Thunder's Place

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Hi.I’m a 20 years old guy and I’ve had a varicocele in my left testicle for about 3 years now(maybe a bit more).The bulge from the veins is visible with the naked eye depending on how hot or cold it is.I rarely had any pain and i didn’t bother much with it until i saw that my left testicle is smaller than my right testicle.

Also my testicles are not that big.My right one is 2.5 inches by 1.25 inches and left one 2 inches by 1 inch and I’m being generous with my measurements.I don’t really know the average size but i am a young guy and i should be at my peak in these years.

I don’t know how my hormones are,but i think i am okay.I am pretty muscular,more muscular than average and i barely do any sports(i hit the gym now and than when I’m bored).My voice is okay i guess.I do have less energy than i think i should have at my age,i get tired easily physically and i sleep a lot,like 9-10 hours.I eat a lot less now than i did back in my younger days.I have like 2 normal meals a day compared to 3 heavy meals a day back than.

For those who had varicocele like me and had surgery for it,did you see any results?Is it true that varicocele causes impotence?Should i go to the doctor with it?(i have pretty crappy doctors where i live i think i know more in the medical field than most family doctors).The doctor would probably say it’s okay and i should leave it alone.But,here any disease that doesn’t kill you in a matter of weeks doesn’t concern family doctors much.

What problem is it causing you?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

What problem is it causing you?

Most probably decreased testosterone and decreased testicular size,just as i said in my post.As far as i know it can cause infertility.

It may be nothing now,but i’m afraid i’m gonna wake up at 25 with sunflower seeds size balls and girly voice.

Well they are fairly common, occurring in about 15-18 % of men and I don’t that many guys are infertile. If they really bother you then get them taken care of.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Well they are fairly common, occurring in about 15-18 % of men and I don’t that many guys are infertile. If they really bother you then get them taken care of.

I don’t know man they don’t bother me in the sense that they hurt or something,just like cancer doesn’t bother you in the first stages.What I’m afraid is the long term damage that it can have on my body.I may exaggerate a bit,i never had surgery in my life,i actually never was sick enough to even get an injection or stay in a hospital etc. So if i am going to have surgery,i must make sure that i really need to.

My dad told me he got some big veins in the testicle too and it’s normal and it never bothered him.But after i was born my parents tried to have more babies,but never succeeded.They tried for 20 years and now they are too old for that.(my dad was 25 years old when i was born).Now I’m saying maybe the reason they couldn’t do it is because of the varicocele he has.It sounds pretty serious to me.

Well it seems you only have two choices; live with them or get them removed. Since they are kind of common I wouldn’t even think twice about them if I had them.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Well it seems you only have two choices; live with them or get them removed. Since they are kind of common I wouldn’t even think twice about them if I had them.

You mean it wouldn’t bother you much or you would get surgery right away?I on’t think i understood what you said i wouldn’t think twice about them.

They are common. Why would I let it bother me if lots of guys have them and they have no problem with them? Do you want something to worry about?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

They are common. Why would I let it bother me if lots of guys have them and they have no problem with them? Do you want something to worry about?

Guess i should leave it alone.I will act if i see more shrinkage to my testicles.

I had a varicocele and the surgery to remove it. This was when I was about 22 ( I am 30 now). I had it on my left testicle and have small balls as well. I think PE actually worsened it to the point where I needed to have the surgery. It eventually got to the point where it was a big bag of worms in my sac and had a pretty bad achey pain. The surgery wasn’t so bad, the recovery hurt.

It is now 8 years later, I have a small scar just below the belt line. No more pain, and it hasnt returned. I still do PE and erection quality is great. I know it can make you infertile but the chances of this are low if I recall. I am not sure if I am or not as I have not gotten tested.

Hope this helped!

Originally Posted by wannabeXL
I had a varicocele and the surgery to remove it. This was when I was about 22 ( I am 30 now). I had it on my left testicle and have small balls as well. I think PE actually worsened it to the point where I needed to have the surgery. It eventually got to the point where it was a big bag of worms in my sac and had a pretty bad achey pain. The surgery wasn’t so bad, the recovery hurt.

It is now 8 years later, I have a small scar just below the belt line. No more pain, and it hasnt returned. I still do PE and erection quality is great. I know it can make you infertile but the chances of this are low if I recall. I am not sure if I am or not as I have not gotten tested.

Hope this helped!

I understand.I think frequent masturbation lead to my varicocele.

I got one from getting sucked into the pump. Doesn’t hurt, had kids since and my testosterone was already low from sleep apnea so I take injections for that. I’d get them looked at anyway to be safe. Not just a general Dr, ask for a specialist. YOU are ultimately the one who will get yourself good treatment. Doctors will do the bare minimum unless you insist on more. You don’t want to find out 20 years from now when you can’t have kids that you should have done something now and you’ll regret it.

I remember being told at like the age of 13 that I had a “sack of worms(varicocele)” by the doctor my parents took us to. I never even started masturbating until I was possibly 17, so it couldn’t have came from masturbating. Anyways, I’m seeing a doctor in about 3 weeks about getting it fixed, but I don’t know which is better, surgery route, or embolization. I do get achy pain in the area occasionally, and sometimes when I orgasm I get pain, which is defeating the purpose. I’m also 32 now. I wonder now sometimes, had my parents gotten it fixed at that age, would my penis, and or testicles have grown more during puberty? Not that they are necessarily small, just curious is all.

Is pain when orgasming a key element here? I’ve had what felt like an inflamed tube leading to a testicle and it was after a long edging session. Then the orgasm and testes were painful and tender for a couple hours. They were never big, one notably smaller than the other. I’ve never tried to have kids, not interested but…I do want proper health.

This is outside of my expertise, but now I wonder. Does this sound like the same thing?

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 09-29-2016 at . Reason: Clarity

I have a left side vericocele. It is s bit sensitive. I’ve had kids with it. However, I have had low testosterone because of it so now I take shots.

Fortunately, my wife has never said anything about it as it is a sore spot for insecurity.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

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