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Quick way to never premature ejaculation again


Quick way to never premature ejaculation again

Hi guys, I`m writing this thread to explain my technique to control ejaculation and share a bit of my experiences. This is the only thing that truly works for me. Hope it helps someone else.

First let`s understand how orgasm (ejaculation) works. It`s a brain process, it`s not physical and that is why it is hard to be controlled.

The fist step is the erection. Erection needs the parasympathetic nervous system to work. This is responsible for the relaxation of our body, mind and muscles, giving the opportunity to the blood flow to enter the penis.

While the arousal increases during the intercourse, dopamine levels starts to get higher and higher, generating a change on the brain, changing sex stimulation from parasympathetic to sympathetic nervous system.

When our brain changes to Sympathetic nervous system, our breathe gets more intense, our heart beats harder, the blood vessels expands and there is an unbelievable increase of sensibility on the penis. That`s when we cum!

Do you ever feel that your penis was incredible sensitive at the first 5 seconds of sex? Let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with your sensibility, it`s your brain that jumped from Parasympathetic to sympathetic too quick.

But how do we change that??? Well, maybe there are infinity ways to do that, but I only know this one.

You must teach your brain to keep at the parasympathetic mode as far as possible. So prepare your days, because porn (which I`m against) will be your ally here.

Prepare an everyday schedule for masturbation, you gonna need it.

The first day of masturbation must be done with the less stimulus possible. Soft porn, maybe only using imagination and a very light grip and slow strokes while masturbation. It`s extremely important that you don`t rush things here.

You will keep the slowest pace possible and the lightest grip possible till you feel the orgasm coming. Now that you are almost getting there, stop and edge for 5 minutes (Don`t get too long and not too short. You will learn from your body when you are really ready restart). Repeat this 3 times. At the third, let it go, cum! It`s important that you cum, because your are teaching ejaculation process to your brain. If you just edge, your brain will not work as you expect.

Try to do this 3, 4 times a day, everyday. Don`t forget, the masturbation MUST be very slow and light.

After a few days (some guys will need more than a week, some will need just a couple of days), you will realize that your erections are getting weaker because you don`t feel aroused the same way you did. Your brain will automatically ask for more. More porn, more grip, faster strokes…

Increase just a tiny bit in this masturbation method, just to be enough to keep your erection hard, but don`t go all the way. After you increase the arousal, by accelerating the strokes or increasing the grip force or increasing the porn type you are watching, keep this new level of arousal steady. Edge 3 times and than cum.

Never raise your masturbation level without deserving it. How do you know you deserve it? Simple, you realize that keeping the same pace/grip turns to be impossible to cum, or at least, it take enough time for you to be satisfied.

Every time you feel that you NEED to increase masturbation level to keep your penis hard, it means that your brain is getting used to that level of dopamine. It also means that you need more time to ejaculate.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Originally Posted by rush9mota
Hi guys, I`m writing this thread to explain my technique to control ejaculation and share a bit of my experiences. This is the only thing that truly works for me. Hope it helps someone else.

First let`s understand how orgasm (ejaculation) works. It`s a brain process, it`s not physical and that is why it is hard to be controlled.

The fist step is the erection. Erection needs the parasympathetic nervous system to work. This is responsible for the relaxation of our body, mind and muscles, giving the opportunity to the blood flow to enter the penis.

While the arousal increases during the intercourse, dopamine levels starts to get higher and higher, generating a change on the brain, changing sex stimulation from parasympathetic to sympathetic nervous system.

When our brain changes to Sympathetic nervous system, our breathe gets more intense, our heart beats harder, the blood vessels expands and there is an unbelievable increase of sensibility on the penis. That`s when we cum!

Do you ever feel that your penis was incredible sensitive at the first 5 seconds of sex? Let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with your sensibility, it`s your brain that jumped from Parasympathetic to sympathetic too quick.

But how do we change that?? Well, maybe there are infinity ways to do that, but I only know this one.

You must teach your brain to keep at the parasympathetic mode as far as possible. So prepare your days, because porn (which I`m against) will be your ally here.

Prepare an everyday schedule for masturbation, you gonna need it.

The first day of masturbation must be done with the less stimulus possible. Soft porn, maybe only using imagination and a very light grip and slow strokes while masturbation. It`s extremely important that you don`t rush things here.

You will keep the slowest pace possible and the lightest grip possible till you feel the orgasm coming. Now that you are almost getting there, stop and edge for 5 minutes (Don`t get too long and not too short. You will learn from your body when you are really ready restart). Repeat this 3 times. At the third, let it go, cum! It`s important that you cum, because your are teaching ejaculation process to your brain. If you just edge, your brain will not work as you expect.

