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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How do I keep hard


How do I keep hard

I have just started PE the last two weeks and I am having a problem staying hard (or semi-hard) during the Jelqs.It feels good but I lose my hardon and can’t always get it back. I am a young 50 and pretty healthy.could it be an age thing?

Welcome to Thunder’s Flpeer!

When I first started, I pretty much had to have a porn movie going to get me up before, and keep me up during the jelq routine. I’d watch a little when I would start to soften, and then look away if I started to get too hard (you don’t want to be jelqing that thing at a full erection).

However, I got over my need for porn pretty quickly, I’d guess because of the kegel exercises, and the fact that after a while my penis (and mind) just became trained and knew what to expect and what was expected from them. Now I can just massage myself to the proper erect state, and kegel more blood in as I need while going through the exercises. I’ll still pop some porn in for fun from time to time, but it’s nice to not need it. I’d be curious to see if others had similar experiences to this.

You might also want to look towards some circulation enhancing suppliments. Lots of guys around here swear by things like L-Arginine and Ginkgo. Check the suppliments forum.

Hope that helps, I’m sure some more knowledgeable folks than myself will chime in. But never underestimate the power of a strong BC muscle, kegel that puppy!

I’ve been doing the PE thing for about 6 weeks now and have just started to have a similar issue. Early on, it wasn’t an issue to maintain a 50-80% wood, but lately it is proving more difficult. I wonder if the novelty is worn off and my mind and body have now started to view this more as work than pleasure. I enjoy the work, but I do think its become a situation where it is more like work. I have recently tried using movies to maintain the proper level, but definitely don’t want to get to where its needed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kegal and the ogrip seem to help me.

Beginning mesurements

6'3 bpel

5'6 girth

Originally Posted by Eroset
However, I got over my need for porn pretty quickly, I’d guess because of the kegel exercises, and the fact that after a while my penis (and mind) just became trained and knew what to expect and what was expected from them.

That was just plain dumb, I’m sorry. :chuckle: After I got some more coffee in me, I started thinking just how dumb that was. I’ve made some pretty big changes in my life since starting PE, and any one of them, or the whole combination, could be easily responsible for the increased wood in my life.

-Went from zero water to about 80-150 oz a day.
-Went from 2 pots of coffee a day, to 2 cups.
-Stopped fucking with my daily multi-vitamin and actually started taking it every day after a meal.
-Added to the multi: C, Zinc, B-12, Horny Goat Weed, Super Omega Complex (Flaxseed Oil, Fish Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Safflower Oil) daily baby aspirin. More recently added: Gingko and L-Arginine / L-Lysine (and the morning wood went crazy!)
-Used a homemade jelq butter that was made with known vasodilators (so that stuff was being rubbed into that vascular penis network every day)
-Probably more that I’m not thinking of right now.

Any of that, in addition to the working out the BC with kegels all day, could have easily accounted for being able to get to jelq level and keep it there without needing porn. All of that could also account for suddenly having normal morning wood (and now it’s usually screaming hard), after never having had that most of my life (unless I needed to piss like a racehorse upon awakening).

So please forgive my previous post. :D Thanks!

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
Constantly kegelling during jelq, or at the start/end of each stroke will help

That’s right, I do the same, but not at every stroke.

Here are some tips to do while jelqing to maintain the erection :
- Think about fancy things
- Watch porn, or some sexy ladies pictures on your computer
- Look at your penis (and feel like you want to masturbate or something :-k )
- If it’s getting very hard or almost full erection, breath deeply and think about what to do tomorrow

Hope it helps and good luck!

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

I thought kegeling during the jelq was more of anadvanced routine?

Originally Posted by mighty sparrow
I thought kegeling during the jelq was more of anadvanced routine?

I remember when I first started my newbie routine, I was once recommended not to Kegel while jelqing, but before and after instead.

Hmmm, I’m not sure about this… maybe someone else have to explain very clearly why kegeling while Jelqing is not for newbies :confused:



7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

You don’t kegel like doing a kegel routine, but just a one off hard kegel to pump in a bit more blood. Also it helps if you jelq with both hands so that as one hand is sliding down your length, the other is clamping off the blood ready for the next stroke and if you get too hard just increase the time between your hand finishing it’s stroke and clamping round your base ready for the next stroke.

I also have a mirror at cock level so that I can see how my buddy’s doing and for visual incentive :)

I think kegeling at the time of the stroke would do nothing but pump blood behind your grip Formeandmywife

Said it correct kegel before the stroke and clamp with the other hand. I usually kegel two or three times while clamping with my ogrip then jelk while gripping the base with my other hand.

Beginning mesurements

6'3 bpel

5'6 girth

I’m 95 and i do my jelqs witha hardon.

Kegel at the end of each stroke

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