Thunder's Place

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Anyone with good results from JAI stretch


Anyone with good results from JAI stretch

Hey just curious if anyone has seen good results from putting JAI stretches in their routine


Yes I did.

Cool thanks :)

Is Bird2 the only one?

No bird2 is not the only one I grew from a 4” flacid to a 6” flacid doing JAI.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Wow! Just from doing Jai stretchs? I’m really interested in these so I’d appreciate it if you could guide me a little: In Johan’s thread he said that he contracted his abdominal muscles, which I guess is what people call a reverse kegel now, whilst he was stretching then relaxed again. But would doing a standard kegel be better or not? Did you see any erect gains?

Odd. The video for the JAI stretch says to breath in after releasing, the text with the photos however, state the opposite. Whats the correct one?

Originally Posted by DirtyMagic
Odd. The video for the JAI stretch says to breath in after releasing, the text with the photos however, state the opposite. Whats the correct one?

Second this.

Which one is it? And does the breathing matter much?

Originally Posted by ReachingFarther
Second this.

Which one is it? And does the breathing matter much?

Yes, it does. Breathing out is the phase in which relaxation is the most and you want to be relaxed during the stretch. I just read the text and it says the opposite. If I am wrong, please correct me.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Originally Posted by beenie169
Is Bird2 the only one?


When I added it to my noob routine, I had better results.

Bird2 was perhaps the most prolific poster here for a while, made great gains, gave lots of advice to newbies, then logged out in June 2007 and never returned. Sometimes wonder what happens to these fellas..

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Perhaps he got too BIG for his bitches, oops, I mean britches, lol.

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