Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is starting out lesser necessarily better

Evergrowing - I started PE to get a more healthy penis, the size part - if I gained any - was to be a bonus. I started with only 40 jelqs a day and progressively worked up to 100 a day at the six month mark. I still after 13 months, only do 100 jelqs a day and some light stretching. I have worked on bettering my technique since I reached 100 and continue to slowly gain. I started a 2 on 1 off routine. After I started to plateau (around the 8 month mark) - I switched to 2 days on and 2 days off and my PI’s increased dramatically and I began to gain again. So far I have gained 1.13” in length and a frog-hair over 1/2” in girth. My point is why not start slow and see if it works for you. So many people that race through the newbie stage and move on to more advanced exercises are passing up the easiest gains you can get from PE. “Less is more” works, it is safer, and maximizes gains. Good Luck!!


What a great story!!!!

I have been thinking that many who take it more slowly than the Newbie routine aren’t the ones doing a lot of posting.

I suspect there many others such as yourself; they don’t post much, or I haven’t found their posts.

Maybe there is a poll that I haven’t found. “Did you start out doing less than the Newbie routine?” and then of course, “How much have you gained?”

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Chrono, You are correct, I visit this site daily but seldom post because I don’t feel I have much to add. With the recent wave of newbies, I felt it necessary to chime in. I want to give back to this sight as it has improved my life in so many ways.

I do not know.

I do think that you don’t have any real down side with this approach. If you are wrong, or right but it doesn’t work for you; what have you lost? Well, a few months doing a very mild PE routine.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
I do think that you don’t have any real down side with this approach. If you are wrong, or right but it doesn’t work for you; what have you lost? Well, a few months doing a very mild PE routine.

That’s right. And I am thinking, even if you didn’t gain (which I bet you will), I think you will learn a lot about how your penis works. You will get your penis more conditioned for PE. And I think you will start seeing stronger erections than you are having now.

So really I don’t think there is any reason not to try the gentle route first.

Originally Posted by Pringles Can
Evergrowing - I started PE to get a more healthy penis, the size part - if I gained any - was to be a bonus. I started with only 40 jelqs a day and progressively worked up to 100 a day at the six month mark. I still after 13 months, only do 100 jelqs a day and some light stretching. I have worked on bettering my technique since I reached 100 and continue to slowly gain. I started a 2 on 1 off routine. After I started to plateau (around the 8 month mark) - I switched to 2 days on and 2 days off and my PI’s increased dramatically and I began to gain again. So far I have gained 1.13” in length and a frog-hair over 1/2” in girth. My point is why not start slow and see if it works for you. So many people that race through the newbie stage and move on to more advanced exercises are passing up the easiest gains you can get from PE. “Less is more” works, it is safer, and maximizes gains. Good Luck!!

Great post. Gave me a good insight. Just like what I needed.


Originally Posted by kingdingaling
Read this thread through and let us know what you think about a lesser routine.

Kevin’s log.or soon to be "Log"

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Yes, kingdingaling is right, I definitely should have referenced both chronostone's and kevin12's progress report.

But I felt funny about it without asking them. However since chronostone has posted here in your thread, here they both are:

Chronostone — Movin On Up

Kevin12 — Kevin’s log.or soon to be "Log"

Basically both of these guys started with "harsher" routines, but at some point switched to more "gentle" routines.
When they switched to "gentler" routines, the gains started coming.

I am pretty much just following in their footsteps with my light newbie routine. Be sure to check out their reports. There is a lot of interesting stuff in them, as well as in that NEW newbie + advanced routine

Best of luck!

Thanks for the links guys! Especially the diaries. Gonna check em later.

Originally Posted by Pringles Can
Evergrowing - I started PE to get a more healthy penis, the size part - if I gained any - was to be a bonus. I started with only 40 jelqs a day and progressively worked up to 100 a day at the six month mark. I still after 13 months, only do 100 jelqs a day and some light stretching. I have worked on bettering my technique since I reached 100 and continue to slowly gain. I started a 2 on 1 off routine. After I started to plateau (around the 8 month mark) - I switched to 2 days on and 2 days off and my PI’s increased dramatically and I began to gain again. So far I have gained 1.13” in length and a frog-hair over 1/2” in girth. My point is why not start slow and see if it works for you. So many people that race through the newbie stage and move on to more advanced exercises are passing up the easiest gains you can get from PE. “Less is more” works, it is safer, and maximizes gains. Good Luck!!

