Is my subconscious trying to tell me something about my PE routine?
Last night, I saw a dream where I woke up in my bed, thinking I had really woken up. My dick felt weird so I went to the bathroom and put the lights on, and looked down. I saw that the headphone audio cord from my phone had wrapped around the base of my penis during the night, clamping it, and that the entire head and half of my shaft had completely turned black, as if it was dead. Then I woke up for real. Of course there was no audio cord in my bed at all, I don’t go to sleep with headphones on. But the previous day I had done S2S stretches for around 2 hours, and then later bed fowfers before falling asleep.
Is my subconscious trying to tell me in my dreams that I did too much PE? Or is this just a weird coincidence. I’ve certainly never before in my life seen a nightmare about a penis injury.