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Different measurements standing and sitting

Different measurements standing and sitting

Has anyone else gotten different measurements for EL depending on if they’re standing or sitting? I get longer measurements (1/2” or so) when sitting. NOTE: This might be because I don’t measure BPEL and the penis is being pushed further out when sitting?

Sitting will usually add a half-inch or so to one’s length because of pelvic positioning and whatever else.

I measure while standing straight up with my penis pushed down to perpendicular with my body (i.e., 9:00).

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I concur with PARA.

Because of this, it is very important to consistently measure either STANDING or SITTING. Just one way, not both. IF you keep switching back and forth, it is harder to measure gains.

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"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Couldn’t this throw off what average size really is then? How do we know in all the polls or research studies if the measuring was done standing or sitting. I have never seen this specified. 1/4 or 1/2 of an inch makes a big difference when finding the true average. It seems that there isnt a preference for most people either. When conducting a survey, I think it should be made very clear whether to measure standing or sitting as this makes a big difference. Otherwise, the results will most likely be inaccurate.

I never really though about doing measurements sitting I always though everyone did them stand as it would be the easier way to do it intresting point to be brought up though

With all due respect, Slick, we worry way too much about the “average” size. Who cares what size other guys are. If you PE to a big dick it doesn’t matter what others have. Use measurement as a gaining guide not a comparison tool. Measure one way and be consistant. Just my .02.


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WAY TO MEASURE IT: Standing up Vs. Sitting
Correct way to measure standing up or sitting?
My Theory on Differing Numbers.. Standing v Sitting
Standing and Sitting: Measurements, Jelq, Stretching, blood flow and the works.
measure standing up or sitting down?
standing up or sitting

among about a dozen other measurment threads that contain the words “measure sitting standing”. Try a search before starting a new thread. You can always post in an older thread to open it again for further discussion.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Sitting will usually add a half-inch or so to one’s length because of pelvic positioning and whatever else.

I measure while standing straight up with my penis pushed down to perpendicular with my body (I.e., 9:00).

Agree 100%

Above all else though, however you choose to measure, measure the same way every time!

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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