Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sharing recent porn induced ed issues

It certainly affects social skills.

It killed intimacy for me. I had no desire and almost cringed at intimacy. One girlfriend mentioned that she felt like a piece of meat because I spent more time looking down (at her package) than at her. She knew I wasn’t there mentally. But porn largely focuses on the action, so that’s where my attention went. Also, yes, after you’ve become so adept at getting off on your own, it would seem that all of the “extra” interaction with women for the same goal is overkill. I even reached a point whereby I couldn’t get a spontaneous erection even with foreplay. I had to be able to see and feel her (pussy) before I would even begin to get erect.

It was crazy b/c my girlfriend at the time was like, “I guess I don’t turn you on”. Strangely, I thought of this as a macho thing. My response was, “I’m not a horny kid that gets a hard-on just by looking at something, I need to feel something”. Since joining Thunder’s and being active in the community, I’ve learned that it was actually a penis health issue that was only escalating over the years…smh.

I say all of this having never been without access to women and sex, I’ve always had a partner or fwb. However, I can now look back reflectively and say that I probably sucked in the sack beyond wham, bam, thank you ma’am. That works well for the lifestyle and girls when you’re young maybe, but not so much for relationships.

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

Originally Posted by jcawkman
Just an update

I went out this weekend and met these two really cool girls. Long story short I was alone with one and she was touching me obviously wanting me to start making out but because of this porn ed I didn’t make a move. She made sure multiple times I had her number and kept throwing so many goddamn hints I lost track. Told her I’d text her tomorrow (yesterday) and got no response. Not to throw a pity party but damn I feel like shit right now. I’ve played with the idea to just using soft-core porn but I don’t want to go back. I know it will comeback but damn am I losing faith.

Do not correlate the two things. Porn in any degree has nothing to do with your sexual function in real life. What happens is that you are overthinking the whole thing. Most probably is performance anxiety or social anxiety.

Just stop thinking about porn. Forget that it exist. And do not force yourself to have an erection or expect to be walking with an erection because is not gonna happen. Leave your dick alone. Without thinking, the day you have a real woman that you start kissing and grabbing, you’ll feel that huge rush of blood flowing down there and making you hard. Thats how a healthy body works.

If it helps just enjoy a couple of drinks with a girl and that will relax your mind to go with the flow.

And remember, if you snooze you lose. There is no such thing as texting a girl the next day to have sex. You let it go right now, tomorrow she’ll be squatting down on a different one. Need better training soldier. Never leave a pussy standing behind.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by igigi
Do not correlate the two things. Porn in any degree has nothing to do with your sexual function in real life. What happens is that you are overthinking the whole thing. Most probably is performance anxiety or social anxiety.

Just stop thinking about porn. Forget that it exist. And do not force yourself to have an erection or expect to be walking with an erection because is not gonna happen. Leave your dick alone. Without thinking, the day you have a real woman that you start kissing and grabbing, you’ll feel that huge rush of blood flowing down there and making you hard. Thats how a healthy body works.

If it helps just enjoy a couple of drinks with a girl and that will relax your mind to go with the flow.

And remember, if you snooze you lose. There is no such thing as texting a girl the next day to have sex. You let it go right now, tomorrow she’ll be squatting down on a different one. Need better training soldier. Never leave a pussy standing behind.

Very good post

Originally Posted by igigi
Never leave a pussy standing behind.


But don’t worry man, you’re not the only one in that boat. I’ve been through the whole porn ED thing and am working through it myself.

At the end of the day, what feeling is more satisfying? Sitting there by yourself with lube and a screen or having an actual organic experience with another human being?

I’d recommend focusing on yourself. Fill your day with a ton of activities and leave no room for porn.

Starting Stats - BPFSL: 13cm, BPEL: 13.5cm

Current Stats - BPFSL: 15.4cm, BPEL: 14.6cm

All stats are pre warmup. Starting Stats taken on 8/20, restarted with those same stats 2/21 due to lack of dedication.

Originally Posted by Vash92

But don’t worry man, you’re not the only one in that boat. I’ve been through the whole porn ED thing and am working through it myself.

At the end of the day, what feeling is more satisfying? Sitting there by yourself with lube and a screen or having an actual organic experience with another human being?

I’d recommend focusing on yourself. Fill your day with a ton of activities and leave no room for porn.

