Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Getting massive gains from/and climaxing without ejaculation

Originally Posted by chubypeckerwood
I realize a picture is worth a thousand words, and in regard to my clamping routine and pressure socks, pictures will be forth coming. But presently I’m traveling, and taking a break from my routine, so it won’t be for another ten days before I can upload some pictures. In the meantime I will try to answer some of the questions posed here.
I hand sew all of my neoprene socks. I use a heavy polyester thread, and use a running stitch, so that it stretches along with the neoprene. I find neoprene at thrift stores, as many people give their old wet suits away.
As far as any advice I could add to what Mantak Chia has already said about restricting one sperm from ejaculating during orgasm I can’t say it any better than Bearded Dragon. It is, I think, mostly about developing very strong kegel muscles, and perhaps something to do with the ability to pull ones nuts up in tight. I’ve noticed my balls are always pulled in tight while I’m erect, and mostly too when I’m not. I think this is unusual for a dude as old as me. But the thing you should know is that it really works for birth control. I’ve had thousands of orgasms inside various women, with no undesired consequence. This practice should be taught in school.
Dicker seems to understand the mechanics of the pressure sock. It has to be such that it allows for more than 100%. This took me ages to work out. Just being able to fit a series of socks that fit comfortably over my entire organ was pains taking. I did not realize how much I had. A lot of dick is sort of hidden from us, and needs to be coaxed out. It’s probably a bit more difficult for those of us that have had the misfortune of being circumcised. It may require a lot of simple stretching before one is able to access it with the sock, at which point one can then get a clamp around it, and begin to work on girth. I didn’t start to even think about a form fitting pressure sock until I had already been stretching for many years. When I started to design my sock I was 7 1/2 long, 5 1/2 circumference. That was 15 years worth of PE already under my belt. I started at 6 by 4 1/2.
I should put another warning in here for any beginners reading this. You can’t just start off clamping and squeezing your dick very hard at all, you’ll fuck it up big time.
But if you do hurt your self, putting it under a bit of even pressure will help in healing, as long as you are in no way restricting blood flow.
As for my experiences with woman, many of which have been with prostitutes, they have been varied. Some woman were initially horrified upon first sight. One was entirely incredulous, thinking I had slipped on a life-like dildo. She had to perform a close up inspection before she believed it actually belonged on my body. You might think this experience was an ego booster, but strangely it was not. I love to hear, “wow!” Or “Oh my god!” But when some whore starts hunting around for the zipper or whatever,.well. One whore, however, let me off for free, and had me back a few more times on the house. Most wanted to charge me double. As for the woman who have given their bodies to me freely, well,.. Of course, I always enjoy it. I have to go slow, lots of fore play, bla bla, get’ m super wet. Even then some chicks just don’t get off on it, I still don’t care. I’m pretty sure most of these woman could come around to enjoying it, if I had the patience and whatnot, but alas.. And I think I now know how to use it better. If I start off the first couple times only inserting my gland, like I did with my present girlfriend, it is a win. She was dubious in the beginning, but curious. I had told her I was large, and when she saw it she said I was the biggest she had ever seen, times two. As pathetic as it may sound, I will never get tired of hearing that my lover is impressed with my size. The foreplay with her lasted for days, and I think it may have been the best plan I ever came up with. First, she knew what to expect, so it was no surprise, and she wasn’t scared; I had already told her that we could take plenty of time, weeks if necessary to achieve penetration. This got her very aroused, and even doubtful that I was telling her the truth.. So I showed her a picture. Later, she told me that it was the openness we shared with our sexuality that she really enjoyed, not the fact that I am big but rather that I was open with it. I’ve been with her now for two months, and she now informs me that she absolutely loves the way I can full-fill her, and is entirely converted. Maybe just talk, but she sure looks like she is in heaven when I’m bottoming out inside her and she can still get a hand half way around my base shaft.
I’ve spent so much time and energy at this, it should probably be illegal. But now that I’ve achieved what I started out to do, I can safely tell all of you that it was well worth it.

Does the kegeling not intefere with the sensation of orgasm?

