Another Ambitious Newbie
As with most newbies, I over did it the first three weeks. Actually had a size reduction.
Even with the huge amount of information telling us to take days off and take it easy with our workouts, we still over do it.
Since I started to believe in taking it easy and taking days off, during weeks four to six I have an erect gain of a solid 1/4 inch compared to overall starting length, and tremendously improved EQ. Most of this gain has been the last week.
I have come up with a couple of ways for us newbies to take days off without actually taking them off. We’ll see what the veterans think.
1. Take a day or two and do kegels only, no jelqing, stretching, or anything else. This may give the tissues time to recover, and let you feel like you are actually doing something towards your goal.
2. Do your jelqs and stretches very, very, lightly instead of taking the day off. I mean really lightly. Let me say that again: pay very close attention to what you are doing, and how erect you are, and do the jelqs extremely lightly. These are so light that I suspect that a veteran would not even consider what I do on “days off” as actual jelqs.
In fact, you may find that these light jelqs get more results than you might think. For this newbie, it takes a concentrated effort not to jelq too hard, and when I do this, I get results. I can’t just jelq away. I have to think about every jelq in order not to do it too hard.