Well you are right. Hanging involves a tremendous commitment as far as time is concerned. Currently I’m hanging 5 sets a day. 3 in the morning and 2 later in the evening. Each set takes a half hour which includes a ten minute break so there is 2 and a half hours right there. Plus a 10 minute warm up. I usually don’t warm up for my evening session but I will use an IR lamp to provide heat as I hang for part of my sets.
For me the only way I can manage the time is to get up at 5 am, every day. It was hard at first but my alarm goes off now and I think to myself “getting up to get a bigger dick” and it makes it a fair trade in my mind!
The evenings are easier because I can sneak off to do a 20 minute set and then again half hour later to get the last set in for 20 minutes.
Personally I find since I have been hanging my EQ has been through the roof!! I do get the odd days where I had some good fatigue and morning wood is a little softer but not usually. The wife has been making comments about how I have been a lot harder than usual.
You could always build a hanger for under 20 bucks and if you don’t like it then stop :D
If hanging concerns you have you given thought to an extender? I haven’t personally used one but alot of guys on here have made good gains from them. And I’m pretty sure they are relatively safe and easy to use. You could also try a different manual routine as well. Something a little more extensive since you have all ready completed 5 months.