I think a trend is starting here. I think if the hard gainers could start PR all over. Like Kevin12, he uses a light grip, with lower slower reps. I think newbie gains can be a come back to old vets who stopped growing. Grip should be in the pleasurable range. I do believe Sparkyx stated this somewhere. I would add with a grip no greater than the grip used to masturbate with.
Great gains congratulations.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
I think a trend is starting here. I think if the hard gainers could start PR all over. Like Kevin12, he uses a light grip, with lower slower reps. I think newbie gains can be a come back to old vets who stopped growing. Grip should be in the pleasurable range. I do believe Sparkyx stated this somewhere. I would add with a grip no greater than the grip used to masturbate with.
Great gains congratulations.

Listen to KP, he’s the one that got me to where I am here today. “Grip should be no more than the one you use to masturbate”. He told me that a month and a half ago, and I haven’t looked back.

I’m a less is more guy. Mainly because I really don’t want to be spending 1hr+ on PE a day.
I’m in week 5 now, and I’m doing 11min jelqs 10min stretching, plus warmups.
I decided I am going to measure every 3 weeks. If there is not increase anywhere, I will measure the following week. If it’s the same, I’m going to either change it up, or increase jelqing by a couple minutes.
I won’t go over 20 minutes though.

As to KP and the grip no greater than the grip to masturbate, it’s kind of an awkward statement. I joke my bitch out when I masturbate, lol (maybe that’s why my glans is much bigger than my shaft), and it can very greatly from individual to individual. I’m sure there are many that hold it very lightly as well.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

I ve started 1 month and a week ago REALLY light jelqs. Recently I just said screw it and did 2 sessions of hard jelqs and now I ve got a bunch of red dots (burst capillaries) in the foreskin and glans that will put me out of jelqing until they re gone. Didn’t had my jelqing session today, waiting for them to heal completely. At least now I know my current limit and guess virtue is in the middle. Will use a not so light grip like at first but much less than my last session. Just a heads up from another noobie.

My progress

I wrote a big starting newbie thread but I haven’t seen it posted. I must have done something wrong.

I am of the same mentality as many of this post, of starting slow and going easy.

I am just at the end of a two week newbie program and am happy to say that
As of my last measurement, I have gained a legitimate 8th of an inch BPEL.

It was actually a 1/4 inch but I made the measurement just after PEing so I accounted for that.
Also, There may be some varying in the pressure against the bone, so I wanted to be real conservative.

I don’t think I do more than 100 Jelgs. The first few times I didn’t do more than 40 to 60 jelgs.
I don’t keep count, but if I was only doing 60 to 80 jelgs per session, that wouldn’t surprise me.

Time wise I am only at 6 mins. Stretching and 12-14 mins. Jelging and mostly only kelg while I am jelging.
I kelg when I think of it but don’t have a schedule for it.

Hey bggrsbttr, that seems like an awful long time spent on stretching, stretching to me is like a brief exercise getting your penis ready for the jelqs by getting it to the best flaccid state.

Originally Posted by Evergrowing
Hey bggrsbttr, that seems like an awful long time spent on stretching, stretching to me is like a brief exercise getting your penis ready for the jelqs by getting it to the best flaccid state.

I think there should be as much time spent on stretching as jelqing. Example, 5 minutes stretching and five minutes jelqing. If you spend 30 minutes jelqing your should spend about that much time stretching. Stretching prepares the dick for jelqing. But, don’t stretch tell it hurts. Static stretches seem to work the best. Hold the stretch out for at least 10 seconds. Note that Newbies should not be spending 30 minutes on any PE program until they have become conditioned for at least 5 months.

The same light approach should be used for stretching the penis. Think, long slow extending.
Remember to warm up first.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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