Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ideal warm up temperature - a myth?

Originally Posted by whynotbig

112 degree ? are you trying to BBQ you penis or something? and yes cold water will simple make your penis resist the jelqing, true not a myth , that’s why in winter your penis hang smaller then the summer,

It is known that cremaster muscle and dartos muscle are responsible for the retraction of the testicles. I’m not sure but I think they are also causing the contraction of the penis when it’s cold.

http://www.cirp .org/library/an … tomy/jefferson/

so the bottom line of the person who jelq and warm up with cold water, its the same as masturbating and directly start jelqing, because the penis is fighting itself any one agree with me!

Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8

Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D

If 112 degrees is the temperature that produces the most optimum malleability of tissues, then wouldn’t the closer you are to that temperature the more malleable your tissues would be even if it is not the optimum malleability? For example, say 112 degrees produces 100% increase, wouldn’t any temperature higher than your normal temperature give you any sort of % increase? If that is so than 1% increase to me is great and worth it, and surely 106 would produce more than only a 1% increase.
Or does the studies say tissues do not become more malleable at all until the exact mark of 112 degrees, and then suddenly they are changed in an instant into softer tissue?

Also if an increase in temperature increases blood flow to the penis, then wouldn’t this also produce favorable results alone even if you did not alter the malleability of the tissues since more blood allows and helps with a larger engorgement?

To those who suggested it would require more of a stretch on warm tissues to get the same effect as on cold tissues, I do not see how that is a problem since if they are warmer and stretch farther, then they will stretch farther with less pressure and you will get about the same work out but your tissues will be expanded farther which to me seems like it would be a good thing since our goal is enlargement?
Also if your tissues are stretched out farther while you work them, this would mean you are able to target a larger surface area possibly increasing the rate of your gains.

A larger penis with more tissues makes larger gains than a small penis. If you have 2 cells and are able to double them, you end up with 4. If you started with 8 cells and are able to double them you end up with 16. Wouldn’t heat allow you to target more cells and produce this sort of gain? (I am not suggesting heat creates more cells, but only allows you to target more cells to alter)

If you are able to get 106 degrees on a thermometer that is inside your penis, would that not mean the outside tissues are much warmer than 106? Possibly 112?

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by bluray

If you are able to get 106 degrees on a thermometer that is inside your penis, would that not mean the outside tissues are much warmer than 106? Possibly 112?

The thermometer is inserted in the urethra which is not deeply buried. For the other questions, I need to think about it a little more, and understand them correctly before (My poor English).

Any update on this Graal?

Originally Posted by howardson

I am not one to regularly push something into my urethra so if this is to be my great contribution to PE, so be it!

More pushing things into your urethra than I am about to do.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Pushing inside urethra.

erm, no.

Sorry to ask again but is there any more updates, anything people have to add? Its a very interesting topic.

I use an industrial heat gun to heat while I’m hanging,. And that sucker could boil my skin off if I didn’t keep it at a safe distance.

My point is that my dick gets really warm, way warmer than a hot bath, and I can feel it loosening the tissues as the weight pulls, so as hot as you can bear is the answer.

I don’t know what the actual temperature is though.

I got my first inch stretching in a hot bath for a half an hour daily.

And no newbie routine.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

My god a Heat gun, scares me for some reason but I can see how it would work. You could wrap your dick in a wet cloth then use the heat gun, would be a good way to get moist heat.

I think I will buy a thermometer and test Hot water/IR/gel Heat pad and If I can get a Heat gun for a decent price then I will try that too.

Would the below thermometers fit into the urethra, I Want to try this out.

First think of an excuse to mention at A&E. Can I suggest that you say you’d just drunk a hot cup of tea and were wearing a heated jacket with a butt plug attachment.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

bad Idea then?

A hair dryer might work in place of the heat gun.

I only tried the heat gun because I didn’t want to take my step daughters hair dryer.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by kbs83

bad Idea then?

Bad idea.

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG


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