I also disagree with this post, but I certainly welcome the debate. The problem is two-fold. One, we really don’t know for sure how the penis grows. Is it new cell growth? Is it some kind of just stretching and rearranging of existing cells. What is really going on? What chemical messengers trigger this growth, and how does shocking your penis like this trigger them? Second, even if we knew this, I would expect fierce debate as to what factors influence it, seeing as nobody knows for sure
If I cut myself, I grow new cells and heal regardless of my diet. Maybe if I am starving there might be some impact to healing, but for the most part, I grow new cells. If I weightlift, I seem to grow more if I over-eat, but even on that, it’s unclear how much the health aspect of the diet matters. This might be influenced more by hormone levels versus trauma to the muscle (why I never improved my bench until I started doing squats).
Even though there are a lot of unknowns and we can’t disprove the original post, I think we need to rely on common sense here. The evidence I’ve seen on this forum indicates the exercises matter a lot more than the diet. Also the original post never really explains why the diet might influence growth. Is zinc helpful for prmoting cell growth? Does insulin or high blood pressure affect this kind of growth? Etc. But it’s worth looking into, and I appreciate the post.