Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I hate my life

I hate my life

So I’m about to turn 25 this month and my penis is about 5.5” erect and 4.5” girth. I’m fairly skinny guy.
I have an amazing girlfriend who I love so much but I’m pretty sure I don’t satisfy her completely in bed.
She is not a very sexual person, as she is still quite young.

I’ve spoken to her about my insecurities about my penis size. She keeps telling me that she doesn’t care at all and she just loves me the way I am.
But I just can’t accept the fact that I have a small penis and I want to be able to make her moan.
I’ve been doing about 200 jelq’s 4 nights on and 4 nights off for about 3 weeks and I’m really concerned that my penis might be getting skinner?

Stupidly I did not take measurements when I started..

I read some articles and forums online and some people seem to say that Jelqing CAN make your penis skinner?
Please please please tell me if that’s true or not?

The last thing I want is a skinner penis, and please guys are your gains true? Or you just making them up??

Last year I wasted like 700 bucks on an extender which did nothing :( now I am hoping jelqing is the real deal..

I am so upset about my penis I believe I’ve started suffering from depression. :(

I very much appriciate any advise or just any comments anyone has.


All I can tell you is what it has done for me. I was 5.75 x 4.5 in November. Now I am 7.0 x 5.0ish. Stick with it. I didn’t notice any size gains until mid January. It works.

Hey there, I Understand where your coming from mate I was the same starting size as you and had the same thoughts. Believe your girl when she says she loves you and your size doesn’t bother her, because it’s your insecurities not hers. Try not to let the thought of sexual inadequacy creep into your life it can ruin relationships. Instead stick to your P.E, be patient and as your dick grows so will your confidence.

Nov 2009- 5.5 bpel - 4.3 mseg ------ Jan 20012- 6.75 bpel - 4.7 mseg

Short term goal 7 x 5

Goal 7.5 x 5.5

Originally Posted by griongrower
Hey there, I Understand where your coming from mate I was the same starting size as you and had the same thoughts. Believe your girl when she says she loves you and your size doesn’t bother her, because it’s your insecurities not hers. Try not to let the thought of sexual inadequacy creep into your life it can ruin relationships. Instead stick to your P.E, be patient and as your dick grows so will your confidence.


No smoke, no mirrors, it’s all real. All it takes is consistency!

THIS is a good thread on a great success story of PE.

Good Gaining!!!

Just be sure to warm up properly.

Please make sure not to over do it by using excessive force. Your size is good.

Have you heard of the ebook Oral Fixation? It’s very interesting. Using the concepts in there could get your gf more into sex.

Pussy Pounder

Keep it up , mate! Dont give up, and she will surely moan soon!

Inicio 23/1/12 BPF :11.7 - BPE: 17cm -GE: 12.8cm

Actual : BPF: 12 - BPE 17,5cm - GE: 13,5 cm

Meta: BPE:20 x GE 14 o 15 o hasta que chille!

The best thing you can do to keep your girlfriend happy is to love her, treat her well and be happy and confident. Stop with this stupid penis obsession crap! Moping around all moody and needing constant reassurance is the QUICKEST way to get her to want to leave you!

Work on making your dick bigger if you want, but for God sake, realize that penis size is the very last thing on HER mind!

How big of a dick does a Lesbian have? Do you think they can learn how to absolutely rock the world of another chick? Yes. So, knock off the negative attitude, learn some neat sex tricks if you think you need to (we have some great stuff here), work on your dick sensibly, and just FRICKIN BE HAPPY!

Learn to look at what you HAVE rather than what you don’t, and be grateful for it. There are tons of guys shorter, fatter, thinner, uglier, poorer, stupider etc. Look at the good you have to offer and the love and caring you can give and maximize that. When I was 18 I fell in love with a girl I worked with. Her boyfriend was a 30 year old Cop and I worked with her at a Burger joint. I didn’t even have a car and took the bus to work and back. The Cop was good looking, had his own house, fancy cars etc. I thought, “how can I compete”? I realized that no one could love her the way I could…and went for it.

