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Ideal warm up temperature - a myth?

Ideal warm up temperature - a myth?

From knowledge accrued on Thunders about the ideal warm up temperature of your dick prior to stretching being 112 degrees, I have been advising other newbies to warm up for 10 minutes minimum to achieve that temp. without finding out if that is even achievable.

Several vets. who have tried different heating methods including infrared lamps, rice socks, dipping in a glass of hot water, and finally the tried and true alternation of wash cloths out of a hot water basin, have said they much preferred the latter method, (Memento, Scienceguy, others), for getting consistent results.

I decided to examine whether or not 112 deg. is possible. To do this involved an unkindly procedure. I am not one to regularly push something into my urethra so if this is to be my great contribution to PE, so be it! My thermometer tapers from about 1/8” to 1/4” at about 2 inch penetration. (There are some, freaky females who do not want to be penetrated. I begin to understand.)

With ambient room temp. of 74 deg. f. and Howardson’s body temp. of 98.6 deg. F, the starting temp. of dick core was a surprisingly low, 93.8 deg.!

Using the two wash cloths protocol, alternating them on a 40 second cycle, I kept contact temp. at a level that was only tolerable—- aerating the cloths slightly if too hot.

Dick core temps:

At 5 minutes……………106.1 deg.

At 10 minutes…………. 106.2 deg.

At 15 minutes…………. 105.9 deg.

If there have been other studies on this I would like to know them. I can only say that without burning the hell out of your dick by some other method, I think that the 112 deg. where penile tissue ostensibly becomes plastic, is not achievable.

I still don’t buy into heat making gains come easier. I think it’s just a safety type thing.

Well done for taking an interest and at least looking into this though. I’m all for PE science progressing.

I use a different method not listed above: I expose my penis to the water jet of the shower’s lower faucet while covering my testicles with a termic cushion. The temperature of the water is very high and constant. I will measure it one of these days, in order to check. After 6 months of using this method, my penis has become more resistant to heat, so I suspect it might be reaching the 112 deg. I will corroborrate my hypothesis as soon as I can, and notify you.

Originally Posted by Audacia
I still don’t buy into heat making gains come easier. I think it’s just a safety type thing.

Well done for taking an interest and at least looking into this though. I’m all for PE science progressing.

Yea I’m not sure about that either. I think heat helps preventing injuries but I am not sure it helps with gains. I normally warm up in the shower with hot water, mainly to loosen thing up and get a better hang. I’ts easier to jelq and stretch then. When I pump I use my bathmate filled with hot water so if heating up helps I am safe when using the bathmate.

My gains didn’t happen until I started using heat. I find it keeps the fluid build up down when clamping or pumping.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
My gains didn’t happen until I started using heat. I find it keeps the fluid build up down when clamping or pumping.

If that is true I’m glad I use hot water in my bathmate.

The mechanical changes in heated collagen structures (above 39c) are well documented in the scientific community. It is not a subject open to speculation.

Is it possible to heat penile tissues to that temperature? Perhaps. Perhaps not. I would be interested to see your results after using 10 minutes of IR heat which is more able to achieve deep tissue penetration.


I seem to remember a study on heated collagen structures in cadavers only. I’m not contesting the theory, just the practical app. Sometime this week I will try with the IR lamp that I have and report back. I have thought, though, in my experience, the wash cloths produce the highest sensible heat but we will find out shortly. Thanks.

You know a really good idea may be to measure the external temp of the penis with one of those laser thermometers used in construction. If you take temp readings after exposure to a IR lamp every two minutes for let’s say ten of twenty min then you could probably get a better average warm up temp.

Of course this doesn’t mean jack s**** unless we get many guys to do this and account for variables like blood pressure and race.

I will do my best to find relevant studies on scholor google to contribute later.

I get the best warm up by using moist heat.

I put my dick into a cup of hot water and to get the same high temperature from my IR it would almost burn my skin.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

The body defends itself against increases (or decreases) in temperature by accelerating blood circulation. I’ve always been convinced that it’s impossible to reach the temperature at which collagen becomes highly deformable (42 ° C-108°C- according to my sources).

To check, I decided to measure the temperature inside the urethra (thanks howardson) before and during a warm up with IR. This is the warm up method I use since a few weeks.

Before the session: 34.1 ° C (93°F) ; 37°C (98.6°F°) is the internal body temperature
Maximum reached (after about 20 minutes of exposure): 38.0°C (100°F).

I thought about doing the same measurement after heating under a stream of hot water (this is the method I used before). Big surprise :

Maximum reached (much faster than the IR) : 40.0°C (104°F).

From now on I will use the IR to slow the decrease of temperature during exercises but nevermore as a method of heating.

Originally Posted by Graal
The body defends itself against increases (or decreases) in temperature by accelerating blood circulation. I’ve always been convinced that it’s impossible to reach the temperature at which collagen becomes highly deformable (42 ° C-108°C- according to my sources).

To check, I decided to measure the temperature inside the urethra (thanks howardson) before and during a warm up with IR. This is te warm up method I use since a few weeks.

Before the session: 34.1 ° C (93°F) ; 37°C (98.6°F°) is the internal body temperature
Maximum reached (after about 20 minutes of exposure): 38.0°C (100°F).

I thought about doing the same measurement after heating under a stream of hot water (this is the method I used before). Big surprise :

Maximum reached (much faster than the IR) : 40.0°C (104°F).

From now on I will use the IR to slow the decrease of temperature during exercises but nevermore as a method of heating.

Honestly I never understood why people use IR as a warm up method. Stand in the shower with hot water on the unit is comfortable and works good as a warm up method. Or just but it in a glass of hot water.

Originally Posted by keybord
Or just but it in a glass of hot water.

I feel I would look like a total idiot doing this, then again having a tight grip on my penis and pulling downwards doesn’t look very bright either.

On a sidenote, your flaccid is huge man! Wish I had that between my legs :)

Starting stats Achieved/Current Wanted/Goal

BPEL |15(5.9")|16(6.3")|17(6.7")|18(7.09")|19(7.5")|20(7.9")|

MSEG |10.5(4.13")|11.5(4.5")|12(4.7")|13(5.1")|14(5.5")|15(5.9")|

Be very, very careful when putting things into your urethra!

I always found that warming up helps me. Gives a good flaccid size to grip onto if nothing else. Also, I always do manual stretches with the first few stretches gradually upping in intensity. Warming up to me, includes sensible start up of PE, not just temperature.

But I believe that sensible application of heat helped me in my growing phases. :)

Originally Posted by keybord
Honestly I never understood why people use IR as a warm up method. Stand in the shower with hot water on the unit is comfortable and works good as a warm up method. Or just but it in a glass of hot water.

IR has a great interest : they can be used throughout the exercises. Other methods can not keep the temperature more than a few minutes (that’s one thing I’ll check by the measure). Obviously they don’t heat as much, but as in any case we can not reach the deformation temperature …

As for the method of glass of water, it can not heat the ligaments and the inner penis.

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