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Ideal warm up temperature - a myth?

Graal and alin, do either of you clamp? If you’re willing to do another experiment, it would be very interesting to see how much different the attainable temperatures are when there’s no/less bloodflow.

Originally Posted by Serenity73

Graal and alin, do either of you clamp? If you’re willing to do another experiment, it would be very interesting to see how much different the attainable temperatures are when there’s no/less bloodflow.

This is a very interesting idea. But I don’t know if with an “overinflated” penis, it would be easy to introduce the thermometer probe and… sorry, I avoid clamping, I have no problem with girth.

Originally Posted by Graal
I practice the heating, but it seems that the interest of this practice is disputed by some. Here’s a link to a site (in French, but you can get help through the automatic translation from Google:) ).

The person who wrote this text is a doctor specialist in bio mechanic. It’s even an expert in this field. He claims that limber up without warm up are more effective and he gives gives a credible explanation.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I agree with him. But this theory is very interesting and worth pondering.

The link doesn’t work to me.

"Conclusions: The results of our investigation suggest that
the application of ice may provide enhanced short-term improvements
in hamstring flexibility over heat or stretching
alone. Further research is necessary to investigate the possible
mechanisms for these improvements and to determine whether
similar results can be obtained with other muscle groups."
http://www.ncbi … n00020-0038.pdf

Little or no difference between heat + stretchng and stretching alone.
http://www.ncbi … n00020-0038.pdf

These articles are referring to muscles, though, not sure can be automatically transposed on tendons/ligs/TA.

I notice that when I first start with the mechanical stretcher in the bath, I can barely get the shaft piece which is screwed down to the top of the shaft of my dick attached to the turn buckles. After a few minutes in the the hot water my dick seems to relax somewhat and I can comfortably begin to elongate the stretching device in stages.

I spend anywhere from 20 minutes to half an hour progressively adding more turns to the device, to the point where it’s out past 7 1/2”, a half inch more than my BPEL.

I have frankly never tried to do the same stretching without the hot bath, but I would guess that it would be much more difficult to do the same stretching so quickly without the heat from the hot water.

Interestingly enough I have come to the realization that sometimes my dick isn’t ready to stretch no matter how hot the water is, and pulls back against the stretcher and out all together. I used to re-attach the device, but I think it’s my dick saying hey, enough is enough for today.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by marinera
The link doesn’t work to me.

Here is an update of the study. What concerns us is on page 13. (I translate the extract the best I can).
http://prevost. … f/Souplesse.pdf

"Do stretching when the stiffness is maximum

The stiffness is higher before or after exercise than during it. Now, for that flexibility exercises have a lasting effect, they must be able to act directly on the structures responsible for maintaining liability bone pieces and elastic structures of the muscle. Therefore, the best time to practice flexibility is when the stiffness is higher because a lower tension is needed for a same effect. That time is before or at least 15-20 minutes after the end of the workout, when the stiffness increase again."

"Do stretching when the temperature muscle or body, is minimal

Tissues are more extensible at high temperature (Lehmann and coll. 1970 ; Mutungi and Ramatunga, 1996 ; Nooman and coll., 1993 ; Safran and coll., 1988 ; Warren and Lehmann 1976 ; Woo and coll. 1987). Similarly, it was shown that the articular amplitude increase after heating (Henricson and coll., 1984 ; Stewart and coll. 1998 ; Taylor and coll., 1995 ; Wiktorsson and coll. 1983). A stretch made ​​under such conditions is certainly important but temporary. On the other hand, this deformation is more durable if the tissue is "cold" because the affected tissue reach more quickly the upper limit of phase II when it is "cold" than when it is "hot", for the same tension level (Sapega and al., 1981). For this reason, it seems that it is easier to practice flexibility after a workout than in the morning upon waking. But if we really want to make a significant impact, stretching should be done far from physical exercise, to take advantage of lower temperature and of increase in stiffness ; these two phenomenas will allow to obtain results more quickly from the same degree of elongation."

This fits with my suspicion that heating tissue to make it more elastic just means you have to stretch it a longer distance to reach its elastic limit.
If the goal is deformation then heating seems counterproductive.

I guess though you have to balance that against the benefits of heat in preventing injury.

Cold clamping or pumping anyone ?

