Originally Posted by Mike03016
I know this has been said in other threads but all ya’ll are huge on this sight.. And I would appreciate if you slowed down a bit because as a normal average guy (started 5-1/2 x 5) I am going to get a complex even tho I have never had a single complaint from a female (actually the opposite, I get compliments).Thank you from a rookie/newbie on this site,
Lol, i felt the same way. It is both amazing and also quite intimidating (I found) seeing so many people way above average, which might make you feel like a little worse to start with, for me personally, as a below average guy, it hated it at first. seeing people with 6-7 inch dicks saying they were “small” made me so sad and just want to cry lmao! but … then you realize that everyone is different. no matter how big/small you are, you perceive yourself differently.
But almost everyone here is very honorable and kind. I have found that the community here is amazing, especially for people who believe they are insufficient. TG and the other are fucking awesome at making you feel good. plus there knowledge and all things pe is immense.
Stay active and keep at it, and you’ll have you own gains to flaut in your signature :)
PS - are the measurement you listed BPEL or NBPEL ?