Thunder's Place

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Help with further gains

Help with further gains

Hi, guys!

Just finished my 5th month of Newbie´s Routine with no gains. Since my 4th month I got zero gains in erect length and girth, but my unit seems bigger and wider in flaccid state. It appears that my erect gains stopped in the last 2 months.

The time of exercices were:

- 5 min warm up

- 5-7 min stretches

- 10-13 min jelq

- 5 min warm down

- 50 (2 sec) kegels.

Do you think that I should increase stretches and jelq time? Whenever I increase time of stretches and jelq, my morning erections get worse…Then, should I start doing horses, ulis, fowfers? Increase the schedule to 3 days on, 1 off?

I would like you to help me, please.

Happy gaining!!

Start: 07/09/08 - BPEL: 6.75"; NBPEL: 6.2"; EG: 4.75"; STOPED for several times.

----- Current/Restart: - BPEL: ~ 7"; NBPEL: ~ 6.4"; EG: 4.85";

Final Goal - NBPEL: ≥ 7.5"; EG: ≥ 5.5";

I’m kind of confused. Doesn’t your signature suggest that you’ve gained .4”? Looks like it to me.. But I dunno.. You’re the dude posting it. I’m confused though.

Wait, do you mean that in the last month of the 5 month period, you’ve gained nothing?

If so, I’d suggest doing one more month just to make sure you’re not gaining. If still nothing, then increase your routine to something a little more advanced. I haven’t had to look at anything on this forum for advanced routines yet [Only just over a month in], but I’m sure you’ll find something.

Happy Gains! :D

Second Attempt:

Starting [July 19th, 2013]: BPEL: 6.00" MSEG: 4.50" BPFL: 4.00" FG: 4.00"

Goal: BPEL: 7.00" MSEG: 5.5" FL: 4.00"

Originally Posted by MidnightSun
I’m kind of confused. Doesn’t your signature suggest that you’ve gained .4”? Looks like it to me.. But I dunno.. You’re the dude posting it. I’m confused though.

Wait, do you mean that in the last month of the 5 month period, you’ve gained nothing?

If so, I’d suggest doing one more month just to make sure you’re not gaining. If still nothing, then increase your routine to something a little more advanced. I haven’t had to look at anything on this forum for advanced routines yet [Only just over a month in], but I’m sure you’ll find something.

Happy Gains! :D

Hi, MidnightSun!

Yes, I was refering the 5th month! :) But yeah, it is a bit confusing!

Here are my gains:

- 1th month - Length: 0.15” ; Girth: 0.13”

- 2th month - Length: 0.13” ; Girth: 0.00”

- 3th month - Length: - 0.12”; Girth: 0.05” in girth.

- 4th month - Length: 0”: Girth: 0”

- 5th month - Length: 0”: Girth: 0”

TOTAL: - Length: 0.4” ; Girth: 0.18”

My girth almost stopped after my first month…

Thanks for you help!

Start: 07/09/08 - BPEL: 6.75"; NBPEL: 6.2"; EG: 4.75"; STOPED for several times.

----- Current/Restart: - BPEL: ~ 7"; NBPEL: ~ 6.4"; EG: 4.85";

Final Goal - NBPEL: ≥ 7.5"; EG: ≥ 5.5";

Originally Posted by fabio_p_lemos
Hi, MidnightSun!

Yes, I was refering the 5th month! :) But yeah, it is a bit confusing!

Here are my gains:

- 1th month - Length: 0.15” ; Girth: 0.13”

- 2th month - Length: 0.13” ; Girth: 0.00”

- 3th month - Length: - 0.12”; Girth: 0.05” in girth.

- 4th month - Length: 0”: Girth: 0”

- 5th month - Length: 0”: Girth: 0”

TOTAL: - Length: 0.4” ; Girth: 0.18”

My girth almost stopped after my first month..

Thanks for you help!

Okay, Well, now I understand a little bit more. But still, those are some good gains you have there. But the body needs to adapt to it’s surroundings and it’s actions. It’s like immunities to colds and viruses. The body adapts, and eventually it doesn’t affect on us anymore. The same goes with PE. If you don’t increase the intensity at the necessary intervals, you won’t see any changes in your gains.

Hope this clears a little bit out for you :)

Second Attempt:

Starting [July 19th, 2013]: BPEL: 6.00" MSEG: 4.50" BPFL: 4.00" FG: 4.00"

Goal: BPEL: 7.00" MSEG: 5.5" FL: 4.00"

Unless I misunderstood, I think the goal is to increase to 10 minutes of stretches and 30 minutes of Jelgs after 6 weeks. You seem to have stayed at the introduction levels for 6 months. May want to consider adding a 1 minutes of stretches each weak and 3 minutes of Jelgs.

Originally Posted by ShortSnotnose
Unless I misunderstood, I think the goal is to increase to 10 minutes of stretches and 30 minutes of Jelgs after 6 weeks. You seem to have stayed at the introduction levels for 6 months. May want to consider adding a 1 minutes of stretches each weak and 3 minutes of Jelgs.

Hi, ShortSnotnose!

Yes, that´s what the way to follow the Newbie´s Routine. I recall that someone (don´t know who…) told me not to increase that amount of time after 6 weeks, and to keep the 5 min stretches and 10 min jelq for 2 or 3 months. After that I increased the time of exercices and my night and morning erections got worse…! That was a sign that I was overdoing it. But, that is a fact, I mean, if one not increase the time of exercices, gains tend to be none.


Start: 07/09/08 - BPEL: 6.75"; NBPEL: 6.2"; EG: 4.75"; STOPED for several times.

----- Current/Restart: - BPEL: ~ 7"; NBPEL: ~ 6.4"; EG: 4.85";

Final Goal - NBPEL: ≥ 7.5"; EG: ≥ 5.5";

Yes increase the duration of your routine. A good indicator to know if my workout was effective or not is really pretty simple: is my dick bigger after I work out?

If not, I consider it a waste of time. Others may feel differently.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Another indicator of whether or not to up the routine, is the sensation you feel after a work-out. Do you get a temporary soreness, similar to that of a good exercise work-out? Not to say that you should over do it, but you should come away feeling as though you worked-out your cock, at least alittle bit.

STARTING STATS -- 9/15/07: Bpel 5.7" • Eg 4.7" • Fl 4" • Fg 4"

4/15/09: Bpel 7.2" • Eg 5.125" • Fl 4.25" • Fg 4.15"

View My Pics, Stats and Routine

Hi, guys!

After I do the routine, my penis always, always seem larger and wider. I rarely fell soreness after doing PE. Most of the time I fell pretty good.

My morning erection tends to be better when I don´t do sex or masturbate regulary.

Happy gaining!

Start: 07/09/08 - BPEL: 6.75"; NBPEL: 6.2"; EG: 4.75"; STOPED for several times.

----- Current/Restart: - BPEL: ~ 7"; NBPEL: ~ 6.4"; EG: 4.85";

Final Goal - NBPEL: ≥ 7.5"; EG: ≥ 5.5";

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