Originally Posted by Graal
Here is an update of the study. What concerns us is on page 13. (I translate the extract the best I can).
http://prevost. … f/Souplesse.pdf


"Do stretching when the temperature muscle or body, is minimal

….. , this deformation is more durable if the tissue is "cold" because the affected tissue reach more quickly the upper limit of phase II when it is "cold" than when it is "hot", for the same tension level (Sapega and al., 1981). For this reason, it seems that it is easier to practice flexibility after a workout than in the morning upon waking. But if we really want to make a significant impact, stretching should be done far from physical exercise, to take advantage of lower temperature and of increase in stiffness ; these two phenomenas will allow to obtain results more quickly from the same degree of elongation."

I think he is mistaken. What he is saying, is that cold tissue is shorter, so, to break it, less strain is required. But if you look at the force required, I tend to believe a cold tissue requires more force to be stretched; so if your objective is to reach the elastic limit, chances are you’ll need more force on a cold tissue than on a warm one. Beside that, when the tissue is cold there is higher chance to cause a too big damage.

There are also many studies that suggests that tissue has ‘memory’; if this is true, it could kinda remember the length at which was broken, and will be remodeled just as it is needed to resist a bit further when stretched at that given length. (Hope it is clear what I mean).

I think it makes more sense to stretch the tissue when warm, then, keeping it in elongated state, cool it to ‘freeze’ elongation, so to speak.

That’s not how I read it.

He says “for the same tension level” the elastic limit is reached sooner with unheated tissue and “the deformation is more durable” ( permanent ?) when stretched cold.

That’s why I think he is mistaken. :)

I tried for the source he is citing, which is Sapega - Sapega, A.A.; Quedenfeld, T.C.; Moyer, R.A.; and Butler, R.A. "Biophysical Factors in Range-of-Motion Excercise." Phys and Sports Med. .

What Sapega actually says seems to accord more with what I’m suggesting than with his interpretation:
"Sapega et al.6 discuss the use of "prolonged low-intensity stretching at elevated tissue temperatures and cooling the tissue before releasing the tension." The patient is instructed to lie supine with the shoulder in as much abduction, extension, and lateral rotation as possible, holding in his hand a one or two pound weight if tolerated (i.e., minimal discomfort, not painful), for up to an hour. During this period moist heat is applied. At the end of this period an ice pack is applied for ten to fifteen minutes while the shoulder is still being stretched."

Shoulder Rehabilitation Part III

See also:
marinera - Loading, lengthening, healing.

This study also seems somewhat pertinent:
"Superficial Precooling on a 4-Week Static Stretching Regimen A Randomized Trial
Jessica L. Rancour, DPT*,
Megan E. Terry, MS†,
Clayton Holmes, PT, ATC, EdD‡ and
Daniel J. Cipriani, PT, PhD§‖

Clinical Relevance: Cold application, before stretching, does not provide any benefit to a stretching program. "
http://sph.sage … /5/433.abstract

But again, here they are stretching foremostly muscles, so it is hard to transpose results.

Originally Posted by Audacia
I still don’t buy into heat making gains come easier. I think it’s just a safety type thing.

Well done for taking an interest and at least looking into this though. I’m all for PE science progressing.

I agree with you, in my point of view I never seen warming up do anything other then heating the penis to prepare you up for the heat, after jelqing I barely put heat for 5 minutes sometimes I take a shower only, and sometimes I forget, until now I never seen anything good or bad from heating, other then making the penis prepared to take the stroke, in the end that’s my point of view and in the end the rest is the only thing that give you gains, because you will never know what you gain unless you rest, other wise you will have wrong measurement due to swollen penis from exercise

Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8

Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D

There is so much contradictory studies done by people so much more competent than me that I can not be sure of anything.:)

Originally Posted by marinera
… Beside that, when the tissue is cold there is higher chance to cause a too big damage.

I think so too.

This discussion is very intersting, really ; but the initial subject of this thread was not exactly the utility of the warm-up or not. The question was: is the temperature reached during the warm-up is sufficient to reach the threshold of plastic deformation ?

Well so far no one seems to have managed to reach the magic 112 degrees never mind sustain it during exercise so I guess the answer is no.

112 degree ? are you trying to BBQ you penis or something? and yes cold water will simple make your penis resist the jelqing, true not a myth , that’s why in winter your penis hang smaller then the summer,

Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8

Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D


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