In need of suggestions
I’ve been PEing for about a month now. My routine consists of a 3-5 min warmup under the hot water, 3-5 minute stretches in all directions, then 10-15 minute wet jelq in various directions (up-down-straight) and then some masturbation without coming as well as kegels under hot water again. I also stretch and squeeze here and there, throughout the day whenever I get a chance EG when I’m in the bathroom etc.. I do see some gain in length as well as girth.. About a week ago, my gf was wondering why it was hurting when I went in:) my erections are super hard, and she keeps mentioning it every time. I do take breaks like a day every 3-4 days or a couple of days after a 5 day streak etc. My minutes are variable due to lack of free time, but I tend to stay closer to the upper limits.. So I would like to hear all opinions, suggestions etc on how to improve my technique, whether I should move on or stick to this routine for a little longer, I haven’t measured it but I would say the length increase must be near half an inch, and the girth must and MUST be at least 1/4 of an inch as I can’t get a good grasp of it anymore and I do notice that myself. So lets hear everyone’s take on this. Thankin in advance.