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Edging the cure for neg/neutral PI's

Edging the cure for neg/neutral PI's

Thought this might be useful so I’ll just quickly outline what I discovered t’other day. I did a session, over stretched a bit and over jelqed a bit. The result of this was a slightly turtled, hard, thin flaccid and red dots and a slightly bruised feeling dick. Now here’s the important bit. Post session I did an edging session approx 40 mins long where I brought myself to the PONR 4-5 times, and after this a normal feeling/looking flaccid and no red dots! Although it did still feel slightly sore/bruised but it had been through a lot and was fine the next day.

Now I’m guessing the edging took care of the hard turtled flaccid (which was I believe smooth muscle contraction) much in the same way Cialis is supposed to. Your keeping your dick at pretty much its max volume thus pumping blood into every last capillary. Uh that’s where the theory on that ends because I don’t fully understand it after that I’m just making the connection between Cialis giving you a massive boner and edging giving you a massive boner. If anyone has a more scientific approach to that please elaborate.

Secondly I’m guessing the edging took care of my red spots in much the same way a Firegoat role would “firegoat roll” discoloration prevention, control, and removal
In that your basically massaging the area and increasing circulation. Dispersing the blood that causes the bruising? I dunno, guess you could say my approach to P.E. is less than scientific, just thought this could be useful.

Wow no replies, I find this really useful.

I have been doing a Girth routine for a while now. I have gained about 2cm of girth in two weeks. My normal routine is 2 days on and 1 day off. On my first day on, I have 10 stretches and 10min jelqing. One the second day, I do two 15 min session of jelqing. After each of my workout session, I have started to jerk my pines of for a couple of min but I make sure that I don’t cum. I gained the 2 cm after I started doing this and before a 1 cm increase took me three weeks. I think this works because it forces your unit to keep the temporary size longer -cause your getting an erection and blood is going in- and helps with gains. Maybe we should turn this into a experiment?


I added 20-30 minutes of edging to my routine. I also power kegel during the edging to prolong the time it takes to get to the PONR, and to saturate the Glans.

I have noted significant and unbelievable girth gains (beyond the 5.5” in my signature) that I feel uncomfortable posting until after 31AUG when I will be convinced they are not just the result of trauma related swelling.

My Routine:

Warm up


Wet Jelqs with Uli#3’s


Edging with Uli#3’s.

Warm down

I have to confess, the last 3 days I have had to just do light stretching and massage, because I overdid the jelqing and uli#3’s. Just internal soreness, that has finally subsided.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

Originally Posted by alborz
I think this works because it forces your unit to keep the temporary size longer

Man Big Girtha reckoned something similar, he had a routine where you had sex directly after your session so you were keeping your wang at its max possible volume-and he gained like 2 inches EG! So, you might be onto something there.

It is all about circulation.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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