Need some serious advice please ED related
Hey guys! First of all let me say thanks for taking a moment to click my post and see whats up..
Ok.. Here we go.(this post will have a lot of free association.)
I am 26 yo 6’4 200 lb I am a little over 6 inches and I’m about a silver dollar thick.. I don’t have my official measurements.. I do basic PE and pump as well but not often.
I don’t smoke cigs but I do some marijuana (legally of course) quite often. I exercise regularly and I eat pretty healthy. No red meat, balanced carbs, I drink at least 1 gallon of water a day and I don’t drink often.
I consider myself a healthy person for the most part. So recently I have been having some serious ED issues. I want think its a mental thing because I am getting over serious relationship I just got out of and normally look at woman different, as in they can’t compare to my ex etc.. I have been with a few girls and with every single one I experience they same issue. I have ZERO erection.. I can’t get hard at all.. I try everything.. Even risky stuff like going raw because maybe its the “condom” but its me. :(
I have had some success but its always the second time ( if I even get one ) but its never fully there like it needs to be.. Its not important but to put it in perspective I’ve had some crazy and alluring situations occur of women I personally consider beautiful but for some reason its hard to have sex.
I believe I have Porn ED.. I masturbate alot. I can’t lie.. I am about 1 - 3 times a day but I used to be 4-5.. It was pretty bad. However I could get full erections.. And have intense orgasms. I knew it was an issue tho so I started to slow down.. I did it so much because I was lonely and did wanna be embarrassed anymore by getting a girl to bed and not closing the deal..
So recently.. I met this girl and she have brought my spirits up to say the least. Its like a dream come true.. She’s is my IDEAL chick.. She is making be forget my ex and feel strong feelings of compassion again.. Well after about 3 months it was time for intimacy.. I purposely took my time because I wanted to build a connection so I could feel comfortable and not have any ED issues. I also didnt watch porn, smoke or masturbate for about a week and a half.. So she comes to see me one weekend. I knew I was going to try to take it to the next level.. And we have a WONDERFUL day. I mean everything was perfect.. We basically fell in love.
At that point my confident was very high.. We get back to the room and start the “dance” per say.. And I knew immediately I wasn’t going to make it. I was trying to just focus and be calm and kiss her and touch her body.. She even gave me head.. Twice and nothing.. I was so embarrassed I was ready to just make something up and call it off.. HOWEVER she didnt even bring attn to it and still made me feel like a man and I love her for that! So I made sure I made her feel good in other ways.. That sufficed.
I want to make love to this woman and I’m a little worried about my unit.. I feel like next time will be different but I want to make sure. She went on a family trip for 3 weeks or so.. So I have some time to try to figure this out before round 2. She is telling me all these things she wants to do to me and I gotta “man up”.
I was thinking I need a detox or something.. I’m sure the smoking is affecting me on some levels.
So heres where I need help..
A) Do you have any experience with these issues and how did you fix it or at least “deal” with it..
B) What pill or supp do you guys suggest? I am thinking viagra but I don’t know..
C) Do you suggest I see a doctor? If so but what kind.. Urologist? Psychologist?
Thanks again!