Wow! So huge, you were getting it free?! (Speechless.)
It sounds like the ladies could barely handle you! I suspect that a lot of guys would probably walk around all day with their chest stuck out after nights like that.
It’s great also that you found a way to give pleasure while helping them to bear the incredible size!
Foreplay for days? I think she must have been super engorged and ready for it after that amount of play! So she was made super happy by you letting her know upfront about your size and both of you getting to discuss it instead of it being a surprise? Wow! Good to know!
Your PE success is monumental and makes you a model of inspiration for many! 😉

Relentless dedication and commitment to PE and success in life. Where will you be in 10 years? Are you getting all of the available output?

Thanks, KC, for the kind words.
In regard to the pleasure sensation I receive during an orgasm in which I restrict all seminal fluid from’s different. Still very pleasurable, but different. I don’t get that sense of letting go. But afterward I’m not spent, and can keep going if I want to, although it does take some of the edge off, I guess meaning that tremendous need to climax is greatly diminished. It’s difficult to explain. I’ve noticed that over the years sex has seemed to just keep getting better. The sensations I receive before climax are more.more. How to put it? It’s like all of my organ is feeling the way only a small portion of it would many years ago. It’s just become more sensitive, or more of it has become sensitive. Both probably.

And I’m thinking I aught to say something to the colloidal copper doubter. I could change some of the words around, and you would sound just like all the p.e. Doubters. Let me just say, simply, people need to do their own research. I did mine, lots of it. That’s why I started making and using it. And yes of course he’s right when he says you can poison yourself with “too much”. Duh. Too much of anything can poison you. But I think it would be impossible to poison one’s self with topical applications of colloidal copper. I like to learn from experience. Mine suggests colloidal copper has easily noticeable benefits. My tan lasts longer. My skin is no longer subject to the tropical rashes I use to get, my hair seems no longer to be getting more gray in it, and my cock has grown strong and large. Yea, but don’t ingest very much. It goes straight to the brain and will bring on instant nausea. I will on occasion put very small amounts in with my coconut juice, or huckleberries. But listen to me people. There is a lot of good research available to read for yourselves, but beware, there is also a ton of disinformation out there as well. Keep in mind, in recent years, two Nobel prize winners in medicine have both said nearly all disease can be traced to mineral deficiency. Also keep in mind that the most prevalent mineral, and therefore, probably, the most important mineral in the human body is copper. It has long been known as a scientific fact that minerals can be absorbed through the skin. It is no accident that people have been wearing copper jewelry for ages as a means of mitigating the problems related with arthritis. How many of you have actually taken a long hard look at the stuff, and examined its properties. It’s amazing shit is copper. Not only does it transmit electricity extremely efficiently, it also transmits heat. It’s very malleable, and has interesting magnetic properties. In its mono atomic form it can become super conductive, meaning electrical pulses can bounce from particle to particle without them touching. This is why copper is found in such high concentrations in brain tissue. You need it to have big ideas. I’m thinking you may also need it to have a big cock. I’m just trying to help. If I’m not mistaken, we’re here to try to develop some huge erections. To do this we have to become as healthy as possible. So I’m here to tell you, think minerals/healthy food, think exercise, think joy.

Right, do your researches, yes copper can enter the body through skin
http://www.atsd … p?id=204&tid=37

beside tht, you said this

Originally Posted by chubypeckerwood
….. About 5 years back, I started making colloidal copper, and applying it to my skin, and even ingesting small amounts of it. …

which is simply retarded. I am getting tired of your attitude and bullshits, Chubby.

lol the science police around. Everything that is not proven by science or cherrypicking studies will be put down.
Its getting disgusting mizrachi. I wonder what people do on a Penis enlargement board if they only do what is proven by peer reviewed science ???

Due to the high amount of zinc in the food and supps taken it might make sense taking copper. But thats of course only my unscientific opinion on a penis board :D

It is proven by science that copper is poisoning, Dickerschwanz, so I don’t get your point. I see you like to believe about anything, but thanksfully most of members here have a bit more critic sense.

Any mineral can lead to toxicity if taken one sided and too much.

Copper toxicity is rarely seen and mostly associated with eating out of copper dishes for many years.
If you look at the intake of zinc via many supplements, an extra intake of copper makes sense as zinc depletes copper.
Bodybuilders taking ZMA or guys taking zinc for ejaculation increase should have that in mind.