Try to do this 3, 4 times a day, everyday. Don`t forget, the masturbation MUST be very slow and light.

After a few days (some guys will need more than a week, some will need just a couple of days), you will realize that your erections are getting weaker because you don`t feel aroused the same way you did. Your brain will automatically ask for more. More porn, more grip, faster strokes..

Increase just a tiny bit in this masturbation method, just to be enough to keep your erection hard, but don`t go all the way. After you increase the arousal, by accelerating the strokes or increasing the grip force or increasing the porn type you are watching, keep this new level of arousal steady. Edge 3 times and than cum.

Never raise your masturbation level without deserving it. How do you know you deserve it? Simple, you realize that keeping the same pace/grip turns to be impossible to cum, or at least, it take enough time for you to be satisfied.

Every time you feel that you NEED to increase masturbation level to keep your penis hard, it means that your brain is getting used to that level of dopamine. It also means that you need more time to ejaculate.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Hi bro, I only practiced edging and the truth has not worked much for me, the technique you mention sounds good, I will try. How has your time improved with this method?

Native Indian rain dance helps as well…

Originally Posted by Zeta07
Hi bro, I only practiced edging and the truth has not worked much for me, the technique you mention sounds good, I will try. How has your time improved with this method?

I’ve been doing this for a week. I’m definitely better, but there is a long way to go yet.

Porn and too much masturbation causes Erectile Dysfunction (I know a lot about that), but in fact, what happens is the brain getting less responsive to dopamine while aroused and that is exactly what we want to control ejaculation.

The problem is that we rush things when masturbating, putting too much grip and speed in strokes. When we do that, we accelerate the sympathetic phase on our nerve system. By doing that we are just training our brain to cum faster.

When we keep it very slow in a way that we don’t feel the need to cum we can let our brain “bored” with that kind of stimulation. That’s why it’s important to do it every day, preferentially many times per day.

Once the soft stimulation isn’t enough to keep up an erection, it can be applied more stimulus.

That is the training.

There is no miracle, but there is hope. I’m on the beginning and I can feel some improvements.

For me, I cannot fully relax during sex yet, but it is easier to identify the moment to stop. My sex is already lasting longer, but it still slow (faster, but still slow).

Wish luck for us all

Originally Posted by rush9mota
I’ve been doing this for a week. I’m definitely better, but there is a long way to go yet.

Porn and too much masturbation causes Erectile Dysfunction (I know a lot about that), but in fact, what happens is the brain getting less responsive to dopamine while aroused and that is exactly what we want to control ejaculation.

The problem is that we rush things when masturbating, putting too much grip and speed in strokes. When we do that, we accelerate the sympathetic phase on our nerve system. By doing that we are just training our brain to cum faster.

When we keep it very slow in a way that we don’t feel the need to cum we can let our brain “bored” with that kind of stimulation. That’s why it’s important to do it every day, preferentially many times per day.

Once the soft stimulation isn’t enough to keep up an erection, it can be applied more stimulus.

That is the training.

There is no miracle, but there is hope. I’m on the beginning and I can feel some improvements.

For me, I cannot fully relax during sex yet, but it is easier to identify the moment to stop. My sex is already lasting longer, but it still slow (faster, but still slow).

Wish luck for us all

I will try to try, although it is difficult for me to think about masturbating 4 times a day, considering that it was already a practice that I was abandoning and that I did not do frequently anymore. Go uploading more information about your progress.

Originally Posted by Zeta07
I will try to try, although it is difficult for me to think about masturbating 4 times a day, considering that it was already a practice that I was abandoning and that I did not do frequently anymore. Go uploading more information about your progress.

For sure I will share my progress. Share yours too, and if you are doing something different show us whats is working and what is not…

I will be in a nofap week because I’m also fighting pmo addiction. Next June 12 is Valentine’s day in Brazil and I hope to evaluate my progress with my girlfriend. See if the improvements made so far are permanent.

Anyway, give yourself a real good time for masturbation and self learning. If you go once a day, it’s also great, just remember to be focused in not rushing things, keep as slow as you can and slightly increase stimulation over time. You want to get used to the most hardcore stimulation possible in a way that you can deal with that with no problems, but it is impossible to get there without getting used to low stimulation first. It is just like going to the gym.

Hi guys, I have some news!!

This technique is really working for me!!

I`m kind of preparing my self for my girlfriend at the weekend, so I cannot confirm the evolution in sex yet, but my masturbation is already way better!

The urge to cum is happening latter and also it`s much more controllable. I can stroke fast with a hard grip and the urge to cum is so predictable that I don`t have to stop, just slow down the pace or go easy with the grip.

