Thunder's Place

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Flaccid size thickness and dating - in need of advice


Flaccid size thickness and dating - in need of advice

Alright guys - couple topics for anybody to attack. And please do, I don’t post often so I’ll be looking closely at this thread.

So I’ve been doing some PE on and off for a few years, I had most of my gains within the first year I started and since then I’ve just been pumping a little and stretching a little in the shower. I started at around 5.5inches and now when I get hard I’m actually very substantial. My last ex thought I was 8 inches, which, I’m not. I’m around 7 inches BP, maybe even a 7NBP when I completely fill out. I find it hard to measure my up-curve.

I’m really frustrated, maybe because I was cheated on recently pretty heartlessly. I’m frustrated because my flaccid size is really small - I can’t believe how much my dick grows, it’s like magic.. I wish I had a nicer, heavier, flaccid though. I wish I was thicker, I want any guy I sleep with to remember me.. If he’s a cheater, I at least want him to regret it for my dick. This person worshipped my package and said they would do anything to be with me, and not just for the sex.. I feel so deceived and it’s really bothering me.

I’m not saying that my dick size caused this sort of thing to happen, but these are both on my mind at once at the moment.

Any advice on flaccid size / thickness / and how to deal with really twisted people is welcome.

I’ve been doing fowfers for about 5 weeks now, about 45 minutes a day.
It has given me a noticably bigger and more fuller flaccid, feels heavier and more engorged.

There are probably half a dozen threads that will exactly explain how to do a fowfer but I appear unable to find one :D

Anyway, good luck.

Start: 6.6 BPEL X 5.3 EG (5.7 BG) (aug/oct 2009) -- Current: 7.1 BPEL X 5.6 EG (5.9 BG) (1th November 2010)

Short term goal: NBP 7 X 5.5 -- Long term goal: NBP 8 X 6

My pictures and progress: Thor's Journey

Supplements can make your flaccid size much bigger! I used to take a product called Prelox Blue which combines L-Arginine with Pycenogol (pine bark). The net effect is that your erections are a lot harder, your libido and staying power increase, your refractory period becomes much smaller, and your flaccid hang which is incidentally what you’re speaking of… *drum roll*… gets markedly fatter and longer!! I used to go to the gym and cock walk all around the locker room because no one’s flaccid hang was anything near mine. Anyway, give it a try.

About the cheater, you’ve got to work on identifying people who have the potential for that sort of thing. Everyone goes through it though. Sorry to hear it!


Is this true about supplements?

I agree with mutational. Arginine definitely makes a difference in flaccid hang. Something about blood flow. I also agree that fowfers can help quite a bit.

I also agree with your sentiments - whatever the reason, when a relationship is done, I want her (in my case) to at least miss my cock. I want them think whatever they want about me in the future, but to always end their reminiscing with, “Damn, but he had a fine cock!”

Your not going to be able to do very much about your flaccid size, it is what it is. I guess you could try to fabricate some goose down boxers in order to influence engorgement.

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer
Your not going to be able to do very much about your flaccid size, it is what it is.

Utter poppycock!!

Just read some of the progress logs around here to see what can be achieved with dedication in all aspects of the penis, be it size, erection quality or staying power.

Take that negative talk elsewhere buddy.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Fowfers are great. I think they have been a huge contributor to my flaccid hang! There have been some recent threads on how hydration plays a big part in hang. I take a few supplements but I question their overall effectiveness vs. hydration + fowfers.

My progress pics are here: onenekkidguy’s comparison pics and I think the flaccid difference really shows!

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

Your focus is not going to make you happy. A bigger dick isn’t the problem, learning to spot a dick is!

Learn to see the character of a guy before you get serious. If the character is flawed, don’t be surprised if you get fucked…and in a bad way.

PE should be done to be happy with yourself, not to fix your life. Look for a guy that has real decency, and that will improve the odds of a more satisfactory outcome.

Yeah, I agree sparky. That’s actually how I look at it, I’m not linking the two together, but hey.. This is PE forum after all.

I tried being careful, I guess next time I can try being even more careful.. Or more clever. I am so defeated right now.

collegeguy, go order some Prelox Blue on ebay or something. I don’t usually give people such direct advice but I am certain that it will cure your small flaccid hang problem, and also benefit you in other ways!


“I wish I was thicker, I want any guy I sleep with to remember me”

Good ideas for flaccid growth here, but regarding your reason for wanting it - surely erect size is what people remember?

You could just not let them see your dick unless it was hard.

I will give Prelox Blue a try too.Do it keeps you rock hard too?

(06-23-08):nBPEL: 5.500 x MSEG: 4.250 x FL: 3.500

(10-24-09):nBPEL: 6.000 x MSEG: 4.500 x FL: 5.000

(Christmas 2009):nBPEL: 0.000 x MSEG: 0.000 x FL: 0.000

From my experience just about all PE exercises seem to increase my flacid hang. I’ve had dramatic increase so far, but I think I think I can mostly attribute the growth to the use of an ADS. You may wish to look into one, I suggest VacExtender. :D

Originally Posted by collegeguy5
Yeah, I agree sparky. That’s actually how I look at it, I’m not linking the two together, but hey.. This is PE forum after all.

I tried being careful, I guess next time I can try being even more careful.. Or more clever. I am so defeated right now.

You know, its the same advice I’d give my daughters. What do you want?

If you just want a hot toss in the sheets, then have at it. If you are looking for a more serious relationship, then take the time to get to know the guy before the sex starts. As soon as sex starts, it really clouds the issue of who the person truly is. You skip straight to “making it work” phase.

I think for any real relationship to have a chance in hell to really work, you have to have friendship as the foundation. Love comes and goes, but if the basis is friendship, that means YOU TRULY LIKE WHO THE PERSON IS, and that is based on respecting the person, BECAUSE THEY HAVE EARNED RESPECT! Admiring who that person is, the type of person you are proud to know. That you LIKE what that person is all about, and visa versa…THEN you have a foundation for real friendship, which then lays the foundation for a long lasting love relationship.

If its based on a great ass and nice clothes, a pretty face…that can fade in one moment of a ugly heart showing itself through words and actions.

Like I said, you really have to ask what you really are looking for.


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