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AI Stretching and ligs?

AI Stretching and ligs?

I was reading a thread on AI stretching and i have been trying it for total body flexibility and it seems to be working. My question is can i as a newbie do this stretching or is it more for advanced peing.

Also i have read about people’s having a lig pop is this a good thing or a bad thing that happens i haven’t read a clear response on that. If it is bad how can i avoid this happing and if it is good why so, and how can i attain it.


something to say

Hey Lite!

If you have been doing some static stretching before, and haven’t had any setbacks, I don’t think why you couldn’t try some AIS as well. I wouldn’t call it advanced only. Don’t know much about ligpoppin, but I’ve had it couple of times, and in my case, it has probably ment growth (not shrinkage tho). :)

A Man behind his mask.

Hey Highlite

When you get a chance, please read the Posting Guidelines at
/forum/misc.php … tion=faq&page=4




"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Thanks for the help johan and sorry about the (i’s) tex a bad instant messaging habit I will be more formal from now on.



And since you brought it up, I’m going to try AIS also. I read about it before but plumb forgot.




"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Glad I could refresh your memory tex.

Johan would you suggest performing static stretches along with AI stretching or would you say doing both would not be as productive?


Originally posted by highlite15
Glad I could refresh your memory tex.

Johan would you suggest performing static stretches along with AI stretching or would you say doing both would not be as productive?


Lite, check this post
About stretching

A Man behind his mask.

Thank you for the help johan i am going to stick with the AI stretching for a few weeks and see what results i get before going back to normal static stretching if at all.


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