Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Defeated, Losing hope that its even possible


Defeated, Losing hope that its even possible

After making a large post about how I believe jelqing literally has no benefit because you have ligaments that inhibit lengthening, I have tried and tried to stretch these ligaments but they 100% do NOT stretch.

I have honestly concluded that there has got to be some scam going on here or some delusional thinking.. Not being offensive again but its so confusing that after a year of following instructions to a T I can’t see a single millimeter of results, in fact my measurements are almost perfectly the same!

Not sure why but the oddest part is how these sites and the people on them refuse to take free money for tips that are virtually throwaway info, like leaving a thousand dollars on the ground and all someone has to do is pick it up.

Again Ill offer her because I’m positive its impossible to do, but if someone can give me some advice on how they made there penis just half an inch bigger (ill even settle for half a CM) I’m willing to shell out 1000 USD (because its worth that to me) and it doesn’t even have to be a quick fix thing, the moment I hit my goal id be running through the streets with a new found purpose in life educating people on here myself! It just seems odd no one would take me up on this, with some sites even banning me.

*Just as a side note, so I hopefully don’t get banned, if someone helps me and it actually works, ill donate money to both you and the site itself (500) because again its worth that to me.

your definitely doing something wrong.Whats your routine?

It works for most and some never see gains.

A recap of your routine would be helpful. My first question is are you using constant heat?

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

So you’ve been doing this stuff for a year but you joined 5 months ago? And after one year of doing things perfectly and never asking a question about what you may be doing wrong or what else may help now you’re trying to give out some bucks? Why not go take some poor guy to lunch who needs a meal; I don’t think anyone here needs the money.

Every stretch imaginable,

As Jelqing Can’t work without changing the ligaments, I swear, I can see it working maybe if your ligs are loose but they pull on your whole penis and don’t allow and more blood or tissue to exist unless there length is changed.

Even ones I made up myself that should be better then most listed, I could give a better diagram of dicks then those found online I know how mine is structured that well, and could even show you why lenghing is near imposible with diagrams.

So maybe my body is just built to not allow any modifications.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
So you’ve been doing this stuff for a year but you joined 5 months ago? And after one year of doing things perfectly and never asking a question about what you may be doing wrong or what else may help now you’re trying to give out some bucks? Why not go take some poor guy to lunch who needs a meal; I don’t think anyone here needs the money.

Yeah I was at PE gym first but they banned me for not giving money to that Big Al dude and instead trying to give it to community members. This reply tho is the extreme aggressive response I feel I always get, its less of me trying to buy a quick solution and more of me trying to prove that even a massive common motivator like money gets no bites around here, where ever where else people would be all over it. Whats stoping you from helping and then giving it ALL away to people who need a meal? Its all very sus.

Originally Posted by DoAflip
Every stretch imaginable,

As Jelqing Can’t work without changing the ligaments, I swear, I can see it working maybe if your ligs are loose but they pull on your whole penis and don’t allow and more blood or tissue to exist unless there length is changed.

Even ones I made up myself that should be better then most listed, I could give a better diagram of dicks then those found online I know how mine is structured that well, and could even show you why lenghing is near imposible with diagrams.

So maybe my body is just built to not allow any modifications.

Yeah I was at PE gym first but they banned me for not giving money to that Big Al dude and instead trying to give it to community members. This reply tho is the extreme aggressive response I feel I always get, its less of me trying to buy a quick solution and more of me trying to prove that even a massive common motivator like money gets no bites around here, where ever where else people would be all over it. Whats stoping you from helping and then giving it ALL away to people who need a meal? Its all very sus.

Sorry guy that’s bullshit. I know Al and lots of people over there and no one gets booted for that. So tell me another one.

No one wants your money. If you’d like to donate to keep the forum going, so be it.

The techniques here work quite well. Many who are suspicious do their routine believing it’s not going to work. We all know when we believe in what we are striving towards the results are often better.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Sorry guy that’s bullshit. I know Al and lots of people over there and no one gets booted for that. So tell me another one.

Literally what happened, they said I’m probably a scammer and that If I’m to donate money anywhere it should be to Al because he was the only one who can help (no lie, not trying to cause trouble) they IP banned me for that, and I can easily get past an IP ban but theres no point, they were very aggresively silencing.

Originally Posted by Titleist
No one wants your money. If you’d like to donate to keep the forum going, so be it.

The techniques here work quite well. Many who are suspicious do their routine believing it’s not going to work. We all know when we believe in what we are striving towards the results are often better.

I’m sure you don’t speak for everyone, I’m sure there’s one person in the world who has had success with PE and needs money for some reason or another, or not even need money and just help me so I donate (or maybe theres not hmmmm)
So the only thing I’m lacking is faith? Religion speak, I have no faith until I see results, however I am open to anything.
Nice dik btw no homo, do you have any old photos in other threads?

Originally Posted by DoAflip
Literally what happened, they said I’m probably a scammer and that If I’m to donate money anywhere it should be to Al because he was the only one who can help (no lie, not trying to cause trouble) they IP banned me for that, and I can easily get past that but I thought threes no point.

I’m sure you don’t speak for everyone, I’m sure there’s one person in the world who has had success with PE and needs money for some reason or another (or maybe theres not hmmmm)
So the only thing I’m lacking is faith? Religion speak, I have no faith until I see results, however I am open to anything.
Nice dik btw, do you have any old photos in other threads?

Most things in life require belief/faith. I believe that cars passing by me as I drive will not intentionally hit me head on. I train in the gym believing that I will get stronger and shed body fat. The list goes on.

Do the work and trust the process.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Most things in life require belief/faith. I believe that cars passing by me as I drive will not intentionally hit me head on. I train in the gym believing that I will get stronger and shed body fat. The list goes on.

Do the work and trust the process.

I do understand what you are saying, but you are virtually telling me to turn iron into gold by licking it, because other people have done it.

As long as you lick it correctly It will turn to gold, and even tho that’s the stupidest thing ever, you have gotten me to lick the iron in every way possible, but it won’t turn to gold, and you are saying well you just didn’t have faith.
I follow instructions quite well, I did my research. I’m trying my best to create proof so I can help other people but it seems its impossible.

Also ~ I also train at the gym but I don’t believe I will shed body fat or get swoll, I just do it and keep doing what works AFTER I see results, like a sane human.

Luckily you have a lot of money.. Money can’t buy everything including a bigger dick, but most women will be ok with your PE resistant pecker if your bank account is flush.

I am assuming your bank account is flush if 1/2 cm is worth $1000. If this is not the case then I think you have bigger problems than your PE resistant pecker.

Money has absolutely no value to me what so ever, and I agree money can’t buy a bigger dick, but if it could it would. Therefore PE is next to impossible, maybe spare a select few with genetic problems or something.

Not going to brag about if I have money or If I don’t, but since its online I can’t think of a better way to show appreciation for help, so thats why I offer.

After several years of trying stuff and not gaining I tried hanging and gained half an inch in length, didn’t even want length just wanted to see if it worked.
Still haven’t cracked girth yet but something will work.

It’s up to you to keep trying.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
After several years of trying stuff and not gaining I tried hanging and gained half an inch in length, didn’t even want length just wanted to see if it worked.
Still haven’t cracked girth yet but something will work.

It’s up to you to keep trying.

I’m keen to keep trying, but I’m not doing stuff that gives no results.
What did you do exactly, and what is ur starting size that seems to be very important. Half an inch is all I want tbh. I have tried hanging but no luck, I think girth is easier to get compared to length btw from what I have found with penis anatomy.

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