Well I had a very different picture in my mind, probably not due to anything you said. I thought the layers would have to be different lengths so that at the base, there were more layers than the tip, and more compression at the base to cause the clamp effect.
Turns out each layer is full length, and rolled on over the last layer. And the purpose of each layer is to capture additional base on the underside, each one getting slightly longer on the underside.
Do you make the base of any (or all) of the cock socks tighter in order to cause a clamp effect? For some reason I keep thinking there must be some additional base compression to get the all day erection effect. Or is compression along the entire length of the shaft roughly equal, and the all day erection does not depend on a base clamp effect, but rather getting a full shaft mild clamp/compression effect with just the perfect pressure?
I ordered a small sheet of 2 mm neoprene that was billed as “wet suit material” and I’m hoping it will do the job.
Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"