Ideal warm up temperature - a myth?
From knowledge accrued on Thunders about the ideal warm up temperature of your dick prior to stretching being 112 degrees, I have been advising other newbies to warm up for 10 minutes minimum to achieve that temp. without finding out if that is even achievable.
Several vets. who have tried different heating methods including infrared lamps, rice socks, dipping in a glass of hot water, and finally the tried and true alternation of wash cloths out of a hot water basin, have said they much preferred the latter method, (Memento, Scienceguy, others), for getting consistent results.
I decided to examine whether or not 112 deg. is possible. To do this involved an unkindly procedure. I am not one to regularly push something into my urethra so if this is to be my great contribution to PE, so be it! My thermometer tapers from about 1/8” to 1/4” at about 2 inch penetration. (There are some, freaky females who do not want to be penetrated. I begin to understand.)
With ambient room temp. of 74 deg. f. and Howardson’s body temp. of 98.6 deg. F, the starting temp. of dick core was a surprisingly low, 93.8 deg.!
Using the two wash cloths protocol, alternating them on a 40 second cycle, I kept contact temp. at a level that was only tolerable—- aerating the cloths slightly if too hot.
Dick core temps:
At 5 minutes……………106.1 deg.
At 10 minutes…………. 106.2 deg.
At 15 minutes…………. 105.9 deg.
If there have been other studies on this I would like to know them. I can only say that without burning the hell out of your dick by some other method, I think that the 112 deg. where penile tissue ostensibly becomes plastic, is not achievable.