I try to have a rather balanced look at such things and wouldnt base my opinion on one study.
Copper | Linus Pauling Institute | Oregon State University is a good balanced non fear mongering article by the linus pauling institute.

That’ balanced non fear mongering article’ says that copper deficiency is uncommon while (A)’prospective cohort study in 4,035 middle-aged men reported that high serum copper levels were significantly related to a 50% increase in all-cause mortality; ‘. And it is unlikely that any of those men used to put colloidal copper on their skin or even eat it, so go figure how good is copper for your health. Then again I don’t see your point Dicker. You are free to believe that copper makes your penis bigger, mizguy is free to post that more copper is not good for health neither will make your penis bigger. It seems it is you trying to do the ‘science police’.



There are very few studies on PE, but their are 1000s of studies with copper. Saying PE is like supplementing with colloidal copper is wrong. Additionally, copper is not even on the top 10 of most abundant metals in your body, and it is a fraction of the total amount of calcium you have in your body.

I’m not aware of any good research out there, would you be willing to link to a paper or two that demonstrates what you are saying? Then maybe I can see where you are coming from. That’s the problem with anecdotal evidence, perhaps you really feel these effects, but you may be an outlier or have some copper transport disease which benefits from high levels of copper. It’s just not safe to recommend potentially harmful supplementation without a disclaimer.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
lol the science police around. Everything that is not proven by science or cherrypicking studies will be put down.
Its getting disgusting mizrachi. I wonder what people do on a Penis enlargement board if they only do what is proven by peer reviewed science ???

First off, do not change my name to infer that I am Jewish. It reeks of bigotry and racism.

Second, there is a difference between a lack of evidence (PE) and NEGATIVE evidence (Too much copper). While there is no scientific evidence that PE works, there is none that it doesn’t either. That’s not the same for copper, there is evidence that supplementation is harmful. We should utilize the evidence that correlates with PE, i.e. heat is good and avoid the things that science says are bad venous leaks etc.

Imagine where we would be if we ignored all of the science tangential to PE. We would all ice our dick and then yank it as hard as we could repeatedly until we achieved the holy grail of non-scientific PE, blood from our urethra!

Let me make this abundantly clear, most people do not need any copper supplementation, and adding more could make you sick.

Originally Posted by mizguy12
First off, do not change my name to infer that I am Jewish. It reeks of bigotry and racism.

The inference is all yours at this point, I think you should allow Dicker to explain what he meant, if anything, by the misspelling before you start calling him a racist.

Ah, well. I explain myself.
I admit my reactions are still from another thread about circumcision and probably a bit(!) off.
I felt like there was huge bias towards that theme by him, twisting(IMO) scientific reports to his favour while disregarding any “non scientific” experiences against circumcision. While he used science for his reason he appeared to me like hes just serving excuses for the ritual of circumcision.
I was in discussion about this with some religious people(from all religions) and they argumented like him. So I, probably wrongly, assumed he is a jew by his name in a try to “demask” his real intentions.
Nothing wrong with jews or muslims or christians or tribal people as long as they dont physicly harm little childrens genitals(male and female circumcision).. Again Im not racist and addressing a religion is never racist by the way.

So I reacted quiet pissed at his science objection at chubby, who Im interested in to share his long experience in PE.
AND I also felt that mizguy only interfered cause chubby was speaking out against circumcision in his posts.(isnt that right miz?)
Anyway, I will just block mizguy cause I dont like his propaganda attitude and Im sure I flip off another time.

So Im OK and I would like to be back to the topic. I have not much interest in arguing.
I appologize for derailing the thread and hope chubby gets into more details about his cock sock and other PE related themes.
Otherwise again.. Agree to disagree.

Well, let’s go ahead now.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
The inference is all yours at this point, I think you should allow Dicker to explain what he meant, if anything, by the misspelling before you start calling him a racist.

This is not a misspelling, nor the first time he has changed my name to infer I’m Jewish. The trend is pretty clear, I state a fact based opinion, Dicker responds in an aggressive manner. This is not an isolated incident, and frankly I don’t think it should be tolerated. Hard to have a discussion about copper in PE when a guy attacks me because he is paranoid about circumcision.

Anyways, I guess it is resolved as dicker has blocked himself from viewing my posts, which is just as well because he did not handle someone having a different opinion.


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