioned before, i had tried a lot of things to cut down my pre ejac problem. I started with anal breathing and I could see results within the first 10 days or so. All I had to do was I had to concentrate on squeezing my tailbone muscle when I was close to blowing . Initially, I thought that since i was concentrating on squeezing the muscle I was succeeding. But I would lose 50% of the erection. You know like the guys who think of something else, something bad to make their erection subside. The problem with thinking about something else is that it makes you lose your erection .
After my second week of practice, I noticed that I could stay erect but yet keep away the urge to ejaculate. Over the past weeks Ive practised everyday. I masturbate and when im about to reach an orgasm, I do anal breathing. At first this may seem a bit tough. Once you have done it enough it will become second nature to you. Now I dont really have to concentrate of squeezing the muscles. When im having sex, it has begun to come naturally to me. I can last long now.

I plan a separate thread on detailed Anal breathing .

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Has anyone tried this Anal Breathing method recently. I was doing it for a couple of days and it really does help to stop ejaculation, but the way I was doing it seemed to result in what was probably a retrograde ejaculation. I would wait to the last possible second and then start squeezing my tailbone and it would stop semen from leaking out, but when I would finally decide to cum, there was no semen at all. I suppose the technique needs to be applied earlier, but I’m not quite sure.

anal breathing, that sounds funny as hell but to stay on topic, i did edging and i can jack off for like 10 minutes without busting.

STATS: BPEL-7.5 EG-5.6 BG-5.8 -- MT Goal reached

Goal: 8 x 5.75

My Pictures My Progress

I was wondering if the position of the masturbating process matters? I m in my fifth day of practice and I m not sure if I have or not better results yet. I mean I can go for 20 minutes but I have to stop a lot because I feel like I m close to PONR and I have to do the anal breathing. In 20 minutes I m stopping to do anal breathing for like 20 times or even more.

Last edited by Gligor : 01-05-2020 at .

Tailbone Muscle?

Has anyone been able to figure this out? Godofdeviltry says to squeeze the tailbone muscle. Does anyone know how to do that?

I believe those muscles in your tailbone are actually still a part of your pelvic floor, so in some ways this would be similar to a kegel. When you squeeze your tailbones muscles, do you feel it anywhere else or is the contraction limited to your tailbone?

He mentions kegels, which are different from what he describes as tailbone muscles. I suspect what he is describing as flexing tailbone muscles is what we now more commonly call reverse kegels. If kegels are the muscles which you use to stop your urine stream, reverse kegels are the muscles you push use the urine stream out faster.

We also recommend kegels for improving EQ and reverse kegels for improving or combatting premature ejaculation. So the two concepts converge.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

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