At the beginning, The urge to cum happened few minutes after the erection, forcing me to control and stop masturbation (and also sex) making it boring. Now I can relax and have fun with myself!!! (I`m so happy)

Is it ideal??? I don`t know. Actually I will only know if I`m feeling this way when I finally have sex (I can`t wait for the weekend). But I know for sure that my masturbation had improved a lot. I hope it means that my sex quality had improved as well.

One nice thing I discovered. Masturbation can only happen when my penis is rested. If i`m finding difficult to get an erection because of too much masturbation, the urge to cum comes faster. If I`m relaxed and my penis is not tired, the sensation is much better.

Must add this:

I`ve been doing this for a week and a half or so. The improvements came really fast for me.

I`m thinking in acquiring a tight pussy flashlight. More I can simulate sex during masturbation, more I can train for the real deal. Someone know anything about flashlights? i never used one.

Last edited by rush9mota : 06-09-2020 at .

Recent news guys!

I just ended a masturbation session and here goes my impressions:

The first 10 minutes I`m more sensible, having to care more not to cum, but it gets better over time, which is already great.

Here are the areas that I`m focusing while masturbating:

Hand grip;
Pace consistency;
Mind focus.

I`ll try to grade those areas from 0 to 10.

Speed: 8. I can reach good speed without the urge to cum but I still can`t max out the speed without having to immediately stop masturbation.
Hand GRIP: 8. I can go really hard now. It`s way higher than any pussy can do. I`m almost squeezing my penis to the max force of my hands.
Pace Consistency: 6. Still have to work on this area, the consistency is way down. Even if i`m not doing something too strong, I have to be changing the pace to have a good time on masturbation. I can go really hard and fast and than slow and soft but either way I can`t be steady for too long. The good thing is small changes on pace can make me endure without edging.
Edging: 10. I can predict the feeling of cum way too early. Even if I have to stop, I can go full speed and hard grip in less than a minute (few seconds actually). Most times, I just change the pace and I don`t even have to edge.
Mind Focus: 7. My capacity to keep my thoughts on the sex is getting much better. I don`t have to trade concentration with endurance (You know, when we start to think about politicians, sports, whatever to avoid cumming too soon). But I can`t let the arousal grows too much.

At the beginning of the last week my status would be like this:
Speed: 2;
Hand grip: 5;
Pace consistency: 0;
Edging: 3;
Mind focus:3.

If any guy here is suffering from PE, I really recommend this method. I couldn`t be more happy.

Hello friend, I have put your exercises into practice and so far it has worked! It has worked in the masturbation, there is a lack of sex. From the first time I was able to reach 30 minutes to ejaculate, which was difficult for me, the idea was to increase 10 minutes each time, but on the third day I arrived at 2 hours! Fortunately I have a rubber vagina and it has helped me a lot, I recommend its use. It is true, the first few minutes are critical, then the control becomes easier. So far I have kept a smooth rhythm, I gradually increased the speed, and I only did it once a day. But it has worked!

How many times have you done in one day? I read your progress, keep writing!

Hi Zeta,

Congratulations! Hope more guys that are suffering with premature ejaculation can find a way out of this nightmare.

I have been masturbating 2 times a day.

Today I had sex with my girlfriend and I had a wonderful time.

I took a shower with her and we did a lot of masturbation till we both cum. But the urge to cum was higher than expected.

An hour later we were watching TV and I suddenly grab her and started to really fuck her.

With lots of penetration I could trust really hard and I was fully relaxed without worrying to cum too soon. When I felt I was about to cum, I just changed the position and I got ready to go again. I could do whatever I wanted, but it`s important to say that I had already cummed an hour earlier.

I finally cum masturbating myself (she likes to swallow). Satisfaction for both of us. I am so happy that this technique worked so well for me.

Just to add, the sex was accompanied by a good wine, which also helps to last longer. alcohol desensitize things during sex.

This technique is something that I read on some celebs gossips web pages. When I read it I felt a click in my brain because it makes sense, despite the shitty source.

The goal here is keep the brain at the parasympathetic phase as long as possible. To achieve that, the brain must gets ‘bored’ of the stimulation proposed and we should repeat this process till it needs a good amount of stimulus to change to sympathetic phase (when we cum). Edging isn`t important to keep the brain at the parasympathetic phase, it`s important for us to understand when this change is happening so we can stop it if it`s necessary.

Another day with good sex.

A solo masturbation during the day to release the cum and relax before sex.

The sex with some wine and Viagra this time:

Too good to be true. I couldn`t max out speed, but I`m almost there. My girlfriend didn`t miss anything. Time, speed, concentration, we were truly connected and the ejaculation wasn`t a problem.

