Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ask what ever you want

Mate, measuring does my head in as well…

Penises are just not ruler friendly by nature. I’m sure everybody, and every survey has its own variables.

The most important thing is to be consistent… gains are what we are gunning for. ;)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

TL;DR: Is it better to keep with the routine or to rest after a rough sex day?

So, I’m in this very simple 10 minutes jelqing routine, 2 on 1 off. Yesterday was my day off, and today i had engaged in sexual activities during the whole day. Felt girthier (gf even mentioned how she felt different), and even bigger/fuller now after all the fun. Still feeling kind of sore (from sex, not the routine), but also larger and heavier. Would it be better to take advantage of that and do the routine as usual, or to take the day off and start again tomorrow?

January 2016 - start: BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

Originally Posted by Delicioco

TL;DR: Is it better to keep with the routine or to rest after a rough sex day?

Have a day off mate. It’s real easy to over do it. I got an injury doing exactly what you’ve done.

A day off is nothing, and is better than taking a month off, which is what I had to do. :)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

What grip is ideal for dry jelqs?

I have seen the OK grip (overhand) as well as the underhand.

In your opinion, which one will target the sides of the penis?

Personally, since I am uncircumcised, I do dry Jelqs and I actually alternate with the overhand then underhand to try to keep everything even. So, I do an overhand ok grip then an underhand ok grip with my right hand, then I switch hands and repeat the overhand and underhand. Since I am just starting out I might experiment with alternating hands and grips (I.e. Do an Overhand grip with right and left hand, then Underhand grip with right and left hand.) I don’t plan on getting too fancy since I don’t want to rush and mess anything up.

Originally Posted by Skygod2016
Have a day off mate. It’s real easy to over do it. I got an injury doing exactly what you’ve done.
A day off is nothing, and is better than taking a month off, which is what I had to do. :)

That’s exactly what i did. Thanks Skygod! :)
What kind of injury? Was it that bad?

January 2016 - start: BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

Originally Posted by Delicioco
That’s exactly what i did. Thanks Skygod! :)
What kind of injury? Was it that bad?

Well basically… Extended alcohol fuelled sex session + PEing the day before and after = Worn out and sore Penis :eek:

My left side is my weakest side, and I had a slight soreness along the shaft…

Rested it for a week… no change, so took a month off.

After 2 weeks the soreness was gone, and after another 2 weeks I started PEing again… a little bit wiser I hope :)

I can still feel it sometimes a little, but I get the feeling a lot of it is, and was, in my head… I think you become super sensitive to everything to do with your penis when you are PEing, unlike before PEing when you would have probably just ignored it.

I have now reduced the intensity of my jelqing, stretching. I have also started pumping, which I feel has less variables than manual exercises (slightly more scientific in it’s approach) so easier to monitor.

My progress report has a little bit more information on the above if you are interested.

Good luck :D

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

I will surely check it out!

I agree so much about variability on manual exercises. Just changing the angle and position of my fingers while jelqing make a huge difference.
oh well

Good luck for you too! :D

January 2016 - start: BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

Here it comes.. How deep have you gotten? :D

Start 5.3 NBPEL | 4.8 MEG | May 2016

Goal 6.3 NBPEL | 5.0 MEG | :(

Progress in milimeters |||||||||| |||||||||| ||||| 20%

How come marinera isn’t a member anymore?

Does anyone know?

Start 06.2012 BPEL: 6.1" EG: 5.3" Current BPEL: 7.1" EG: 5.6" Goal BPEL: 7.5" EG: 6"

He chose to leave. I know I pissed him off before he left but you’d have to ask him why. He’s been posting on PE Gym and LPSG, if you want to contact him.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

If one doesn’t get nearly enough sleep, should he follow the routine as usual or take the day off? (In a 2 on 1 off situation)

I did the routine yesterday, everything went great. Sadly, i only had 4 hours of sleep. What is the best option?

January 2016 - start: BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

Originally Posted by Delicioco
If one doesn’t get nearly enough sleep, should he follow the routine as usual or take the day off? (In a 2 on 1 off situation)

I did the routine yesterday, everything went great. Sadly, i only had 4 hours of sleep. What is the best option?

Listen to your body/penis. If you feel like you want to do your routine, do it. If you feel you really don’t want to do it, don’t do it.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I’m still a newbie. It’s very difficult to know for sure when to take an extra day off.

Yesterday’s routine was pretty intense, and although i’ve had plenty of random erections today, EQ is not at it’s best.

Im just worried about inconsistency/overtraining… But better safe than sorry, right?

Well, thanks Firegoat!

January 2016 - start: BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

Originally Posted by Delicioco
I’m still a newbie. It’s very difficult to know for sure when to take an extra day off.

Yesterday’s routine was pretty intense, and although i’ve had plenty of random erections today, EQ is not at it’s best.

Im just worried about inconsistency/overtraining… But better safe than sorry, right?

Well, thanks Firegoat!

If you’re really not sure, just have a lighter routine that day.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


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