Thunder's Place

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Don't decon breaks prove that rest days are needed?

Don't decon breaks prove that rest days are needed?

If deconditioning breaks are so successful and people get growth by doing nothing, shouldn’t all routines then be 1 day ON, 1 day OFF???

Isn’t 5 days in a row too much, even with the weekends off???

Breath, child.

Deconditioning breaks are helpful in cases because after a while your penis adapts to the exercises. When it adapts, new growth becomes much harder so deconditioning allows your penis to become “de-adapated” and therefore able to grow again later.

The routine on/off days are a whole different idea. For routine days, the idea is to not overwork allowing enough time for healing, while making sure you’re not underworking. 1on 1off might not be enough PE time for some people to grow.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

no, people get growth by doing NOTHING!!!
not talking about easier or faster gains from PE after breaks, I’m talking about growth during the break itself, when no PE is taking place!!!

IMO, this suggests that the penis can only grow when it is in a sufficient rest state, whose optimal duration is likely longer than 24hrs — otherwise, people would not stall out with gains, stop PE for 2 weeks, and within that period, tack on a 1/4 inch or so…

Like bodybuilding, not good to work a body part more than 3 times/wk…

Everybody should try 1 day ON, 1 day OFF for 4 wks and report back their results…

OK ryan. Report back in 4 weeks and then we will see what everybody wants to do based on your results.

In the mean time, I will continue with my 7 on, zero off pump routine. :)

I went on a 3 1/2 week decon break and gained nothing, lost about 0.2 inches of girth though. But I suggest you check out Xenolith’s log in the personal routines forum, his method is something like 1 day on then 2 days off for 2 weeks + ADS, the 4 weeks of ADS only the 2 months of decon then repeat, but VERY, VERY thought out, you’ll have to read the log (it’s long) and you’ll have to do some math also, so far it’s the most advanced routine I’ve seen, and Babbis had good gains with it too. It looks promising and I’m thinking of trying it in a few months.

If you do it tell us how it went.

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