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Are gains permanent?


Are gains permanent?

Ok on several forum threads people were asking if they take a break will they lose gains, but I thought PE was permanent. So once I reach my goal of 6.5 and I no longer want to do PE will it go back to normal.

Nothing is permanent, hell if you did no PE and when you got old your dick would probably be smaller than what it is now. Just like body building, you can build up but your body will always try to fight you to go back to what it knows so you have to “maintain” it. Usually called a maintenance routine less vigorous and less time consuming


Start 01/10: BPEL - 5.6875" EG - 4.250" | Current: BPEL - 6.5" EG - 4.375"

Short Term Goal: BPEL - 6.5" EG - 5.0" | Long Term Goal: BPEL - 7.5" EG - 5.5"

^The use it or lose it idea applies for men who don’t PE the same way that completely stopping PE will cause some loss of gains. I think that once the gains are cemented you can maintain gains with a maintanence routine. I don’t know if sexual activity is enough to maintain cemented gains though. Probably not in the long run.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Newby101
Nothing is permanent, hell if you did no PE and when you got old your dick would probably be smaller than what it is now. Just like body building, you can build up but your body will always try to fight you to go back to what it knows so you have to “maintain” it. Usually called a maintenance routine less vigorous and less time consuming


Very wrong.

Bodybuilding is about muscles, this is about collagen. You’re dealing with VERY different biological tissue. It’s much more complex than you make it out to be.

It’s all tissue, and tissue is composed of cells which are constantly dying and being replaced.

Your tissue cells and your body structure are preprogrammed in your DNA.

You cannot change the information in your DNA by simply jelqing, pumping, or hanging.

When left to itself the body will revert to it’s original preprogrammed structure.

If a body builder stops exercising, they will in time become a 98 lb weakling again.

Here’s a thought..

If we could locate the genes responsible for penis size,

Would it be possible through gene splicing to change the size

Of our dicks by replacing our genes with those of our porn star heroes?

It could be a gold mine for the naturally well endowed.

Well you wouldn’t go back to being 98 lbs but you’d lose your muscle and gain a lot of fat if you just stopped exercising altogether.

You’re gonna have to maintain it but that isn’t nearly as taxing or time consuming. Something like stretching and jelqing 1-2 times a week for like 15 mins might maintain it. This is just an example. When you think about it it is really still worth it though because you get to keep a big unit and all you have to do is some light training.

Has anyone actually gained a decent amount and checked the loss during a break? Instead of theories I think trials would give better argument

Goal 9x6.5

The way I see it there are 3 options:

1. Go over your goal and after quitting hope to lose just enough to get you “back” to your goal.
2. Cement the gains, which is still questionable whether it’s possible or not.
3. Keep doing maintenance routine for several years or even life, which is the best option in my opinion. PE is not only about size gains, but penis health as well. After I’ve seen the effect of jelqs on EQ I’ll try to do at least some form of PE for the rest of my life.

Like someone already said, PE is like bodybuilding. When there’s no stimulus, body tends to go back where it started. Of course, just like with bodybuilding you won’t lose everything and go back right where you started if you exercise long enough, you will lose only a portion of total gains. Also, getting gains after a loss is easier than getting gains for the first time, just like muscle memory in bodybuilding.

Originally Posted by masterwangti
Has anyone actually gained a decent amount and checked the loss during a break? Instead of theories I think trials would give better argument

I agree. Lets get some people that have actually gone through a decon break. I have heard many people say they have gained and kept their gains. But I have also heard many people complain that they have gained but lost most of it when they stopped. Personally the DNA argument is flawed. The body is able to adapt. That is pure Evolutionary truth.

I think there gets to a point where when doing PE the body cannot (because of physical reasons) go back to its original size. For instance I think BIB started out 6 inches and now is said to be 10in? I think its physically impossible for him to go back to 6 inches. This is an extreme example but you get the point.

Extreme example and also quite questionable at that. :P

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Of course, just like with bodybuilding you won’t lose everything and go back right where you started if you exercise long enough, you will lose only a portion of total gains.

Again, what’s with these bodybuilding examples? You are not exercising a muscle. How fast can collagen degenerate?

Smooth muscle, vascularity, and cardiovascular health are separate issues, but collagen degeneration is incomparable to bodybuilding. The way you can regain muscle faster after you’ve gained it once, though, is somewhat comparable - joints remain stronger, joints have more similarity to PE than muscle does, I think.

And with bodybuilding, you will lose almost all of your hypertrophied muscle if you do not use it, over time. Look at Kevin Levrone, who still maintained a rigorous workout schedule after he quit, as a prime example.

Bodybuilding is just an analogy, I’m not saying there’s muscle in penis. Also, professional bodybuilders are not good examples because they use steroids. You can eat and exercise all you want after getting off steroids and you will still lose a lot of muscle because you won’t have the hormonal base to maintain that much muscle. That’s off topic, though.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Again, what’s with these bodybuilding examples? You are not exercising a muscle. How fast can collagen degenerate?

Smooth muscle, vascularity , and cardiovascular health are separate issues, but collagen degeneration is incomparable to bodybuilding. The way you can regain muscle faster after you’ve gained it once, though, is somewhat comparable - joints remain stronger, joints have more similarity to PE than muscle does, I think.

And with bodybuilding, you will lose almost all of your hypertrophied muscle if you do not use it, over time. Look at Kevin Levrone , who still maintained a rigorous workout schedule after he quit, as a prime example.

Wow, please shut up.
Anyways no one is saying body building and p.e. Are the same, but giving examples to people who might not understand how not doing a maintenance routine can effect there stats. Everyone knows the to are completely different but until you give a better example (which you really haven’t) be quiet. No need for an anatomy less that’s not helpful.
Like everyone said gains are not permanent and need to be maintained to an extent.

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