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Best Manual Stretching Angles

Best Manual Stretching Angles

For everyone who hasn’t seen my progress thread, which is 99.99% of you guys, I am all about doing things manually, at least length exercises… so my question is what are the best angles ( SD, SU, SO, left, righ,t fulcrum, over the leg, etc… ) and duration of time associated with each stretch ( should I hold for 40 seconds, 4 minutes, two sets at 5 minute holds, etc… ) while this seems easy and most of us might say SD and be done with it, I would like any contributor to put some of their personal experience in with each answer. Like maybe a routine of manual stretching where he saw the greatest gains in BPEL or BPFSL etc.

In addition to all this I was wandering if at the end of each answer you could leave a comment like I used constant heat with all stretches, or I warmed up for some number of minutes and warmed down, or maybe you didn’t use heat at all… Let’s try as best we can to stay on topic as it relates to this thread, and as always thank you for any and all advice! Keep gaining guys!

NBPEL 6.5 X EG 5.80

Always open to the best way to get that length!

CHECK out my progress WangZ achievements with PIC

I have also followed only manual PE , I think all the angels are important each angle helps other angles .

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

How long has your 1.3 inches BPEL taken you and what was your main focus as far as routine… did you use heat just for warming up or was it constant… yes I understand every angle has its benefits, but I think we can all agree some more than other…

NBPEL 6.5 X EG 5.80

Always open to the best way to get that length!

CHECK out my progress WangZ achievements with PIC

Only angles I’ve been stretching is SO and SD. I do 3 stretching sessions per day without any heat, mornings, afternoons and before sleep. I have gained about 5cm EL.

Originally Posted by alivegeta
I have also followed only manual PE , I think all the angels are important each angle helps other angles .

Same thing here.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by Kackerlackan

Only angles I’ve been stretching is SO and SD. I do 3 stretching sessions per day without any heat, mornings, afternoons and before sleep. I have gained about 5cm EL.

Hey bud can you go into more detail here… I think there is something to be said for more frequent stretching… could you tell just how long each stretch was, and how long it took to make those gains… thanks a ton

NBPEL 6.5 X EG 5.80

Always open to the best way to get that length!

CHECK out my progress WangZ achievements with PIC

Originally Posted by WangZ
Hey bud can you go into more detail here.. I think there is something to be said for more frequent stretching.. Could you tell just how long each stretch was, and how long it took to make those gains.. Thanks a ton

Sure, here is my routine in more detail;

First I loosen the penis up by doing a couple of dryjelqs and shock-stretches (shock-stretch =
Then I alternate between SO and SD stretches until I’ve done 3-4 of each. I hold my stretches for about 30-45sec and very intense. I do one morning session before work, one session when I get home from work and one session before bed time.

I’ve also incorporated light wet jelqs (20-60% erect) for 10min after my last stretching session, using a stronger mix of Eroset’s vein oil as lube. I’m not using the OK grip I use my index finger and thumb pointing straight down and I put pressure on the sides of the penis with constantly two fingers on the penis at all times (constant pressure). I do these to speed up the EL gains.

It took me about 2 years to gain 5cm EL but I’ve only been doing this routine for the last 8-10 months and during this period I gained the most.

Last edited by marinera : 08-31-2015 at . Reason: No Active Porn Links Allowe

Awesome thanks a bunch my friend… there is really a lot to be said for frequency instead of one long session and nothing until the next day… thanks again man!

NBPEL 6.5 X EG 5.80

Always open to the best way to get that length!

CHECK out my progress WangZ achievements with PIC

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