Thunder's Place

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Average Glans stats

Average Glans stats

I’m wondering what’s the average head size, & I’m concerned about increasing my head size. I’d appreciate if you guys post your measurements, esp. guys who increased their head.

My head length is 1.5”, head circumference (at the base of the glans) is 4”.

Since my girth is 5.75” (increased from 5.5” after PE), the head looks somewhat smaller. The head looks somewhat fuller after I started PEing but I somehow can’t break the barrier for increasing head length.

Ant, or any other successful veterans - how long did it take to increase the head size? Which of the 2 is more effective -
Jelqing or
squeezing (with one hand clamped at the base & another in mirror image placed above it, while squeezing each finger of the other hand one by one)?

I think I’ve been lucky with my glan size at 1.8” I have a nice head :) Anyways, sorry about that, but I’ve been working on mine a bit and have noticed that it gets helluva lot bigger and a helluva lot more shiny now, I’ve been squeezing as you describe.. Also if i masturbate, I hold the base of my penis and this gives an incredible pump and I think it works the glans very well.


'I won't be the one left behind, you can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind.'

Hey It’sElectric, thanks for the tip. Infact that works like jelqing while shagging. Have you tried horse squeezes or bending for girth? Have they been effective for the head also? How long do you hold it per squeeze or bend?

At 1.8” length, the circumference at the base of your glans must be around 5 - 5.4”! For a 4.75” girth, that’s a total mushroom u’ve got there!

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