Very good post! Engaging in the activity means your bored and being pitiful. You could have your attention occupied in personal improvement, fun, making money, bettering your situation.

Thanks for the encouragement bros

Originally Posted by igigi
Tomorrow she’ll be squatting down on a different one.

Life is brutal.

Originally Posted by jcawkman
Thanks for the encouragement bros

Life is brutal.

I disagree. This is so porn jaded.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

I disagree. This is so porn jaded.

What do you mean?

Think in terms of 30 days for a dopamine reset. I wont take long for your mind/body to reset. The challenge is the willpower required to avoid porn.

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

Originally Posted by 5.5Squared

Think in terms of 30 days for a dopamine reset. I won’t take long for your mind/body to reset. The challenge is the willpower required to avoid porn.

Sounds like I should of been counting the days. This wasn’t planned I just stopped out of hatred of how it made me feel. I THINK its been 30 days but maybe not. I’ll give it another week. Definitely will keep updating here. I miss my aggressive sexual energy so much but I have to be patient. Doing a lot better in the gym now so that’s a plus.

Originally Posted by jcawkman
What do you mean?

Titleist will not cosign any excessively negative or bitter viewpoint. I think he’s saying if you look at life a different way there will be positive results.

Originally Posted by jcawkman
Thanks for the encouragement bros

Life is brutal.

Not really life, but that is the world we are living in. Married people will never understand it nor see it. I strongly believe that our civilization is being destroyed and manipulated on purpose. Media, Hollywood, music industry, porn industry, economy, current government, all are aspects that shape the collective psychology of the masses. Even in the scenario that it was impossible to control and manipulate everything, still our civilization could be influenced in a positive way in an attempt to create positive change for everybody. So far, is not the case. Every attempt, every regulation, every innovation attempts directly against the well being of our people.

Still, you have the power to create your own world - still. Because even your first amendment is under siege now. But while it last, enjoy your freedom. Be good, love everybody. Love you land, your nation with passion. Be a Nationalist. Care for your people, your country men and women, your soil. Spread positive energy, enjoy life, enjoy simple things of life. Stand strong for what you believe, stand your ground for your principles and values. Cheer those who prosper and succeed, be relentless against those who attempt against other’s freedom, liberty and property. Love with your soul. Never change because of others. Be yourself, give the best of you, give it all. Never leave wondering “what if I did this or that”. Try it all.

At the end, you are the only government of your life and destiny. There is only one agency that has jurisdiction over you, and that is you. You do not have ED. You are overthinking. Your potential is unlimited, and as you convince yourself about this, your mind will be in balance to control everything and to enjoy every single moment and detail of life. Everything in your body will work flawlessly as it was intended to be.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by igigi
Not really life, but that is the world we are living in. Married people will never understand it nor see it. I strongly believe that our civilization is being destroyed and manipulated on purpose. Media, Hollywood, music industry, porn industry, economy, current government, all are aspects that shape the collective psychology of the masses. Even in the scenario that it was impossible to control and manipulate everything, still our civilization could be influenced in a positive way in an attempt to create positive change for everybody. So far, is not the case. Every attempt, every regulation, every innovation attempts directly against the well being of our people.

Still, you have the power to create your own world - still. Because even your first amendment is under siege now. But while it last, enjoy your freedom. Be good, love everybody. Love you land, your nation with passion. Be a Nationalist. Care for your people, your country men and women, your soil. Spread positive energy, enjoy life, enjoy simple things of life. Stand strong for what you believe, stand your ground for your principles and values. Cheer those who prosper and succeed, be relentless against those who attempt against other’s freedom, liberty and property. Love with your soul. Never change because of others. Be yourself, give the best of you, give it all. Never leave wondering “what if I did this or that”. Try it all.

At the end, you are the only government of your life and destiny. There is only one agency that has jurisdiction over you, and that is you. You do not have ED. You are overthinking. Your potential is unlimited, and as you convince yourself about this, your mind will be in balance to control everything and to enjoy every single moment and detail of life. Everything in your body will work flawlessly as it was intended to be.

