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Caring more about flaccid size then erect?


Caring more about flaccid size then erect?

Anyone else here feel the same? I’d choose a 6x6 soft dick, same size when hard over a 3” x 4.5 soft and 8”x6” hard. I don’t care about erect size, I just wish it worked better (ED :( )

But I have always cared a bit about my flaccid. I would love a fuller, more consistent flaccid hang. The only methods of P.E I am willing to subject myself to are jelqing, light manual stretching, pumping, kegelling and pills (be they enlargement pills, other ‘natural’ supplements or shit like viagra cialisis)….so by utilising these exercises can anyone reccomend the best way to get a big flaccid? I have read the basic newbie routines etc but I am looking for something a bit more specific. But all advice is welcome. And, I am wondering if anyone has a similar mindset to me?

The newbie routine does both erect and flaccid. Start the newbie routine and most guys notice a fuller flaccid after a few weeks.

Maybe (MAYBE) an ADS would help produce more flaccid gains, but only if you do the newbie routine as well, an ADS alone is not the way to go.

Good luck :)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

I’ll take a 1/2 inch flaccid in length and a 1/4 inch in girth for an 8x6 erect any day. I’m a grower so it wouldn’t shock me the least little bit. Here’s to going for an 8x6.

I started with turtle dick, so flaccid size has always been a priority with me. My flaccid size has improved dramatically and I no longer have turtle dick and I have used just the exercises you are willing to do. Time and patience are all that are required.

Start you routines off with hot wraps and stretching and then combine alternating cycles of pumping and jelqing as outlined in the Pumping 101 Thread. As you progress with pumping, all the pressure you need is in the 3 to 5”hg range and you should slowly build up your pump time to around 45 minutes per day. Also, finish all of your sessions with an erect massage. I do this wearing a cock ring which should also help you.

Time at size is what leads to flaccid improvement and permanent gains.

To add to what the other guys have said, just go ahead and start the newbie routine for now. You might gain some erect size which is really what is intended by the routines you find here, but this also has the nice side effect of increased flaccid size and better erections by way of better blood flow to the region.


Monty’s PE weights (ADS) have been extremely helpful in my flacid gains. Your supposed to see gains almost immediately and the other day i came home to measure my flacid length at 6 x 5.8 nbp. Now my flaccid length was at around nbp 5-5.5 and 4.5 at the lowest before PE so its not a huge gain, but just telling you what helped me.

Look at my sig, It needs to be updated as I think I have atleast anothe 1/8 inch length and girth on my flaccid. I was amzed at how much the first month of stretching and jelqing helped my flaccid. I used to turtle 24/7 now it just hangs there…I love it

My Goal...To Look good NAKED

Would someone please explain to me why flacid gains would be so important?

Erect gains give you better ability to please a woman, and also the visual and tactile benefit when with a woman.

Flacid gains on the other hand? What do you get? No one sees my flacid, except my woman, who I truly believe is completely uninterested in looking at a flacid dick anyway, be it large or small. I think this is true with most women. Flacid dicks are not a big turn on. And when you are with a woman, your dick is supposed to be hard anyway, right? So how could you prioritize flacid over erect? I just don’t get it.

I had a theory, although it of course it doesn’t always apply, that gay guys are more concerned with flacid. Any truth to that?

Horny Bastard

That aint necessarily so, Mr Average. I’m straight, and yet I would love a big full thick flaccid. It’s a confidence thing in the main, and while I am above average erect, I’m still average or below when flaccid, and it’s just not a very nice feeling to be honest!

Originally Posted by mravg
Would someone please explain to me why flacid gains would be so important?
Erect gains give you better ability to please a woman, and also the visual and tactile benefit when with a woman.
Flacid gains on the other hand? What do you get? No one sees my flacid, except my woman, who I truly believe is completely uninterested in looking at a flacid dick anyway, be it large or small. I think this is true with most women. Flacid dicks are not a big turn on. And when you are with a woman, your dick is supposed to be hard anyway, right? So how could you prioritize flacid over erect? I just don’t get it.
I had a theory, although it of course it doesn’t always apply, that gay guys are more concerned with flacid. Any truth to that?

I don’t think it is either a gay or a straight thing, mravg, - just a guy thing. Regardless of erect size for sex, which would you rather have in your gym locker room, a small flaccid or a large flaccid?



Ok Avocet, if I were in a locker room situation, I would prefer a large flacid. But it would not be so important to me that I would dedicate my time and effort to PE so I could impress other men. I do not spend much time in locker rooms, and when I do, I am the modest type who minimizes exposure, and would be that type no matter what size my flacid. I never understood those guys who get naked and walk around for a half an hour, comb their hair, shave, etc with their dicks out.

That is partly why I have that gay association with wanting a large flacid. Gay guys want to show off their dicks to other men, and gay guys are probably more arroused by a flacid dick then hetero women are. (Please don’t be offended by my broad unfair generalizations. I am talking about a known bias in my own head).

So you made a point for why someone would want a larger flacid, which I understand. I guess I just think differently than those guys who find it to be so important. To prioritize flacid over erect size still is incomprehensible to me.

Horny Bastard

Well, it isn’t just gay guys who parade their packaging. I’d venture to say that straights do that more than gays, at least from the demographics of the health clubs I’ve belonged to in the past; majorly straight.

I have real good “gaydar”. Straight members with large flaccids were often the ones who never wore a towel while cleaning up after their workout and didn’t use a towel in the sauna or steam room either. Sometimes, granted, that was just their style, but very often it seemed to me to be “flaunting”, some sort of acting out.

Gay guys being more arroused by a flaccid dick? Don’t think so. There are so many other inputs working. How’s the face? The personality? A personal warmth factor? More still.



Pe’ing for erect size would be purely for my woman, doing it for flaccid size is purely for myself. Seeing as I have nobody special right now, I am really only thinking of old me…

I’m with you Yat…my aim is to get a flaccid that ‘swings’ rather than just sticks out. I don’t know about all this with gays and flaccids but I know I spend alot of time on the nude beach in summer and boy, how nice it would be to have a heavy hanger!

Larger flaccid size was always my priority when I started PE, and I’ve achieved that. Why? It’s all about ego and getting over adolescent inferiority complexes.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

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