Hello guys, I have a question. When I’m doing jelqs, I grab my penis from its base and I start to jelq, but there are some points of my penis in which I feel like there is a lot of blood and some that I only feel the muscle itself (to say it in that way). By the time I do my jelqs, my penis starts getting erect but it never gets fully erect, its erection point is one that I can bend my penis’s head easily, but at this erection point, I feel the whole penis with blood, but I can’t feel that I’m moving the blood towards because it is already fully of blood. When I get to that point of erection I stop, and wait until my penis is a little bit flaccid again so I can feel I’m moving the blood.
My question is; what should I do? Should I keep doing jelqs the way I’m doing them? Or should I do them in that erection point where it is not fully erect and I can feel I have blood in my whole penis?