Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Don't think I'll ever feel big!


Originally Posted by here2learn
The Crow 19,

Reading your opening statement, it seems appropriate to write the following:

Just as easily as you can think that you will never feel big, you can also think “I feel big!” It’s all in the way you think.

Be your own best friend rather than your own worst enemy.

Congratulations on your good gains! You are Big!

Your right, but the question is how do you change your view.
We need to realize that big and small are just labels, given to an object by our conceptual mind, so in reality big or small doesn’t as much depend on the object, but on the imputation. To feel big we just need to think I’m big, to think I’m big we just need to familiarise our self with the thought I’m big.
When doing PE try thinking to yourself wow I’m really big. Don’t pay attention to the wish I was bigger.
Also another factor is our reference point, watching porn with big willies in it will obviously make you feel smaller. Try using your own experiences to enhance your positive perception for example, all thoughts comments she makes on your size, thoughts moans and groans when you enter her. You know stuff like that flatter you.
Contentment is peace, peace is happiness.
The other thing you can do is to do PE till you have to buy special trousers for your mammoth shlong.
Have fun.

"If your not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it"

Cool Runnings.

@steamon “We need to realize that big and small are just labels, given to an object by our conceptual mind, so in reality big or small doesn’t as much depend on the object, but on the imputation. To feel big we just need to think I’m big, to think I’m big we just need to familiarise our self with the thought I’m big.”

Sorry, but this is just nonsense. Think yourself big? If you have a 2” penis no amount of thinking is going to make you big. The reference point is the average size dick; bigger than that = big, smaller = small.


Originally Posted by Ben1966
Sorry, but this is just nonsense. Think yourself big? If you have a 2” penis no amount of thinking is going to make you big. The reference point is the average size dick; bigger than that = big, smaller = small.


Did you read the original post? He’s already biggish 7X6 but still feels uncomfortable with his size. “I still don’t feel big in the least”.

Think yourself big. lol If only it was that easy.
I was just meaning changing the perception so that you can feel different. For example 2” is small compared to average but big compared to 1”. It’s a bit like the meaning of beauty is in the eye of the beholder saying.
Anyway this was just my thoughts on the matter, nonsense it may be. I’m not serious guy so I can laugh at my own mental rambling.
I’m still right though. lol

"If your not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it"

Cool Runnings.

I think that it is normal to want more, but you need to be happy with what you’ve got now. So you are 7x6. Ok, maybe it’s not huge in the meaning that it stops speeding cars, but it’s big.

What if your penis is built in a way that you will never gain any more? Will you be without confidence for the rest of your life, feeling sorry that you will never ever have a huge dick? I really hope not.

So try to have this mind frame: I want to get an extra half inch, inch, whatever, but even if I don’t get it, I’ve got a great dick. And I think that women like big dicks, but more importantly, they like confident guys, who fuck them without thinking if they are big or not.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Originally Posted by kingpole
And when you get top 8nbp you will not be satisfied with that either, it is a curse, not being satisfied with your dick. Keep in mind you already have a porn star size dick. I’m not telling you to stop PE or anything. I’m certainly not going to it is an obsession, a healthy obsession. Proceed then! I can’t say that I have arrived in the state of true satisfaction. But I will tell you this I’m so much more happier than I was before. And there is so much more to be happy about than growing a bigger dick. Find some sort of balance so you don’t get frustrated. Frustration stops gains.

Now that’s It’s what I am talking about.

The Crow19,

If all of these responses haven’t given you cause to feel better about your accomplishment, it should be clear that you have many friends who think well of you and wish you well. You are a very lucky man. Enjoy and be happy as you continue your journey to even bigger.

Dude don’t panic over your penis. Your penis is already big. It’s bigger than mine! I’m NBPEL: 6.5 inches and EG: 5.25

I wish I had 6 inch girth.

Some guys here have very small penises and they wish they had your penis.

So don’t panic, keep working and you WILL gain.

I can understand the “I want to be bigger” part but don’t understand why you are insecure about having sex and not wanting to let a girl see it. You are already considered big. No need to be insecure because you don’t have mandingos size.

Start 2-3-08 BPEL 7.25" EG 5.25" Midshaft

Now BPEL 9.00" EG 5.50 " Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "The Magic stick"

Yeah, some guys here need to get their heads in check. How anyone can be upset or depressed about having an above average sized dick is beyond me. I myself would be pretty disappointed if I didn’t make any gains with PE, but only in the sense that I wasted hours and hours yanking on my dick for no reason, not that I’m “stuck” with an above average unit. If you’re average or above, there is absolutely no reason to go around moping or be insecure about a woman seeing your penis.

Thanks guys, I know I have severe mental issues when it comes to my body. I’ve always been that way. I didn’t care about my dick with my ex-wife cause she wasn’t very sexual so it didn’t seem like it mattered. But my last girl was very sexual and I began developing severe issues regarding my dick to the point that I had ED for about 2 straight months when we started out.

I was in a panic that I was the smallest she’s ever seen(I was 6.25” BPEL with 5.75” EG at the time) because I never really knew the true average, and I looked small to myself. Porn contributed big time to it. Even now that I’m 7.2” BPEL with near 6” EG I still have big time issues. And I recognize that I do. It’s very bizarre. It must be like what anorexics feel when they look at themselves. They must know the average weight and know that they are well below it but they still feel fat.

I hooked up with my ex a week ago and she was jerking me off. I felt so small. It ruined the moment for me because I kind of just wanted it over so she wouldn’t see it. I feel the smallest when lying on my back and dick resting against my stomach which is the position I was in. I thought that by gaining an inch it would definitely make me feel better but not at all. Depressing. I don’t know what it will take.

This is a great site but to be honest I think it’s aided in my insecurity. I’ve seen so many big cock pics, heard so many hung ex stories of 10 or 12”, heard about needing over 7” to reach the cul-de-sac and really pleasure the girl, about how some people don’t think 7” by 6” is big, etc. Don’t get me wrong I need Thundersplace to better myself it’s just that some shit is hard to see or read.

Pre-PE: BPEL 6.25" NBPEL 5.8" EG 5.75 " Now: BPEL 7" NBPEL 6.5" EG 5.95"

Final goal: BPEL 7.5" NBPEL 7" EG 6"

Originally Posted by thecrow19
I feel the smallest when lying on my back and dick resting against my stomach which is the position I was in.

Trust me you are not alone in feeling that about that position. Even though I know it is all in my mind, I avoid that position. I either shift into a reclining position propped up on pillows or roll over on my side, or whatever. There is some weird perspective going on with that position.

I came across a graph of distribution of penis length data from the lifestyle study today, maybe you will find it interesting:

http://en.wikip … s_frequency.svg

Gif version here:



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