Thunder's Place

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Has any one of you got a loss of sensation after making the penis enlargement program


Has any one of you got a loss of sensation after making the penis enlargement program

Just wondering

That said, no, if anything I have a greater connection to my penis than ever before. And control.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Really can’ tell yet. It’s been two to three weeks now that I’m doing PE.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Im with androNYC on this one, i have a much greater awareness about alot of functions going on in my penis. Feel alot more sensations. And lots more control

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

Long term: no.

It is easy enough to have short term bruising or numbness but it goes away. I certainly believe that it is possible to cause permanent damage if you are stoopid about PE. That is why we stress “safety first” so much with the new guys. Things like sticking with the noob routine for a bit and taking time off in case of injury.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I agree with the numbness in the beginning part. I hope that goes away.


I have lost substantial sensation in my shaft. I was doing manual stretching for only 1-2 weeks when I felt something go wrong (no snap, no pain) and felt a headrush and knew I had injured myself. For weeks the bottom length of my shaft was almost completely numb. And it was very difficult to masterbate, and erections were less frequent than PRE-injury. To this day (over a year later) I have about 50% - AT MOST - of the sensation in my shaft as I did. I am pretty pissed off about the lack of precaution in the manual stretching section about this potential damage. Now it looks like I am affected for life and just have to deal with it.

Well did you go to a Doc?

If PE is the reason, can you give details about how it did happen and why you do think PE is the reason ?

Originally Posted by hardcastle
I have lost substantial sensation in my shaft. I was doing manual stretching for only 1-2 weeks when I felt something go wrong (no snap, no pain) and felt a headrush and knew I had injured myself. For weeks the bottom length of my shaft was almost completely numb. And it was very difficult to masterbate, and erections were less frequent than PRE-injury. To this day (over a year later) I have about 50% - AT MOST - of the sensation in my shaft as I did. I am pretty pissed off about the lack of precaution in the manual stretching section about this potential damage. Now it looks like I am affected for life and just have to deal with it.

1) Did you go to a Doc? Sounds like you didn’t, Why not?

2) The “lack of precaution” in the manual stretching section, as you put it, is laughable.

3) You didnt go to a Doc, so who do you have to blame other than yourself?

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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I agree with Slack on this one, but I do have a question for you hardcastle, were you stretching using a Ford 150 ? That is the only way that a simple stretch is going to injure your penis. Otherwise stretching is the easiest of all of the exercises here, and the one that will cause the least amount of damage. And if you did not seek out medical advice you have no one but yourself to blame for the numbness to be continuing for a year.

As far as the original question is concerned, if you use to much pressure (or a Ford) you can cause your penis to go to numb. The nerves run along the top and so we do recommend the newbie routine so you can condition your penis to the new stresses placed on it, and we encourage (strongly at that) you read everything on the exercises. Using your head, the one on your shoulders, will protect the one between your legs. Listen to your body, it will tell you if you are doing something wrong. Honest.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Agree 100%

From all of the posts about trips to the Doc, the advice on the site almost predomninantly makes a point that Docs just don’t know what’s up with PE injuries. For about a month or so after the manual-stretching deep-nonpainful-injury incident I would get sharp random pains, And if I pressed it and squeezed it in certain spots the whole shaft would go numb and I would feel that weird headrush go up the back of my neck. It was like “telling” me that something is seriously wrong.

It is now 11 months, and my shaft was rubber this morning, but I tried some kegels today. They are VERY weak and I feel like I can’t control the PC (is that right?) muscle like I used to. The whole shaft WAS numb this morning. This is not in my head guys.

The head goes in and out of numbness depending on if I am pushing/massaging/rubbing different areas, trying to nurse the nerves back to health.

I really don’t know what to do guys. I’m pretty sure it’s nerver damage, but how can it be modestly sensitive some days and insensitive rubber on other days???

Has anybody experienced anything close to this???

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