No matter what you are or have in life, if you concentrate on what you DON’T HAVE…you will be unhappy and insecure! The secret of life is concentrating on what you have and being grateful for it. Of course, work on your flaws, but lead with your positive traits. And above all, realize that a happy person is a very attractive person, and stop making yourself miserable with these stupid head trips. You ever spend time with a depressed, sad and mopey girl? Real treat isn’t it?

You keep talking to her about your small dick insecurities, she just might start believing that bigger IS better if you keep insisting that it is!

I’m guessing the real issue here is depression. If this is the case, nothing is going to work because you will not do things properly. I would check your mood with a psychologist or at least a common Physician.

As a side not, no PE technique can make your penis skinner, except for just a few hours.

Sparkyx gave you the best advice. I know it’s hard to do, but don’t obsess over it. All guys have insecurities. I think that the best thing would be not to even say anything about it to your girl. But you already did that; at least don’t do it any more. Because although girls like it when you show vulnerability, they don’t want or need to know all of our insecurities. The worst you can do is obsess about it and let her know that. That will drive her away. Because no matter your dick size, what girls dig most is confidence.

You don’t have confidence? Start acting like you do - and you will probably get it for real. I think that the difference from real and phony confidence is experience. You get confident by acting confident at first, and then you realize that no matter your limits, you are capable of doing things.

One more thing. You are younger then me, and I get the feeling that you are not very experienced sexually. So know this - the person that you love won’t necessarily be the person you had the best sex with. Sex with the person you love doesn’t need to be the greatest ever, but it needs to work. You both have to be satisfied with it. But just because you think that you don’t satisfy her completely, doesn’t mean it’s true.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Gains are real, check my signature, I started april 2011. At least you have a girlfriend, I’m too scared to get one with this size i’m currently having. I’m more obsessed than you. And I’m super shy.

But I will reach my goals. In this life, or the next. And the same will happen to you!

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Do not ever, ever, ever share your penis insecurities with your significant other. Ever. Then she will turn into a size queen simply so she doesn’t have to listen to whoever she is dating whine about their penis size. Harsh, I know, but you need to hear it.

Originally Posted by ashnan
So I’m about to turn 25 this month and my penis is about 5.5” erect and 4.5” girth. I’m fairly skinny guy.
I have an amazing girlfriend who I love so much but I’m pretty sure I don’t satisfy her completely in bed.
She is not a very sexual person, as she is still quite young.

You penis is not all that tiny. Try somehow to take a “time out” of this penis size-concern, and experiment and have fun with her in bed. If you are more sexual person you can surly introduce her to have more fun. And remember that being sexual is not all about penis size.

Originally Posted by ashnan

I’ve been doing about 200 jelq’s 4 nights on and 4 nights off for about 3 weeks and I’m really concerned that my penis might be getting skinner?

You should include stretching, from my experience jelqing and stretching gives more gains when combined

Originally Posted by ashnan

Stupidly I did not take measurements when I started..

I read some articles and forums online and some people seem to say that Jelqing CAN make your penis skinner?
Please please please tell me if that’s true or not?

The last thing I want is a skinner penis, and please guys are your gains true? Or you just making them up??

I haven’t heard of jelqing making your penis skinny.
You seem to focus and overemphasize negative aspects

Originally Posted by ashnan

I am so upset about my penis I believe I’ve started suffering from depression. :(

I very much appreciate any advise or just any comments anyone has.


If you are most of the time down, have negative thoughts frequently, it is difficult to begin with activities, you feel sometimes tense, care less, have lower motivation, getting worse sleep quality and appetite changes then you should see a doc. But don’t start with him about the penis size

And then IF you have depression you should probably wait with PE, till you get well motivated and can be consistent (because depression will hamper that)

STARTING: BPEL: 5.7 G: 4.65, NOW: BPEL: 7.48 G: 5.7 GOAL L:8.7 G:6.3 (old goal; L:8.0 G: 6.0)


Disclaimer:The advices that I give of any sort are just stated on general laymen's knowledge.


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