Hanging Setup Questions 2
I am hanging a very light weight (9oz) straight down while I am at my computer, until fatigued.
I’ve recently purchased a Beurer Infrared Light Heat Lamp (300 watts). It is recommended to use at a distance of at least 16 inches, I am choosing to use it from 18-22 inches as an additional safety precaution (dependent on how far back I push the lamp back underneath my computer desk). I’ve cut a hole into a white sock and tucked the hanger I’m using (silicone sleeve from autoxleeve) through the hole and putting my testicles into the sock to protect them from the infrared light. I’ll include a picture in this post to help you visualize.
Questions to ask
(1) I’m aware infrared light is absorbed into silicone, at the distance I am at do any of you believe that over a course of time the infrared light could be more damaging than helpful?
>> I should include that the heat lamp I’m using goes in 15 minute intervals and then has a cooldown period so this heating method isn’t 100% constant, but a majority of the workout is under infrared light. (which could be hours as hanging 9oz is very low weight)
(2) Does this white sock alone provide enough protection from the infrared light for the testicles?
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