Head Swelling Sign of a "Good" Jelq
I’ve DEFINITELY had some positive EQ signs .. Like hard as a freakin’ rock ..
But I’m still not sure exactly what I should be looking for on a “good” jelq.
I certainly can’t visually observe any extra blood flowing through my dick, so I’m hard pressed to know which jelq (grip, pressure, etc) is effective and which is not.
I HAVE been using my thumb and pointer of one hand to gently (but firmly) grip the tip of the head of my dick as I jelq .. And when I feel I am doing a jelq with adequate grip and pressure I can definitely feel the head of my penis expand between my fingers.
I’ve not seen any posts on this before, but would swelling in the head of my dick as I do a jelq be considered a good indicator that I am sending bloodflow through to engorge this fucker and get it to grow?
Just curious.
Also, regarding erection level for jelqing, I’m curious for the reason for the 70-90%-ish figures I’ve seen thrown around.
Best I can figure out from my limited experience so far is that if you are 100% rock hard it really isn’t very easy to squeeze much of anything, much less get extra blood going in .. If you are around 70-85% hard and you get a good jelq going, it seems to MAKE you 100%+ hard ..
Sometimes when I am using my power-jelq device I stop because I am like, “WHOA” I am HARD .. But then when I release the tongs, I realize I’m really SEMI at best .. Like 70% hard .. But when you jelq that mother it puts that extra blood in and makes it REAL hard ..
Is this sounding familiar to anyone with good gains so far?