pretty simple, I stick with the facts and stay occupied during routines, so I can support it easier
I usually start with Warm up, in shower or on the chair with a warm cloth of water
then, I walk around while manual stretching, I can often feel a harder pull when I do this. I don’t even count the stretch times, but it’s flaccid and probly 2 minutes sometimes, 30 seconds other times, I do this walking around watching tv. pretty effective for feeling stretches in the tunica too. I like to stretch at 6 oclock because ligament stretches are fun and at 7 oclock I feel it in my entire penis too.
I have a good strategy for the sideway manual stretches. While I’m sitting on the chair I take my penis with a firm grip and I put my hand on my leg. I move my leg towards the exterior while the same hand holding the penis is gripping on it. I don’t know if you understand, but this gives more force to the stretch because the leg is stronger than the shoulders. All I try to do is get a grip on my penis and grip my hand on the leg. well, it’s a detail, nothing like the good stretch-walking :P
well, sometimes I don’t even do jelqing after a good 15 minutes of stretching. oh yeah, I never forget to shake my penis so blood goes back in circulation, often the end the penis gets a little white (I dont know why but it usually is purple).
When I do jelqing, it’s always after stretching. But when I stretch, it’s always after masturbating (Because I get easy erections).
Sometimes, when I want to jelq, I just try to stretch the tunica, about 10 minutes, so I help out with keeping this stretch by bringing in blood pressure. Of course, I don’t do a single jelq without having the most blood pressure as possible, but I can’t do a jelq when I’m erect. I wouldn’t have thought that a penis could be hard without being erect, but that’s the fact. I’m only about 60% erect and it still can get filled with blood, putting a lot of pressure, and since the tissues of the tunica arent filled with blood yet (they are still umm.. mou, not soft.. excuse my french.. they are slacky!) it is easier for these tissues to be stretched from jelqing, a lot more if there was stretch involved before. I do 30 minute jelqing at max pressure!!
So, for my tunica stretches, I keep it with a 9 oclock angle (90 degrees).
By the way, my LOT is about 7 or 8
I do my exercises at 2 days interval, sometimes 1 day.
I think I can be the proof that moderate but strong exercises are more resulting than often but not too strong exercises.
I think I do them only when I feel like doing them, and when I feel some pain I dont hesitate in waiting for a new day!
By the way, I’m from quebec so my explanations LACK a lot.
Well, after my exercises, my penis seems like it worked hard (feels numb somewhat, a strange numbness, I felt this when I was younger and made allergies after masturbating with an empty shampoo bottle! probly to the cat..well, can’t do it anymore cuz I’m about 5.25” EG mid 5.5” EG base, thought after allergies it must have grown to that size in flaccid girth LOL).. yes I wanted to say, my penis feels like it worked hard so I just give it some warm water, to take off the lubricant too…
Well, overall, my exercises are a “fun” 45 minutes… ! jelqing is funner when I read articles in meanwhile I must admit
well, 8 inches, here I come
damn gota workout , its been 2 days.. ill do it tomorrow iz too late now gota get to sleep (lol im talking to myself again) I really live in my mind I guess.
I feel like saying something important.. I’ve always wanted to be Jet Pilot but this year I was refused because of small myopia. any of you had a similar problem? I heard the job was really exciting, and lotsa chicks thought jet pilots were bombs hehe! well, I guess I’ll stick with my dream of going to space, I dont need to have perfect vision.
I have this ambition: during my life, I work at building a satellite, that I will send in space after my carreer, and I will go inside it… imagine, seeing the planets from up close. My objective would be to check out what’s hidden under the smoggy atmosphere of saturn. Maybe deadly, but I wouldn’t give up until images are sent to planet earth. And, I’d be the first man to step on saturn, or at least, to die on it ! lol wish me good luck. I will call this SaturnOperationSeventy because I want to be seventy when I die on it. With my brilliant calculations, nothing can stop me.
well, I’ll start off my career with getting to 8 inches before those university chiks check me out ! HEHE
sorry for the long text, but im off to sleep. cya! uhm dont worry if it looks like I smoked weed, it’s only cuz im sleepy, i dont touch the crap