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Injury question

Injury question

All right
I have been reading to figure out what this is but I am never completely sure if the thread is talking about the same thing I have. I was getting the doughnut effect from to much pressure well jelqing and trying some squeezes. Now I have a bump on the back of my shaft where the circumcision scar is. All I can see is dough nut effect type swelling but when I jelq it is like a speed bump. I have dropped the pressure but I still got a pretty bad doughnut effect just now. I am pissed because now I know I am going to have to take off. Any advice on what it is or how long I should take off for this? Should the stretching be quit to? I was finally doing good jelqs.

I figured it was the weakening that causes the doughnut effect to a more extreme degree? An edema?

I think you will have to take a complete break for a week or so to let skin and tissue heal properly.

To continue doing exercises.[, will only aggravate the wound and delay healing . So it really is best left alone for a while.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Also, because the tissue there weakens each time you do whatever to excess, there is more of a tendency toward doughnut the next time. Do what petit says and when you resume, use some caution in your exercises.



Thank you for the reply’s

I am going to have to take a lesson from some of the more experienced guys that were writing about what they did wrong early on and chill out. Allow the gains to come slowly instead of trying to0 force them quick.

Originally Posted by avocet8
Also, because the tissue there weakens each time you do whatever to excess, there is more of a tendency toward doughnut the next time. Do what petit says and when you resume, use some caution in your exercises.

I took a week off and I am still injured. I tried some light stretching and I think I irritated the spot. I jelqed for 8 minuets and at the end there was minor swelling right at the same spot. I would think that it was a good sign that the swelling was only minor, right? I have a feeling that this may take longer then another week.

I was wondering what you meant exactly by this message. Typically is it going to be very annoying now forever or should it be fine as long as I don’t use to much pressure later on? If I do things right will I still have to deal with this now, I mean. Also, dose this sort of thing tend to come up during sexually activity once it is healed. Am I going to have to worry about this anytime that I am having sex or hard sex?

One last thing. Is there a max time that I should watch out for? If it is not better after a certain amount of time should I be seeing a doctor?

It will heal. But we cannot determine how uch damae was done. The fact that it became irritated when you started again just meanshat you didn’t give it enough time to heal completely.

I’m aftead you need to give it more time. Some guys have taken a month but this is exceptional. So Give it another week at least - if you can a fortnight. Then start very very gently just carressing it as it were . If then it doesn’t recur then gently build up the routine, over a week or so. But dont start full workout until you are satisfied your penis can stand it.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Try heating and massaging that spot. Sounds like you have a gummed up vein. I got one after a month of PE and it took a couple months to heal.

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