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Good Girth Routine??

Good Girth Routine??

- 3 min warmup with hot water in the shower
- 9, 15 second stretches in different directions
- 20 mins wet jelq at 70-90% errect, kegeling inbetween
- 10 uli #3
- 40, 5 second kegels in the shower

Please let me know I want to work on girth atm.

ModKaman EL - 5.75 BPEL - 6.5 EG - 5.25

30 second stretches are more effective then 15
If you are brand new to PE, start with just 10 mins jelq
If you are brand new to PE, don’t do the uli’s yet

If you are past the newbie stage in your PE carrer, then your original is OK, but still do 30 second stretches.

Hi Mod,

For me 2 sec for stretch hold is enough :D
Why? Because
1. I am believer of AI-stretching which developed as JAI stretch by Johan.
Something going on…
2. To hold stretch consistency in 15 ~ 30 sec is somewhat too tough for me.

Beside the Uli, another incredible PE for girth is Horse but strongly not recommended for newbie which could make your dick exploded.However high risk is high return :D
Horse 440


What is a uli #3

Originally Posted by optima
What is a uli #3

Go to Thunders Video Series. There it is explained in words and pictures, along with many other PE exercises:

Thunder’s Place Video Series

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