Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ask what ever you want

When you are doing something similar to the hanging 101 routine ,should you take a 3 or 4 days deconditioning break or finish the routine or take the break and start back where u left off?

Do flaccid gains mean anything? It seems I’m making some really good flaccid gains.

Starting Stats - BPFSL: 13cm, BPEL: 13.5cm

Current Stats - BPFSL: 15.4cm, BPEL: 14.6cm

All stats are pre warmup. Starting Stats taken on 8/20, restarted with those same stats 2/21 due to lack of dedication.

Originally Posted by Vash92
Do flaccid gains mean anything? It seems I’m making some really good flaccid gains.

I’m just started a thread on this where we are discussing exactly what you mention.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

Originally Posted by BigBootyFan
I’m just started a thread on this where we are discussing exactly what you mention.

I knew today was going to be a good day.
Strolling on over, then.

Having real problems with EQ lately ! Are the excersises that are specific to helping to improve EQ/

Yes. Jelqing. Dry.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Length and Girth

I am not new to PE really but I have been kinda lazy about keeping up with it. I have a 6 1/2 bpl and about 4 3/4 girth. I want to be near 8” length and at least 5.5 girth at some point. My question is: how can I improve length fastest? Right now I am jelqing and pumping twice a day. 200 jelqs and pumping for ten mins at 5 (is it lbs?) anyhow, let me know.

Cold water question. Everyone always talks about heat and warming up, I’ve been taking a ton of cold showers because cold water on the balls / in general boosts test. A LOT and I really feel a difference; it also knocks out a lot of inflammation very quickly. So my question, will cold showers hurt my gains? Even bodybuilders, tour de france ppl etc are using cold therapy to heal from injuries, and of course if you get a bad injury the answer is always “ice it”. So I wonder if cold AFTER a PE regimen would speed recovery? I am not doing cold blasts BEFORE, let me be clear. I just hit a lot of cold blasts through the day, after a run, etc. Curious if anyone has experience w/ this.

Rikyu, these could help you:

Cool Down - YES You NEED It!.

Also, used cooldown for a while and did not feel anything different: washcloth dipped inside water with ice cubes, for 2 minutes tops.

If I’m not mistaken, BigGirtha used cooldown and had success with it.

Good luck!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Just a quick (possibly a tad weird) question: Can you use a ball stretcher while jelqing to keep skin out of the way? I did that for the first time on my previous PE session and it helped maintain a steady erection throughout the entire jelqing, just not sure if it advisable to do or not.

Heat without heating my NUTS. keeping testosterone levels high

Thanks. I really need to figure out an efficient system of warming up without heating my nuts.

Hold the penis up and heat it with a hair dryer.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by Rikyu
Thanks. I really need to figure out an efficient system of warming up without heating my nuts.

Warming up your unit during the day for a couple of times doesn’t lower testosterone.

You might have fertility problems, but only with prolonged and extreme heating methods.

I’ve been reading up on these Reverse Erect Skin Stretches to prevent turkey neck (got a minor case of it, so I thought might as well prevent it from getting worse). Anyway, when should I do them in my PE workout? I do a simple hot wrap, manual stretches, wet jelqs then another hot wrap. Just not sure where to apply them in my PE workout.

Can a mod change my poster name to 4YearsBigWeen? Don’t like the name I chose


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