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Cock Ring used for Sex after Cumming, etc

Cock Ring used for Sex after Cumming, etc

So I’m interested in using a Cock Ring for sex, however, I need some advise. I cum quick so I like to have a second session almost immediately after since I can go for quite some time on round two. Problem is I’m only at about a 60-80% erection during my “second round”. If I use a cock ring and cum, then choose to go a second time, will I stay engourged throughout? I’m interested in a 1.5 inch diameter rubber/silicon one strictly for the shaft.

Here are my current stats:

BPEL - 7”
NBPEL - 6 1/4”

Mid EG 5 1/4”
Base EG 5 3/4”

NBPFL - 4 1/4”
BPFL - 5”
SBPFL - 6 3/4”
SNBPFL - 5 1/2”

PS> I have .75 of an inch in difference in NBP and BP length. I’m at 17% body fat now, I hope this difference will shrink when I get down to around 8% body fat. Anyone have any experiences with shrinking this difference via weight loss?

PSS> Why the hell do I have a 1/4 inch difference between BPEL and SBPFL and a 3/4 inch difference NBPEL and SNBPFL?

If your base girth is 5 3/4, you would have a better fit with a 1.75” ID rubber ring. Go to Ace Hardware and buy them in the plumbing section for about 50 cents each. For that price, you can buy a couple of different sizes to find your best fit. Then the best thing to do is try it yourself to find out how well it works.

Just for info, Home Depot used to carry these O-rings, but I was in there the other day and the display was not there any more. I believe Ace still has them.

Last edited by gprent : 06-23-2007 at .

Cool, will using the ring on a second round make my erection harder?

I think the base is 5 3/4 because of the extra turkey skin. I pulled the tape measure relatively tight so that it’s accurate so hopefully it’s be alright. Is it safe to wear the ring around the balls to for sex? I read a few posts on it and there are mixed opinions. Also, how the hell do you get them off?

Rubber cock rings are generally considered safer because of their greater elasticity.

The general purpose of wearing a cock ring is to make your cock harder than it would be otherwise, on whatever round of sex you’re on.

A 1.75” diameter cock ring should be good for your 5.75” circumference. Circumference=pi*d, so a diameter of 1.75 x 3.14156 equals 5.497, or a slight constriction. Do the math from there for other sizes; a 2” diameter cock ring would be a bit over six and a quarter inches. At the price of rubber rings at Ace, though, why not buy them both and see which you prefer?

It is safe to wear them around the balls and shaft for sex.

You generally take them off in the reverse order that you put them on. If you put them on by sliding your balls (or one ball at a time) through the ring, followed by working your flaccid penis through, you would take it off by waiting until your penis was soft enough to bend without forcing, then work it back out through the ring, followed by your balls. Lubrication may help.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I use a jelly cock ring for PE and staying engorged but have never kept one on during sex because I thought it would hurt to ejaculate with one on.

Wouldn’t it stop the semen coming out?

Originally Posted by larealty77
I use a jelly cock ring for PE and staying engorged but have never kept one on during sex because I thought it would hurt to ejaculate with one on.

Wouldn’t it stop the semen coming out?

Jelly cock rings are generally soft and elastic enough that they will not stop your ejaculate, and it doesn’t hurt to ejaculate with one on. Depending on how tight and restrictive it is, it may be a different sensation for you, however.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

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