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10 minutes of jelq

10 minutes of jelq

Can 10 minutes of jelqing do anything for you. I do it 5days on 2 off. What would I gain for this, hopefully better/stronger EQ with some girth.

As in most things, it comes down to the quality of the exercise. A jelq in someones mind is not the same in someone else’s mind, so it really depends on what your doing to create growth. The fact that your asking the question in this time parameter tells me you are trying to cheat the taxman, so you are another newbie that is probably going nowhere.

I think it will help with EQ. I’m willing to bet that once you get into it, you might get hooked too!

I'm figgering on biggering and biggering, and biggering, and BIGGERING!

10 minutes of jelqing may not get you quite to your end goal, but yes, it probably will give you better EQ and a bit of girth and length. Your penis will adapt to the ‘10 minutes’ after a short while though, so you will have to slowly increase the time, or intensity, and vary the erection levels a bit, add a bit of stretching etc. so you are not just doing the same thing every day for too many weeks in a row.

You have to challenge the tissues just a little bit to keep growth going, but if you are just after great EQ, 10 minutes of jelqing 3 times a week will certainly help that.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Thanks, firegoat.

Yeah EQ is a must but iwant length and girth too. So I’m going to add a little stretching too.

So how do you know when to increase from the original 10 minutes to more time? I’m assuming it’s correlated to penile fatigue from the exercises. What sort of ramp up increment does one usually recommend?

Originally Posted by ottermd

So how do you know when to increase from the original 10 minutes to more time? I’m assuming it’s correlated to penile fatigue from the exercises. What sort of ramp up increment does one usually recommend?

Think about this, if you added one minute of jelqing a week, after a year you would be doing over an hour; so obviously that isn’t practical. Most guys will add other exercises instead once they get to 15/20 mins jelqing, so if (when you are well conditioned) you add a few (for eg.) uli’s before jelqing, you will pre-fatigue the tunica a bit before jelqing, and make it as responsive to jelqing as it was when you started PE.

So I recommend only measuring once a month, and if you have grown, keep the routine the same. If you have not grown, increase what you are already doing, or change or add an exercise (but keep the jelqs). Always do the absolute minimum you can as long as you are gaining.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

It’s like I want to stretch but my EQ been through the roof the pass two days. I get a rock hard on easily now, so can I just add 5 minutes of v-stretching.

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