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suggestions - for fulcrum hanging.

suggestions - for fulcrum hanging.

Hey guys,

I have run into a bit of trouble with fulcrum hanging.

Up until recently I have been doing jelqing in the evening and hanging in the morning. I was hanging with 12.5lbs 2weeks ago and due to a family emergency I did no pe for 2 weeks.

I decided to go for my length goal (8” bp) first and work on girth(6.5”) after I reach the length goal. I discovered yesterday that with out jelqing I can hang more weight. I was using 15lbs for 2 20min sets today and didn’t feel any fatigue until the 16min mark. I know that I am going to have to use more weight then I was before.

The issue I’m having is that my wrists (and fingers) get tired from holding up the weight for 20min. I need to find a way to effectively do fulcrum hangs without using my hands to hold the weight.

My 1st though was to use some padded PCV pipe to place under my penis between the hanger and my pubic bone. I will give this a shot this weekend and see if it works.

Any other suggestions?


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Check out jelktoid’s thread. I’ve used mine a few times now and find my thread spool is a little too big. Maybe a broomstick (or slightly smaller dowel) wrapped with some tape for comfort would work.

Buster came up with the idea of using a ring, though this probably works best with manual stretches.

>I discovered yesterday that with out jelqing I can hang more weight. I was using 15lbs for 2 20min sets today and didn’t feel any fatigue until the 16min mark. I know that I am going to have to use more weight then I was before.

You could try some Blasters or JAI’s for a few minutes in the morning and/or do them before you hang. They should help you get more fatigue from the same or less weight.

A New Variation For Fulcrum Hanging

Recently, I began a new variation for Fulcrum Hanging. I always use the Bib Starter to hang this way. I got a 1/4 inch stainless steel rod from the hardware store. I also got some rubber washers with a 1/4 inch ID. I put three washers on one side and then put three washers on the other side, The two rows of washers are about 1 inch apart. I then wrap a sticky ace bandage around the rod and the washers for about 3 wraps. This forms a slight trough. The rod then goes on my thighs (with washcloths under each end) and I sling my unit and the hanger and weights over the rod.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

my own complicated fulcrum hanging device

i built a sawhorse with 2x4’s (4 feet long) and the cheap aluminum sawhorse frame holders you get at home depot ($5 for a set of two — you need 5 4’ lengths of 2x4 — or 5 of whatever length you choose). i attached a pulley from the underside of the crosspiece — and voila, i can sit on my couch — handsfree — and get a very comfortable hang with the weight hanging from the sawhorse via the pulley …

it is more of a straight out hang, but you can get more of a between the cheeks hang by slouching in the couch and angling your knees up — there are a bunch of variations of positions you can get which i am currently experimenting with … sometimes the 20 minutes goes by without me even noticing it it is so comfy and i am almost up to 20 lbs. but usually hang a max of 15 lbs.

you have to anchor the sawhorse to the wall however somehow, because even 10 lbs. will cause it to topple over. a shorter sawhorse might not topple as easily. but i find 4’ about the perfect height.



sorry about off-topic previous post

i just realized that the fulcrum method has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with hanging via a frame and pulley. sorry. i get the fulcrum theory and am gonna try it. if it makes me 8” i will cry too.



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