Not sure if you believe in god but god bless you. I agree with everything you said. People are not acting right. Even though most people are lemmings, that doesn’t change the fact that those leading the culture know exactly how destructive their influence is. I don’t want to be a bitter person who uses people. I want to improve myself and share life with others. It’s hard in this current culture. Its easy to dream of a generation not my own but this is my generation and I’ll continue the path and say and do what is right. I know my philosophical ramblings have rubbed off on family and even friends are starting to admire and try to follow my goals of self improvement. What I struggle with is even if people eventually come around and offer their full support I can’t shake memories of how they tried to stop me and tear me down. I’m learning to forgive because I want to be a strong loving man not a bitter reactive guy. I know a man must strive to always remain strong and I’ve accepted that is what I must become. I just hope when its all said and done someone will recognize the spiritual pain I feel.

Originally Posted by jcawkman
Not sure if you believe in god but god bless you. I agree with everything you said. People are not acting right. Even though most people are lemmings, that doesn’t change the fact that those leading the culture know exactly how destructive their influence is. I don’t want to be a bitter person who uses people. I want to improve myself and share life with others. It’s hard in this current culture. Its easy to dream of a generation not my own but this is my generation and I’ll continue the path and say and do what is right. I know my philosophical ramblings have rubbed off on family and even friends are starting to admire and try to follow my goals of self improvement. What I struggle with is even if people eventually come around and offer their full support I can’t shake memories of how they tried to stop me and tear me down. I’m learning to forgive because I want to be a strong loving man not a bitter reactive guy. I know a man must strive to always remain strong and I’ve accepted that is what I must become. I just hope when its all said and done someone will recognize the spiritual pain I feel.

Of course I believe in God. Without him, creation would have never taken place.

It is easy to forgive. Every time you sense or see or feel an attempt against you in any way shape or form, see ti as a weakness of that other person. When you realize is their weakness, it can damage or affect your fortress. If anything laugh at it. Now, do not confuse that with self defense and your freedom. Always stand your ground, protect and defend yourself and your loved ones with every single power our constitution grant us.

I agree with all the influence in our society from all those in multiple fields of power over our culture. Our society is being destroyed in every single way. Our western civilization is being dismantled. Our core values and principles are being labeled hostile. Suddenly, a Nationalist American proud citizen who works hard to give his family a great life and future, who defends and protects his property and freedom, who flies an American flag and expect respect and civl behavior from others, is a racist. But a criminal thug with extensive police history, a danger to society, an expense for tax payers, a drug dealer who physically abuse women and hate our Police Officers, is Glorified. That is the narrative, passed onto those without education by indoctrination. Indoctrination thats starts right there in the education system, infects communities like a cancer though community organizations, those same organizations that offer “help” and assistance, guidance, are there to spread the indoctrination in the population. Followed by propaganda outlets in almost every single TV channel. Reinforced by celebrities that act accordingly to destroy society and those younger uneducated generations see those celebrity actions as the right way to react and behave.

It has all being carefully planned that way. And to not deviate from the topic, because all of this falls indeed in the same category and bag, they know. They certainly know how bad porn is for us and today is openly channeled to us. Long gone are the days in which porn was actually a target of those in power. Why? because it was something bad. Just like committing a crime was bad. Just like resisting arrest was bad. Just like drugs were bad.

How beautiful our country and world was when people used to eat healthy. Exercise. Work, make good money, take vacations. Enjoy life. Today, the streets are filled with zombies. Everybody on marihuana, prescription drugs, psychoactive drugs, pain pills, all those brains blurry, foggy, slow. People interpreting reality in a twisted way. And because it is impossible to socialize, porn is there with the most atrocious acts of sodomy in 4K high resolution with the act right there zoomed in.

But as I always repeat to everybody. The solution is in each one of us. Lay down the pipe. Eat healthy. Take supplements. Go outdoors, appreciate the beauty of our planet. Do not worry, there is no such thing as global warming. It is all a hoax. Our planet is beautiful and will always be beautiful. Cherish the simple things of life. Love with all your soul. Care for your American citizens. Spreads the word. Stay away from drugs. All kind. Recreational, prescription. Boycott every company that attempts against the principles on the foundation of our culture and nation. We dont like them, we dont need them. Do not trust politicians. None of them, regardless of party.

And lastly, you dont need porn. Non of us need it. Do not think about it, do not think about your dick performance. When you take care of yourself spiritually and physically, your penis will be there always for you to show love and passion.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Let’s please move the discussion back to the thread topic. Or move this discussion to other threads. Thanks, guys.


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