This training technique is amazing.

Another weekend is coming and I’m already thinking in the sex with my GF.

My premature ejaculation seems to be well controlled. Now, I’m focusing my efforts to avoid masturbation, my PMO addiction is already weakening my EQ.

Here are the status of my last masturbation:

Speed: 9: Almost full on and it’s ok;
Hand grip: 10: Really strong grip is not making me cum faster;
Pace consistency: 7: Improvements on this area, but not optimal yet. I won’t work in this till next week, but I’m confident that sex won’t be a problem;
Edging: 10: I can go till the limit and vary fast I go back to parasympathetic phase;
Mind focus:9: Masturbating hard, fast for longer periods and concentrated in things that push my arousal. The way it should be.

Hope to bring good news at the weekend.

I not for English speaking area so sorry if some parts of post are chaotic and don’t have much sense

My two cents
When you want to cum your PC muscle spasm
NO SPASMS( OR LITTLE)=YOU WILL NOT CUM. Your PC muscle spasm when you tighten your ass, when you want to stop piss or shit. Or when you push your hips forward. MAIN THING THAT triggers my PC muscle:
In past two month in covid quarantine I stopped my habit of jerking off 6-10 times on day by sexting and video call with some girls online. Instead I worked on my stamina, and made DUY fleslight and roll in some blanket, so I can fuck fleslight like in real sex. I have some tips that I found by trail and error.
For my I I can reduce PC SPASMS by: position and trigger point in that position , breathing, bring up my arousal level slowly
1. POSTION what position, type of stroke, trigger point( if you want to learn about sex don’t learn by watching porn, I read sometihng like that in some interview by porn acctor James Deen, becouse if you want to learn about fughting don’t learn by watching kung fu movie or marvel movie , it not real, it is for fulfill our fantasy)
1.1.I pick missionary(it can rubb her clitoral) and lazzy doggy(I can hit her spot better then regular doggy)
1.2.Type of stroke, insted od moving in and out, move inward and outward, in circle motion
Video sorce:

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Privacy info: Clicking on this image will enable content from Privacy friendly version via Piped.

Watch XAVIER THICC porn he is more the most realistic video of how should have sex, comment on his video by woman made my stop jerking off and start working with my homemade fleslight on stamina and tehnique.
1.3. TRIGGER POINT this is most important thing for me. You must know how PC mucle function. For example in missionary I use outward circle motion insted in and out
Outward motion=raise hips, move forward, lower your hips, move backward, repeat
My PC musle will tighten up when I move my hips forward and down, so I had to work on that (I don’t know how to post pictur so this is link for picture red part of circle is where I would feel my PC muscle thighten). You need to find out how to strech PC mucle and relaxe in that postion,
For my for example, in missionary -I would be on my knee and put my knee far apar
- then stick my ass up, so my hips and butt will be behind line of my shoulder, becouse when you push your hips forward you clench your butt, but when you bring ass back you PC mucle is relaxed your glutes don’t pressure your PC muscle. I have other tips and details but this post will be to long
You can work on that by making fleslight, and watch your response, or without anything just move your hips and watch when your PC muscle will thughten thet help me a lot just moving my hips
2. BREATHING I experiment with breathing and patterns. For my staff that best work is inhale through nose slowly, and in same pace, breathing in you stomach by concentrate on expanding your lateral sides of stomach, exhale through mouth and put your mouth like you won’t to wisle in shape of letter O and push your breath slowly through mouth. You will find when you inhale your PC muscle will spasam more then on your exhale. Exale should be longer then inhale
Video sorce on breathing and PC relaxing better explained
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3 SLOWLY BRING AROUSAL UP try by hand job or blow job, and focus on relaxing your PC muscle( push your ass up, think of that area, do like awarenesse meditation), try to figur out what trigger you, for my if I jerk of most sensitive part is right below glans ( when I moving my hand and stroke my glans from bottom to top, and when I strech my forskin

I work on this by playing wiht my home made fleshlight, or some time edging( sometimes I strech my legs while I do that) . When I edging I foucs on breathing and moving your butt chest up flex little bit lower back. And slowly work ond part that trigger my PC muscle on my dick( glans and forskin strech for me) and ramp-up

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Originally Posted by bazsrb94
I not for English speaking area so sorry if some parts of post are chaotic and don’t have much sense

Don’t worry, my English is terrible…

Very nice content here! It’s a totally different approach of what I`m doing and for sure it will add to my exercises. Mine approach is focused only on brain activity, but of course, there are many physical aspects to be considered.

Many thanks.

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