Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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Hello guys, I have a question. When I’m doing jelqs, I grab my penis from its base and I start to jelq, but there are some points of my penis in which I feel like there is a lot of blood and some that I only feel the muscle itself (to say it in that way). By the time I do my jelqs, my penis starts getting erect but it never gets fully erect, its erection point is one that I can bend my penis’s head easily, but at this erection point, I feel the whole penis with blood, but I can’t feel that I’m moving the blood towards because it is already fully of blood. When I get to that point of erection I stop, and wait until my penis is a little bit flaccid again so I can feel I’m moving the blood.

My question is; what should I do? Should I keep doing jelqs the way I’m doing them? Or should I do them in that erection point where it is not fully erect and I can feel I have blood in my whole penis?

you think it is Advisable kegeling During jelqs? I always do to bring more blood and Maintain the erection.

How do you do?




I kegel during jelqs too. I think most persons do. But try not to hold the kegel. Just pump the blood into your shaft then release the kegel. If you are at the required erection level, then don’t kegel at all.

There have been numerous reports about too much kegels causing problems such as premature ejaculation - due to hyper-sensitivity of the PC muscle. You can counter-balance your kegels with reverse-kegels if you think it is causing a problem.

many many thanks mate! . I’ll do what you say. another doubt. when it is advisable to edging to improve EQ and thickness. during routine without ejaculation? or after a few hours? with ejaculation or not?

This thread is really important !

Many Thanks





Last edited by Celtíbero 92 : 05-20-2016 at .

You can do edging right after your routine. Or you can do it by itself. Don’t ejaculate during any PE exercise, including edging. Ejaculating immediately kills your EQ, and makes your penis shrivel up. It also increases recovery time.

Also, by practicing to resist ejaculation, you build your sexual stamina.

It is better to save your ejaculations for sex, or plan your ejaculations. For example, you can decide ejaculate twice per week. Only do it on those occasions, after edging (preferably) or not.

You can also combine edging with clamping. This gives many people great girth gains. But remember that clamping is an advanced exercise, not for newbies. This is the technique which Houstonwoods uses to get his insane girth.

Good luck!

Dried out

Hey, i have noticed my glans have been more dried out since i started PE (Not asap ofc, after ~1.5months). And today i saw some marks on my glans which looked like scars, but once i get wet they disappear, i guess this means that i get so dry that my foreskin gets attached to my glans or something. Does this sound like some sort of injury?
i have two guesses
My glans have became little more flexible and since I’m always sleeping on my stomach so they might get compressed when I’m sleeping and stick together?
My other guess is, that i have noticed my foreskin changing a bit, it sometimes no longer slides smoothly (dried out) and on the top of my penis it’s wider than before (But nothing huge ofc), during the night might not cover my penis like it did (Who knows).

I guess both can also be possible at the same time. I’m a little worried because when i have morning wood and i do a strong kegel, my glans hurt and it messes with your head.
I drink water constantly i go to bathroom every 2h during the work day.

Start 5.3 NBPEL | 4.8 MEG | May 2016

Goal 6.3 NBPEL | 5.0 MEG | :(

Progress in milimeters |||||||||| |||||||||| ||||| 20%

Can’t edit. I will try to take a piss not retracting the skin and get it moisten up a bit for few days, but i still want some feedback, has anyone experienced this?

Start 5.3 NBPEL | 4.8 MEG | May 2016

Goal 6.3 NBPEL | 5.0 MEG | :(

Progress in milimeters |||||||||| |||||||||| ||||| 20%

It’s nothing serious.

I have it too sometimes.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

If you moisturise your face after shaving, do your penis at the same time.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat

If you moisturise your face after shaving, do your penis at the same time.

Probably aftershave is not what you are talking about right? :D

Yeah, i will try to moisture it when i can.

Start 5.3 NBPEL | 4.8 MEG | May 2016

Goal 6.3 NBPEL | 5.0 MEG | :(

Progress in milimeters |||||||||| |||||||||| ||||| 20%

Hey guys, why exactly we don’t cum after edging? Is it a lot less beneficial? Because i’ve been doing this all my life, really :D Because I’m picky with porn i guess, haha.

Start 5.3 NBPEL | 4.8 MEG | May 2016

Goal 6.3 NBPEL | 5.0 MEG | :(

Progress in milimeters |||||||||| |||||||||| ||||| 20%

Originally Posted by ThatsaPenis
Hey guys, why exactly we don’t cum after edging? Is it a lot less beneficial?

To avoid the hormones and chemicals secretions that took place after we cum. All this mess could end up lowering your EQ temporarily.

Nice Eazy E avatar by the way :up:

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Useless
To avoid the hormones and chemicals secretions that took place after we cum. All this mess could end up lowering your EQ temporarily.

Nice Eazy E avatar by the way :up:

Haha, i like it myself. :) Thanks! Any recommendations on quiting porn? It’s probably really bad for me and my and my EQ.
And what about masturbation, once a week seems healthy? Im 100% sure that i won’t be able to quit. Sadly, it drags porn with it. And then it seems that you guys edge without porn?

Start 5.3 NBPEL | 4.8 MEG | May 2016

Goal 6.3 NBPEL | 5.0 MEG | :(

Progress in milimeters |||||||||| |||||||||| ||||| 20%

Originally Posted by ThatsaPenis
Any recommendations on quiting porn?

Slowing the pace of it could help (from everyday to once a week, for example), before totally quit.

Originally Posted by ThatsaPenis
And what about masturbation, once a week seems healthy? Im 100% sure that i won’t be able to quit. Sadly, it drags porn with it. And then it seems that you guys edge without porn?

Once or twice per week is good for EQ, but not enough for the prostate health (21 times per month).

Edge without porn, yes.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

I’ve been told that you can feel the blood moving up your shaft during a proper jelqing. I’m either jelqing wrong or I have no idea what that moving blood feels like because I feel no such thing. How exactly is it supposed to feel like/ which physical sensations am I looking for here?


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